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  2. Your premise is faulty. America as we knew it didn’t exist before white people showed up. The legacy of the “natives” is a brutal one. Human sacrifice and the like, often on a mass scale where any sort of real civilization had been built. Conquerors from Europe wielded the Mandate of Heaven and rightfully wiped away these savage things.
  3. You should have always been blunt. I literally just told you "Same standard for all is fine with me", and your response was that??? You're basically trolling me.
  4. Well, 8 seasons is more than enough time to "adjust." If they don't have it by the end of this season ...
  5. I wouldn't press the pencil too hard writing Coleman down as WR1. His range of potential outcomes also includes "inactive on game days" or moved to the slot at the expense of Shakir and/or Samuel snaps.
  6. Some "arguments" on here remind me of this Monty Python sketch:
  7. Just flat out saying it. We need more controls. Freedom only comes with more control. Lunatics.
  8. So, send all the white people back to Europe and let the Native Americans rule their ancestral home of America?
  9. The Bills started off the season with 5 WRs so I'll say Coleman, Samuel, Shakir, MVS and Claypool.
  10. Former Bill Marquez Stevenson the offensive player of the game. UFL OPoY Hakeem Butler didn't play his best game.
  11. That's pry the reason but the only reason I bring it up is Beane did the same thing with Howard's contract with an added void year. I just caution people not to read too much into the guarantees in Hollins's and MVS's contracts although like I said it's pry at least above 90% they both make the team.
  12. Badol, In fairness to that guy (you?), his guess as to when it would happen was closer than my guess. But I knew my guess was a guess. He was trying to claim that market value was already over $30M. It wasn't. There were no contracts in the range he was trying to say was market value. It was a dumb claim. It simply wasn't market value at that time.
  13. Today
  14. I'm completely aware this is what you think. I come along, point out where you're wrong, you say the same dumb thing again or even several times, and I see, "ah, another worm herder," and do indeed vanish, because why bother, the point is made whether you know it or not. You're consistently wrong, and are unable to see it. I was right about the WR market at that time. As usual you are mis-stating my argument as well as the facts. It's your M.O., getting things wrong. At that time only an idiot would have argued that the WR market was above $30M/yr., since no WR contract of over $30M/yr. had ever been given. By definition. I only pointed out that it was a stone-cold fact that the WR market wasn't as high as he was trying to claim. I noted that market value would in the future go higher. And that nobody knew precisely when that would happen. That it could either be a while or very soon. But it hadn't happened yet. That anyone who said when that would happen was guessing. Simple facts. I was correct. Whoever the dolt was who thought his guess was a fact, was wrong. I don't remember whether or not it was you, but whoever said it was wrong. Confusing guesses with facts is simply poor thinking. And by the way, I didn't say a thing about nonsense in this thread, that's you bringing it up in a reply, bizarrely. What is your obsession with me? I didn't bother answering but you recently started discussing me in a thread I hadn't even entered, without even replying to me. Just started talking about me? Again, what's the obsession, dude? I'm decent-looking, but nothing special. I guess it's your right, but it seems sad. I'm living rent-free in your head. It's just weird.
  15. Trump has a probation officer, lol
  16. I want open borders inasmuch as I want it to be as easy as possible to move from nation to nation, both with immigration and travel for education and employment. We have the technology to move anywhere we want on Earth in a matter of hours. It should be a simple process to study in Japan, or to live for a few months in France, and so forth. I think most cultures are compatible with each other, once the proper economic institutions are set up. Our cities were hodge podges of different identities that still maintained their distinct cultural values while occupying the same space. Bro what? Modi has the most difficult coalition he's ever faced! The right wing in India lost substantial ground! I'm so glad your ideology is dying off. "Third worlders." Give me a break.
  17. These inevitable posts are always some of the most illogical and pointless content of the year. Not everybody reads everything you do. It's a message board not a broadcast that everyone is listening to simultaneously. If you know what direction the topic is going to go and don't want to hear the same points, don't open the thread. Problem solved. You answered your own question with the last sentence of the post.
  18. Recently I reconnected with someone I grew up with which was real cool. Then naturally that made wonder whatever happened to Mr. X. Apparently earlier in the year he went missing. Then one comment said he was located deceased. I was initially pretty upset but even when I knew Mr. X he was always pretty all over the place and erratic. A long story short I wouldn’t put it past him how I remember him. There’s no actual obituary for him online either or anything official indicating it. But just how common if at all is it?
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