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  2. they 100% ended up in no mans land re clock. you don't start a clock draining/game winning TD drive w a 75yard bomb lol. it was another example of late game management getting away from them. also i just think it's too big an ask. if we need the offense to literally play perfectly to win we just don't have any hope of a SB
  3. I just looked up Bozeman. He was signed for 1-year and $1.125M. Seems like a curiously low contract for a veteran with a ton of starting experience.
  4. That’s fair. I think they ended up in no man’s land from a clock perspective, at least to start that drive. However, at the time of that fateful set of downs, we had the ball at the KC 27 with 2:46. I would argue that it is VERY possible to drain a larger amount of clock/TO’s there and still score. Hell, we didn’t take the field with Bass until a minute passed, WITH the 2 minute warning. I take my chances them draining clock and KC timeouts and hoping for the best up 4. The bottom line is we all agree a FG to tie or even an early TD is a loss there. Besides bringing in Aaron Donald to play for us for one drive, the ONLY way to win that game was to give the ball to KC with a minute and change and no TO’s and hope for a tipped ball pick or something.
  5. I would add, in my view the charge of falsifying business records on its own means little to nothing in regards to my viewing it as some sort of nefarious criminal act subject to imprisonment. There has to be a complementary or subsequent crime that is either being concealed or enabled by the act. And there being no indictment count for any associated crime, only some lame and illogical instructions from a judge that told the jury to pick any crime you'd like and as long as the total sum of the jury leads to 12 guilty verdicts, against no documented criminal charge I might add, then they defendant is guilty of an imaginary associated crime. You can argue the rule of law but they have the rule of law in North Korea and Russia and every country with dictators and theocracies but I wouldn't want to bet my life on that venue any more than I would a NYS court after this ruling. I conclude the entire thing is horseshit. So do most people.
  6. Last night at around 9 I saw this tweet from Angel Reese… By 11 pm ESPN put out this piece of news with the headline: Security steps in between man, Sky's Chennedy Carter at team hotel https://www.espn.com/wnba/story/_/id/40288404/security-steps-man-sky-chennedy-carter-team-hotel So here we go - it sounds like after 2 plus days of negative publicity for their assaulting Clark, the Sky have decided to claim that they are being harassed! Potentially worse! And ESPN running with it. Video of this “incident:”
  7. What the hell are you talking about?? Good lord, lol! You forgot to call me a Nazi too, lol! You leftists are so unhinged. Apparently you need a cheat sheet when someone brings up bird flu. Also, check with your doctor to see if there will be any complications from the vaccine and your hormone therapy. I hope your hair dye game is lit! Go get your booster!!
  8. But not Allen who was drafted 7th overall? ... and over Peterman who had done nothing special at Pitt?
  9. Goofballs, ... LOL You're concerns about McD wanting to control his staff are certainly warranted. It's slowly catching on to media. If Brady isn't all that this season, then it's going to become even heavier. The irony is that McD's doing whatever ends up happening to him by himself. These are his decisions, and his unwillingness to delegate to the extent that he's willing to give up complete control of the offense to someone that is far more likely to properly run an offense led by a historically gifted passer, is going to be his own undoing. If his defense is so good, then an explosive offense should not matter and we shouldn't be trying to turn Allen into a game-managing ball-control QB; and, it wouldn't continually choke in the biggest games in the playoffs. It seems obvious that he's more concerned about his own job security than he is about producing the type of offense that we should have with Allen at the wheel. What's concerning is the trend of downgrading our OCs. Daboll was brought in as the only one with experience in the role, and despite it having been with poor results. Then Dorsey was promoted. Now Brady with even less experience than Dorsey, and with what he has being poor also. There were a couple of articles yesterday where Diggs explained somewhat what happened when Brady took over. It's obvious from watching the games, but he confirmed it. He said that Brady did in fact change up the scheme(s) and uses of the WRs. The implication was that in his role under Brady he wasn't put in a position to do much, which again, is obvious from simple game analysis. The official argument is that Diggs "lost a step," which is ridiculous considering that if that's the truth then it must have happened all but literally overnight. This season in Houston will be interesting, as will Davis' season in Jax, in terms of indicting or conversely validating the official narratives here. If Diggs proves that he hasn't lost a step, and Davis continues to put up his 800 yards and 7 TDs while Coleman struggles, it's not going to be a good look. What validates that is that McD has stated that he wants to focus more on the short-medium passing game, against which it makes sense that they would draft a WR like Coleman and not a WR like Legette or Polk. It's difficult to see this going well.
  10. BBF isn't telling the entire tale...he converted to Mormonism, adheres to polygamy, and it was he who married Gabby Greta. * "and now you know...................................................the rest of the story!"
  11. in the real world 8 and a half minute TD drives to ice games dont exist. Turning down the go ahead TD in favor of draining the clock is not a real thing. You go for the TD there and play defense. No QB is turning down that shot to Shakir.
  12. "We", white man? https://centerforinquiry.org/blog/whos_we_white_man_or_the_medias_mythical_majority/ I brought up the novel infection. you just f'ed it up. It appears that's your special talent. C'mon rain! Stop so I can play some golf and discuss news with smart people.
  13. great post Hondo gracias. a giimmer of hope that if what he needed indeed was to "grow up" and "get a grip" he can achieve that . Laziness was a bad assumption on my part. Lazy in the HEAD as in maturing slowly . again thanks 🙂
  14. SPLC IS A HATE GROUP: SPLC Warns of ‘Christian Supremacy’ as a Fundraising Gimmick. It's that time of year again. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has released its annual report on the “Year In Hate And Extremism 2023," and at the top of the list is something new for left-wing mouth breathers to get hysterical about. You've heard of "Christian nationalism." How Christian nationalism is different from plain vanilla "Christian fundamentalism" is unknown. You see, when trying to make us scared of it, the SPLC fails to define Christian nationalism in any way that would differentiate it from fundamental Christian beliefs. But they've got money to raise, and making their left-wing patrons afraid of Christians seems to open the wallets of the faithful. Maybe they'll do a better job with "Christian Supremacy." That's right, a brand new Christian bogeyman is arising, and it's time to wring our hands and exclaim, "Woe is us!" The SPLC's annual report "is devoted to the New Apostolic Reformation," which is “a new and powerful Christian supremacy movement that is attempting to transform culture and politics in the U.S. and countries across the world into a grim authoritarianism.” How "powerful" can it be if someone like me has never heard of it? I read the news and scan for stories about 12-14 hours a day and consider myself extremely well-informed. I have never heard of the "New Apostolic Reformation." But the SPLC says we need to be afraid of them. https://pjmedia.com/rick-moran/2024/06/05/splc-n4929640
  15. Was it weird marrying someone named “Daughter”? Just curious 😂
  16. YAWN...Who was it here that suggested you aren't a true football fan if you don't follow these leagues? Not you @PromoTheRobot
  17. If we look at the top DE's in the NFL, they did NOT need 3-4 years down the line to shine. They were amazing nearly immediately. Micah Parsons was a monster his rookie season. Nick Bosa had more sacks/forced fumbles in his rookie season than Groot and AJ have ever had. Myles Garrett was putting up 25 combined sacks/TFL's by his 2nd year. TJ Watt was putting up 25 combined sacks/TFL's by his 2nd year. Maxx Crosby had 26 combines sacks/TFL's in his rookie season. etc The only top DE I can think of that fits in with your hope is Haason Redick. It came together for him in his 4th season. Of course, if you just mean that they will continue to be average to above average DE's, then I agree ... but I also think they are already there.
  18. The landing scene in “Saving Private Ryan”.…..
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