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  2. The interesting part about this is how the world turned 180 on this in the last 23 years. I recall after a terrorist attack on us, the world (excerpt France and their Freedom Fries) was behind us on the 2 wars we started that killed 1,000,000+ people, many innocent civilians. I can still remember watching us bomb the ***** out of Baghdad on Nightline. Why was it ok for us but not for Isreal?
  3. This was done due to a different lawsuit filed against nba and nhl requiring lower rates for just one team game access. no rules were set on how much that should be. ivr bern a regular nhl center ice customer for years t see Sabres games. I’ve seen the prices drop first after thr lawsuit completed, then after espn got the nhl streaming. Season prince dropped by $100
  4. I'm extremely skeptical about the ***t show that is Arizona.
  5. None of that changes the fact that if they do suddenly become studly, it be a very significant outlier situation. In other words, very unlikely.
  6. MOSCOW, February 9. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Wednesday said Russia doesn’t plan to invade Ukraine and blamed the US for "aggressive plans."
  7. Only houtpr girst 4 I der. vedted veterans don’t have to clear waivers snd go on thr PS like if Buffalo has injuries and want to put young te river on in season IR ot keep them because they won’t clear. right now I only see 5 WRs on the roster one more for returner
  8. Carson Palmer was awesome. He just played for the worst team in the league for too long. Him and Stafford should have had much more success in their careers. Unreal talent
  9. Keep making stuff up to suit your narrative, old man. You sound like the p*ssy you are. You can't even remember what you wrote in your own words. Pathetic. Go sh*t your pants some more you old buffoon. You are what the rest of us call an old, washed up, p*ssy. Laughable.
  10. another Chief arrested……at least that’s the thread title I would have created.
  11. Words cannot express how simple-minded you are. You're like a goldfish with a 5 second memory.
  12. I give you my favorite Buffalo Braves team, give or take a year. https://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/BUF/1974.html
  13. Oilers for sure. Islanders were good mention as well from the 80's, late 70's Candiens too. You didn't say Pro, so I would think UConn women's basketball under Geno is an top choice. Nebraska football had quite a run, the Miami Hurricanes way up there too with a bunch of future NFL pros and HOF'ers.
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