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Everything posted by brianthomas

  1. Its Christmas guys. Why do this to yourself during the holidays, focusing on the disappointments of the past? Think of the future & how bright it is now that we have a clear cut franchise QB. Hope springs eternal & i'd rather look towards the future than think of the past's coulda woulda shouldas. Lets beat the Patsies this Sunday! GO BILLS!
  2. Me personally I just think Zay would be better off in the slot. Asking him to be on the outside where he doesnt have great size or speed, where he can't get good separation, just doesnt seem to be working out... as many probably would have expected. Put him in a slot role, where he runs slants over the middle of the field & i think he can be serviceable. But yeah dude hasn't lived up to his draft position & he's mos def not a #1 wr. He's not even a #2 imo
  3. I don't pay for the BN but in the little part i read, it said that KBenjamin didnt know what to do, what role to play. Geez, how about just catch whatever balls are thrown his way? How about run routes with a purpose & as if youre running for your next contract? To many fans & observers alike, if KB just would've done that, we more than likely wouldn't be having this conversation... as least about him. Sigh haha
  4. I have 5 boxes of the Flutie Flakes myself. Hopefully 1 day those of us that have them will all get sick together
  5. They have workers there who are helping out with the snow removal, but also keep a general eye out over everyone. They'll generally leave u alone to shovel the snow, but if they see u slacking off or hanging out with a group of people, they'll come over & give u the ultimatum of either work or leave. I got away with doing as little work as possible when i was there before, but my friend was pissed at me bcuz he nearly thru his back out shoveling, while i was drinking a flask of whiskey with some guys & smoking, whenever i got the chance. Hey it was cold out there
  6. Just a word of advice for anyone that does this. Make sure to keep good track of the hours you work. As in the past I've known people who've gotten their pay hours shorted. Also they don't pay you at the end of the day. They send you out a check in a week or 2 or I believe u can go back there to pick it up. But if you're looking to get some quick cash, just know that you won't be getting it that day. Make sure to dress warm & it wouldnt hurt bringing something to drink with ya. As all they'll provide is water from one of those 5 gallon gatorade jugs... if ur lucky. I did this back a couple years ago. Dont think i'll ever do it again haha
  7. With Shady its hard to point the finger at 1 thing as the reason for his disappointing season so far. Because imo its not Shady thats changed, its the cluster***** problems on offense that we have. The line, the qb debacle thruout the year all play a big part in it. Its almost like the Tyrod effect, where defenses dont respect our passing attack & cheat towards the line of scrimmage. There's not a lot of daylight out there & as the game goes on Shady probably tries to make things happen where he shouldnt bcuz he's so desperate to do something. Thats not saying i think he's played to the best of his ability bcuz he surely hasnt. But i do believe the problem is more on those other circumstances than it is on him. Plus it also doesnt help your running game when your teams been blown out 5 or 6 or 7 games out of 12. Like others have said, this game isnt a make or break game for Shady. I wouldnt even put it at this season for him. But it should be make or break for other players. We're all counting on some substantial off season upgrades. Hopefully it happens, for all of our sakes.
  8. I'm happy for Nick as he seems like a class guy. But as a Bills fan i'm glad he's not on the roster anymore & as i've said before, I can't wait til Logan Thomas is gone too. How much time, how many seasons do you waste a roster spot on a project TE? He's been in the league 4 years now... i think its time to move on lol. Hopefully this offseason TE is one of those positions we finally upgrade.
  9. he's not the only one, Trumps 1st dinner as president was an overcooked $54 steak... with ketchup. Thank the Gods he didnt buy the Bills https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/food/trumps-first-dc-dinner-as-president-an-overcooked-54-steak-with-ketchup/2017/02/27/c98895b4-fd19-11e6-8f41-ea6ed597e4ca_story.html?utm_term=.aa3980deb838
  10. They won the game today behind a QB they decided to bring in & that in turn means they dont know what theyre doing? Seems like sound logic. Enjoy the win... We may not get many of them to enjoy this year
  11. well you can bet that our offense will be a lot simpler this weekend, given how Barkley has just got here. If he had more reps the OC would build upon that playbook & add more wrinkles & options. You can look at this situation like you have posted, or you can look at it how the coach recognizes that Peterman is hurting this teams chances more so than helping & out of desperation he's going with Barkley. Thats pretty much where we're at right now. Desperation time. Me personally, i hate losing & especially the way we're doing it, but I knew going into this that we were bottoming out this roster to make our move this offseason. I'd rather go thru these pains & be horrible, all to build this team to be a championship contender, then living thru mediocre 7-9, 9-7 seasons for all of eternity. Time will tell as it always does, but i dont think those preseason comments are nonsense. Its just that we're in a pretty rough spot & are just looking for someone to get us thru the weeks now lol
  12. True. But i dont see how he can come out ahead after forfeiting $14 million, plus while hurting his reputation in the process. I mean to make it up say he plays for another 5 years. He'd have to get a salary increase of $3 million each year just to break even. Is any team gonna offer him $18 million per year on a 5-7 year deal? After missing a whole season? I think he made a mistake personally. Perhaps his agent gave him bad advice idk. Tbh idk too much about the whole affair, but I'm glad he wasn't on our team. Any future GM's will have to thoroughly vet this whole affair before offering him a contract. If i were a gm i'd have a hard time offering tons of guaranteed money, knowing at some point Bell might decide its not good enough. Like i said i'm just glad he wasnt a Bill haha
  13. In todays NFL, short passes can act as ur running game. QB's such as Brady who can get the ball out quick with good accuracy just dink & dunk down the field & then the plays down the field open up. I'm not gonna comment on our Bills offense however bcuz we already all know what the issues are. We've discussed them in depth ad nauseam. I understand the frustration, i hate losing too. Heck making suggestions that we should throw it deep bcuz an interception would be as good as a punt anyways just goes to show how bad things are around here. But seriously, thats not how u win football games is it? If we're talking yolo let it fly cuz ***** it, then sure why not. But i think you'd lose the locker room at half time, more so then what might be the case already.
  14. I dont think its really fair to ding our front office for mistakes they havent made yet. I know this season hasnt worked out like many would like, but this team wasnt built to win this year plain & simple. All these topics are just the result of this bottoming out process. Naturally we're gonna see a lot of negative posts while ur losing, but as we all know, this was the plan. Maybe this offseason will go as the Rams offseason was a couple years back. Where we pick up some talent finally & balance our offense to the talent of our defense. Until then i guess we'll just keep on going in circles with the what if's & what nots & Allen is a bust & this or that.
  15. Zay has definitely looked better this year than last year... which isn't hard to do but nonetheless its still a positive development. I mean you can only go up from there, or be out of the league all together. I imagine with better qb play & a better surrounding cast his stats would improve. Pretty much what plagues the entire offense right now.
  16. in my defense i did read it on nfl.com haha And for the record, Fitz is the greatest QB The Bills have had since Jim Kelly. just think about that for a second lol
  17. I was just on NFL.com & clicked on an article about potential trade deadline moves & saw fan favorite Tyrod Taylor mentioned with Buffalo being a potential landing spot. Not only to be an upgrade over Derek Anderson but to serve as a mentor for Allen. Its almost too funny to think about but #1 is it conceivable & #2 do you think Tyrod would even be open to come back here? With how sick i am about all the Tyrod debates these past few years, its ironic for me to even make this post. But I'm curious as to what some of you guys think. Here's the short write up from NFL.com:
  18. Sites can tell what ISP ur connecting with whenever u visit their site. So if ur connecting from home often u wont have to login to view that content, since it already can detect ur a Verizon or Spectrum subscriber. Idk if thats what ur asking about but theres plenty of other ways to view sporting events online without having to pay or go thru hoops to watch it. If you or anyone else needs help in that department. Just shoot me a pm with what u wanna watch & i'll help ya out
  19. all these posts about Gruden saying how he's making moves to buy him more time. Dude he's got a 10 year guaranteed deal. Grudens not going anywhere unless they fire him & pay him all that money not to be there. Ala what the Bills would do. The only thing that makes sense with the Raiders is that Gruden is making the team into his image. Since is image is generally that of a failure then i'd say he'd doing a good job!
  20. For all those that picked up the Colts D, lookin for a freebie pickem, i learned a long time ago u dont ever bet on the Bills & u dont ever bet against them. Bcuz just when u think u have things figured out, something crazy can happen where a Derek Anderson comes in & lights it up with 300 yards passing & 4 tds. You just never know lol.
  21. what youre also seeing is what i call the Tyrod effect. Where defenses arent scared of your passing attack so they sell out more on the run. Thats why imo our running totals havent been good. (Also due to the offensive linemen who #1 some shouldnt be starting on any NFL team & #2 our run blocking scheme & some guys inability to execute such schemes). Its also why some of Allens best throws have come on play action. Defenses probably bite just that little bit more vs us. I mean why not? Its not like we can consistently punish them for it. But i digress. I'm not in the sky is falling crowd. I didn't expect Allen to start this year & didn't want him to. Maybe the kid in me wanted to see him, just like a kid wanting to see his new toys for Christmas. I am glad however that Allen won't be starting the next few games. Dude can heal up & get back at it in the 2nd half of the season to pick up some more reps. By the end of the year we'll have a better idea of where we stand & can make the moves to set Josh Allen & this team up for success. I know we're sick of waiting but all good things yanno haha GO BILLS?
  22. You neglected to include the following sentence: This was the Lego of offensive systems. Its inherent simplicity could be exploited to build any machine imaginable. For sure Charlie Weiss built upon the system & added his own wrinkles & formations that he felt were good. I'd think any OC should/would do this. No OC just takes a vanilla system & copies it, they form it into something that they believe will work. We can debate whether Daboll has been making the wrong play calls or throwing too much on Allen too soon. But on a straight concept basis, the EP system has less terminology for players to learn & a less complicated playbook vs other systems. Of course i'm no expert, just going off of everything ive researched into it & heard from other sources. And it makes sense. In our situation i believe our issues stem more from a lack of talent in key positions such as our oline & wr group. Not to mention a QB who came from the Mountain West in college which was one giant leap to the NFL. This team wasnt really ready for Allen to be starting this year. And #2 Allen needed tons of work, from his footwork & mechanics to reading the defense both presnap & post snap. With so many big issues where any of one them could bring an offense trouble, the system itself i feel is not the problem. There has been countless analysis done on Allen so far, and you can see receivers wide open all over the field. The downfield scheme has provided ample opportunities in the passing game. We just havent been executing on those chances. To me thats less on the system & more on Allen & his supporting cast.
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