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Everything posted by DasNootz

  1. John Belushi Eddie Murphy Phil Hartman Will Ferrell It's tough leaving so many good ones off the list, but the above spans roughly 4 decades.
  2. No memory of protests. People might have felt loyalty to Norwood, but he was never a dominant kicker, whereas Christie was one of the best in the game at the time of the signing.
  3. I'd also like to give Shady some respect for not complaining this season about his lack of usage. When we were looking like an all-time bad offense, I never once heard him complain about his blockers, the play calling, his stats or anything. Off the field he's had issues, but he appears to always be a positive influence in the locker room and on the field.
  4. 3 weeks ago, weren't we saying the Bills were a historically bad offense as well?
  5. Because "the process" says to start Allen and have him develop. Not everything goes as planned, but with purpose and a plan every step gets you closer to your goal. Don't let the results (stat-line) of last Sunday cloud the process. Matt could have easily thrown 2 more picks, and we'd all be over-reacting, claiming he sucks. He appears to lack the arm strength to be a long-term starter. Allen is our future - He has the physical tools, we just have to find out if we are capable of developing him into a franchise QB. You can't do that without putting him on the field.
  6. There has to be consideration for the compensatory pick that they'll get when he leaves. I'm wondering if the value of the compensatory pick is better than anything they could have gotten in trade and they want to keep his snap count up.
  7. In terms of record, you may be right, but I don't think many predicted we would be blown out in such horrific fashion on a regular basis. I have a hard time believing that with one year's worth of draft picks and free agent acquisitions we're going to be scoring 30+ points on a regular basis next season. Is our OC hiding 3/4 of his playbook so as not to tip off coaching staffs for next year's run? There seems to be little or no adjustments being made on the offensive side of the ball. Either HC, OC or both need to go now. In the real world, you hire slowly and fire quickly... hanging on in hopes of dramatic improvement from employees is seldom worth the risk. IF we do improve offensively next season and start scoring 24 pts per game (which would be a major 2.4X improvement), we're still looking at a .500 season... at which point we'd probably be making changes anyway. Even considering the "lack of offensive talent" on this roster... I have a very hard time believing that no other available offensive mind could muster more than 2 points in the first half of games (our average outside of the Minnesota game) or more than 10 points per game (our season average).
  8. The OP is the same type of guy that prayed for the levy to break during Katrina....
  9. While it might give him a boost, I doubt the cumulative impact would be greater than having a better LT than him and DD playing G. I believe he will be better at G than anyone you draft next season. You can also afford to pay him like a LT for a few year while you have a rookie playing LT under a better contract. It gets us through the window while having Allen on his rookie contract.
  10. Getting a stud LT means upgrades at 2 positions (LT and LG) all in one roster add, after moving Dawkins inside. Getting a LG instead, only improves one position.
  11. He had a glass background instead of the television setup... I'm guessing ESPN got the memo about ticket buying fans getting pissed off about their obstructed views.
  12. Probably nothing... but why is it when I see other OC's, they have laminated play sheets and look organized? Daboll last night was calling plays off of notebook paper and bar napkins. I imagine he had to be organized to coach for the Pats and Alabama, but he didn't give that appearance last night.
  13. If Witten said that KB "was one Popeye's biscuit away from being a TE", like Booger said, would he be employed today?
  14. Seems like a solid way to develop a rookie QB - fire his coach and OC mid-season leaving Gregg in charge... what could go wrong?
  15. Patriots tickets always draw a premium. MNF draws a premium.... the two factors combined mean if you waiting until after Sunday to sell, you may get face value. If you sold earlier in the seasons you probably made up for the preseason games you had to buy.
  16. Do I think he's worth a 3-5 based upon production - no. That said, I wouldn't trade him for less than a 5th. Despite his lack of production, he's the best bet (physically) to be a tool that can help develop Allen in the second half of the season.
  17. The Colts aren't putting up 30 without a defensive score or two. If Anderson plays, I expect this to be a low scoring winable game. 20-17 either way. If Peterman start, take the colts -7.5 If Allen starts, take the Bills and the points.
  18. The negativity comes from the fact that we're "Trusting the Process" that they will suddenly become good and pro-personnel scouting when we have the money to go out and spend... so far that hasn't been the case. HOPEFULLY we have the nucleus to build around, but there are other teams including the Jets in our own division that will have a lot of money to spend this year too, so we will still have to persuade or overspend to get FAs in the door. If Allen can show something more than 100 yards per week down the stretch, maybe the persuasion would be a little more likely.
  19. If Anderson starts next week, we'll know a lot about Allen's development. Anderson has proven to be a capable NFL QB. If comes in with one week of work and throws for 275 and a couple scores we know that it's as much Allen as it is the WRs.
  20. I think OBJ is an amplified version of TO... a better player, worse teammate and bigger headache. I honestly question his mental health. If Kanye West and TO had a love child, the result would be OBJ.
  21. For the 2018 season alone, there are few teams worse than we are... long term, I’d rather be this organization, taking our medicine now, with hopes of building something great long term than be a perennial 6-10 to 8-8 team.
  22. Sorry you had issues. We walked right into the stadium (12:20ish) with virtually no line. I did notice a big step up in security including the presence of the Erie County Swat in full tactical gear. I thought fan behavior was generally good - I'm assuming the heat cut down on alcohol consumption to some extent - a lot more water bottles my section than normal.
  23. For better or worse, we are married to Josh Allen at this point (I think for the better). We will be in a highly desirable position come draft time next spring. If the season plays out as many predict, we will have the opportunity to trade back and build this team for years to come and fill many holes through free agency. We knew this would be a rebuilding year - not a retooling year. Now that “rebuilding” has shown its ugly head,everyone forgets that this is what we knew we had all along... Two weeks of preseason and typical Bills marketing made us throw caution aside, and we drank it up.
  24. Mario was a FA that cost the Bills only obscene money... Mack would have cost draft picks plus obscene money. There's the difference.
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