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  2. Belichick has always been good with Xs & Os.
  3. Do that question with a poll in a separate thread with all five of them
  4. FireChans: "Josh: “I had to rework my mechanics this off-season because my injuries had me compensating incorrectly and making me a worse player” Beane: “I want Josh to keep that LB mentality and never change” 2024 off-season in a nutshell. Response: points out that Josh was injured in the pocket, not while acting like a linebacker and running downfield hitting people Adds "I'm not Team All-Josh's-Injuries-Are-In-The-Pocket 'cuz it's not true, and also 'cuz bangs and dings and bumps accumulate and your body hands you the bill in your 30s and 40s. But let's not pretend that being a QB who stays behind the LOS precludes injury, because it doesn't." You're precious, you really are
  5. Well he doesn't need a hair deal anymore that's for sure.
  6. Homeland Education CDC Cut it all. MAGA - they thought that was some kind of racist dog whistle. Imagine being that stupid. We just don’t want to pay 14 dollars for a number 8 at Wendy’s.
  7. Beane was the angriest and most outspoken person over the article also. Makes you wonder.
  8. Fascism that is the antithesis to this country’s principles - but they don’t care. Bake the cake…… Add the USDA to the list of compromised institutions in this country.
  9. Today
  10. Priorities. President Biden is leaving the G7 summit a day early because he has a celebrity-filled fundraiser to attend in California. He is skipping out on a Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland. Vice President Kamala Harris is set to represent the United States in Switzerland. My first response was heaven help us. Who knows what kind of nonsense she will say or agree to? It's not a lot different than having Biden there, I suppose. The optics are bad, though. Biden is the president, at least for now. Biden's big claim to success was agreeing with other G7 members to give Ukraine billions of dollars in support of their war efforts against Putin. So, it's strange that Biden makes the big announcement of saddling America with a 10-year commitment to Ukraine, along with our G7 allies, and then skipping the peace summit. But, again, maybe not. Does Biden really contribute anything to these summits? His brain is mostly mush at this point because of the dementia. I don't say that to be cruel. It's the truth, we can all see him failing. We have eyes and ears. It seems to me that a fully functioning president would want to be involved in the peace summit. He would want to have his ideas heard by other world leaders involved in supporting Ukraine. America used to take the lead in world affairs. That doesn't happen with this administration. Biden leads from behind. He doesn't set the agenda. He's off to California for a big, celebrity-packed fundraiser on Saturday. The hosts include George Clooney and Julia Roberts. President Zelensky asked Biden to skip it and go to Switzerland for the peace summit but Biden is sticking with his Hollywood pals. Who could blame Zelensky for asking Biden to stay when he knows Kamala is going to fill in? This is where I get a strong chill up my spine when I realize that this is part of Kamala's on-the-job training. There is no way that Joe Biden will survive another 4-year term in office. If Biden is re-elected, we will get President Kamala. If that doesn't make voters jump off the couch and go vote, I don't know what will. Biden is certainly bad enough but Kamala would be even worse. This decision is a double-edged sword for Biden. He chooses a political fundraiser for his re-election over a peace summit. Yet, this is how the game is played. Politicians have to raise money. The top-ticket package costs $500,000. Jessica Levinson, an election law professor at Loyola Law School, said that it is a trade-off. For the majority of American voters, at a time when 60% of Americans say they are living paycheck to paycheck, this will look tone-deaf. Biden is having a let them eat cake moment. https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2024/06/14/biden-skips-peace-summit-to-hurry-home-for-a-celebrity-fundraiser-n3790285 .
  11. Biden Administration to Announce Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants Next Week JOHN SEXTON It seems Joe Biden has learned absolutely nothing from the border crisis. How else to explain this? The Biden administration is making plans to announce one of the largest immigration relief programs in recent history, developing a policy that would offer legal status to hundreds of thousands of immigrants living in the country without proper documents, four people familiar with the plans told CBS News. https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2024/06/14/biden-administration-to-announce-path-to-citizenship-for-illegal-immigrants-next-week-n3790320 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-plan-undocumented-immigrants-legal-status-10-years-in-u-s-married/?linkId=469729544 /
  12. Biden's Preparing a Mass Amnesty Push. Is It Even Legal? Matt Vespa Joe Biden’s immigration policy could be characterized as a failed experiment in chaos. No, that’s not accurate: it was intentional. The loss of operational control has permitted ISIS terrorists to cross into the United States. It’s underreported, but foreign nationals try to infiltrate US naval bases at a rate of at least two-to-three times a week. It’s a national security issue, and what does our president do? He’s prepping a mass amnesty push in a desperate attempt to pander to Latino voters. Biden is hoping to pass a new policy where anyone living here illegally for the past ten years can be afforded legal status (via CBS News): https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/06/14/bidens-preparing-a-mass-amnesty-push-is-it-even-legal-n2640514 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-plan-undocumented-immigrants-legal-status-10-years-in-u-s-married/?linkId=469729544 .
  13. I’m sure his agent’s next words after that to Jerruh always start with, “Hear me out…”
  14. When Will The Ministry Of Truth Shut Down The Lyin’ Biden Ads? I & I Editorial Board June 13, 2024 President Joe Biden’s reelection ad campaign contains a boatload of misinformation and disinformation. Will the censors shut it down? Will the media alert their readers and viewers to the falsehoods? We all know the answers to those questions. The political left is obsessed with shutting down any speech that doesn’t agree with its narrative. And it has successes to show for it. The Twitter files are the preeminent example. There exists a censorship-industrial complex, “a state-sponsored system targeting ‘disinformation,’” says journalist Matt Taibbi, who had access to the Twitter files, that strike “at the essence of the right to free speech.” Hardly two years ago, and just a little more than a year into one of the worst administrations in U.S. history, the Biden White House created a Disinformation Governance Board. Its mission was to do the “critical work across several administrations” of addressing “disinformation that threatens the security of our country,” which meant punishing speech the Democrats don’t want the public to hear. It didn’t last long. In less than four months it was dissolved. Turns out that people didn’t trust it. Many instinctively knew that its real mission was to censor political opponents and the free expression of private citizens who don’t hold the “correct” opinions and beliefs. {snip} --- examples given Liars are going to lie, and there are no liars like Joe Biden’s Democratic Party of 2024. It’s as if the Disinformation Governance Board were still in business and was dishing out lies rather than exposing them. But then that is exactly what it was designed to do. https://issuesinsights.com/2024/06/13/when-will-the-ministry-of-truth-shut-down-the-lyin-biden-ads/
  15. -Rex. A hot air spewing wrecker of an up and coming defense, clueless on offense and check writer his results couldn’t cash. Lowlight was bringing in his brother to help “explain” his defense to the players. Stole so much $$ from the Pegulas. -Jauron. Mr. Hey, let’s punt from their 35, just because you know they won’t be expecting that…especially ‘cause it’s only 2nd down! I kid, but only partially it felt like. -Marrone. Jailbreak move to abandon ship despite coming the closest to breaking the drought (not counting Malarkey early on), and his resting grimace face was a daily treat indeed. -OJ. What a waste of a post-career arc. Just as it was getting good between the Hertz commercials and naked gun movies! A tragedy all around, may his victims RIP.
  16. Drought era Bills in this era would probably trade for Dak and give him that contract.
  17. never been there. been somewhere near there on the way to Rainy Lake Minn. Seemed really nice. There was a bachelorette party at the local Bennigan's. That was nice...
  18. Well, that had to be fun to see, AAA level or not. Guess Cole is ready.
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