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Sounds like the DA has nothing on Lynch


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Who here hasn't run over a few people in their time?


Kids are so small and hard to see when it's dark.

Yeah true. I think this chick was wiggling around on the ground when they looked back at her so they knew she wasnt dead.

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Won't happen. I can see the headline now: "The NFL against the Constitution". I don't condone this behavior (hit-and-run) but everyone has a right not to incriminate themselves. The DA is on a fishing expedition trying to find any shred of evidence and now he's trying to get whoever was in the car to squeal.


And how do we know there were Bills players in the car? I haven't seen that mentioned.

We know:


Lynch was seen downtown that evening with two other Bills players.


Witnesses have reportedly stated there were three people in the vehicle.


Just like we don't know Lynch was driving, we don't know the other two people in the car were the two Bills players. But it's not unreasonable to presume that they were in the vehicle.

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As someone pointed out before, the cops lie to you all the time. It's legal for them to be "immoral" to you. I happen to think they are lying about the witnesses, due to the fact if they were there I think he would have been arrested by now.


I don't advocate obstructing justice, or blatant lying to the police, but I am a very strong believer in how the justice system is supposed to work, and letting it work. It will be the moral thing to do to be forthright when he is supposed to be forthright. That time is not here yet.


I also have a strong belief, and understanding, of the fact that young black guys trust police to be fair to them as much as police believe young black guys.


I still think you are confusing right and wrong with what's understandable. It's understandable what he and his representatives are doing, but it's a choice and the consequence is looking like a friggin' heartless scumbag with no concern for his fellow man. That won't get you jail time, but it could cost you money and respect. And let me say this as well, there is a difference between being forthright and telling the truth. Forthright is what an accountable person would do. Answering directly was not for Marshawn. Forthright expired a good week ago. Telling the truth only when you have to is not the same.

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I still think you are confusing right and wrong with what's understandable. It's understandable what he and his representatives are doing, but it's a choice and the consequence is looking like a friggin' heartless scumbag with no concern for his fellow man. That won't get you jail time, but it could cost you money and respect. And let me say this as well, there is a difference between being forthright and telling the truth. Forthright is what an accountable person would do. Answering directly was not for Marshawn. Forthright expired a good week ago. Telling the truth only when you have to is not the same.

We'll just have to disagree. I agree with most everything you are saying. What I don't agree with is that it's definite that right now he's not being forthright and moral. I happen to think it's not immoral to keep quiet for a few weeks while someone else decides how to deal with mistakes they made. (IF that is what's happening)


You're going to say this falls under the "understandable" category but I don't think it necessarily does. I think there's a very good chance that Marshawn Lynch has no trust whatsoever that he or anyone will be treated fairly by the police. He may be totally wrong about that but young black guys from the hood have too much real world experience in not getting a fair deal. So maybe the "moral" and "forthright" thing doesn't seem possible to him. Maybe being forthright has hurt more than helped in his experience because others weren't being moral and forthright. If he thought he or his friend or teammate would be treated fair, it may be a lot easier "to do the right thing" as you're defining it.


If you were taken prisoner by terrorists, would you do the right thing and come clean because it is the moral thing to do? Surely, that is not what is happening here, and a gross exaggeration, but that does enter the moral choices, if you're not going to be treated fairly. Of course, he could be completely wrong. Or he may not believe the cops won't be fair like most young black guys do. But I am just using that as a possibility. You're looking at this too much as black and white, IMO, the morality and being forthright.


Again, chances are, he's not being forthright now. But I'm willing to wait.

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It could be either your scenario, or VOR's, or a different one. I don't want to put words in VOR's mouth but I believe he was referring to the fact on Friday the DA said this would be settled soon, early this week. Then today he is backtracking, and saying it may not be settled soon at all.


If one believes the DA may have been bluffing, one may believe he doesn't have a strong case because there is no imminent arrest. They really don't know who was driving it seems.

Sounds like all Marshawn has to do is stall for a month and he's home free:

"There were a number of people that were with him that night," Clark said. "How quickly we get to the bottom of this will depend on how cooperative people are. ... Whether it takes me a day, a week or a month, it'll get resolved."

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Now the real question is, when are you all going to apologize when it all comes out that he was not driving. I demand an apology when we find this out since you all felt it necessary to shoot off your mouths

but...but...but they were 97% sure he was guilty

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Maybe, but it wouldn't matter at all to the DA what the attorney said if the DA had any case where witnesses put Marshawn behind the wheel.


sure it would if he wanted to avoid taking the case to court and getting a jury....if Lynch's attorney went in there and said Lynch was ready for a plea the DA wouldnt have to prove his case, now that it looks like he has to this process will drag out

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Not only that, an ear-witness has come forward asserting that as the SUV sped off, he heard a maniacal laughter from inside the vehicle and a shout of, "THAT'S BEAST MODE IN YO' FACE, BEEEYOTCH!!!"


I almost spit out my oatmeal.

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if Lynch wasnt driving we would have heard about it by now

And if there was credible evidence Lynch WAS driving there'd have been a charge by now.


This is all circular. I wish everyone would just STFU and let the justice system work the way it's supposed to. The DA has said Marshawn and his attorney aren't doing anything they aren't completely entitled to do, and they're not being "obstructionist."

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That was my own addition. If the DA had credible eyewitnesses that are saying Marshawn was driving, taken with the fact that it was his car, he'd have been arrested by now and there wouldn't be "no quick resolution" to the case.


The problem is also the credibility of the witness on a street that has bars at 3.00 A.M......These witness themselves could be proven that they were drunk.


I wish Marshawn had never fled the scene. He should have been Man enough to get down, check the lady if she was fine and then drove his car away. If he was drunk, he should never have been driving the car in the 1st place or had another person who was drunk driving the car....When you grow up you are taught to face consequences of your actions, not run away from your problems. I hope kids are taught exactly that....


Marshawn is a genuinely good guy and I just wish he had handled this in a better way. At this point, he has no option but to keep his mouth shut due to the legal actions including a civil suit that is possible.


We are definitely starting to become those BICKERING Bills once again.....The PA announcer is arrested for underage drinking....starting RB is involved in a hit-and-run...what next......

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"No quick resolution" says that the eyewitnesses who claimed he was driving were not credible and unless some new information comes to light, no charges will be filed anytime soon. As for Lynch's lawyer wanting a "precondition" before disclosing information, IMHO that sounds like someone else was driving.


I agree after hearing that Clark may have to resort to taking this case to grand jury. Although a grand jury can indict on misdemeanor charges it's only usually when it's attached to a felony.


If Marshawn walks the Bills fan which occupies 10% of my personality will be happy while the other 90% will still be dissapointed for his and others complete lack of cooperation in a very real situation in which someone was injured whether or not due to negligence.

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please enlighten the rest of us and tell us why that sounds like someone else was driving because to anyone else that sounds like his lawyer wants to strike a deal before his client comes clean that he was in fact driving his own car


according to the DA this case could be resolved rather quickly if they would just co-operate but they're not so this will continue to drag on and on


the DA has clearly stated he would rather resolve this with a plea but will prove his case if he has to which means this story isnt going away anytime soon


if Lynch wasnt driving we would have heard about it by now



Of course it could...there are only 3-4 people alive who know the identity of the driver. They were all in ML's car. There is NO CASE without cooperation. There are no reliable witnesses, forensic evidence will not yield much if anything. They keep their mouths shut (as you should do in a criminal case), and there is absolutely NO CASE.

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All i know is that the DA keeps running his mouth to the media to try and get Marshawn to talk. It isn't working. We have heard from the media that there are several eye witnesses, and video of the incident. But no charges have been filed. If they have all this evidence why doesn't he get charged. The media is either making up things or the police is feeding them a bunch of BS.


Lets just say the police have everything they say they do. This means the witnesses aren't crediable, the video tape doesn't show much. Sounds open and shut to me.

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Of course it could...there are only 3-4 people alive who know the identity of the driver. They were all in ML's car. There is NO CASE without cooperation. There are no reliable witnesses, forensic evidence will not yield much if anything. They keep their mouths shut (as you should do in a criminal case), and there is absolutely NO CASE.


He's not being smart IMO by not talking. This just inflames the situation. You don't want a pissed off victim or a pissed off DA. All you do is motivate them to sue or prosecute harder. The victim can easily file a suit against him and his insurance company since they know it was his car. The criminal piece of this is the least of his worries. The victim doesn't need that to pursue a claim and the league doesn't even need an arrest to punish him either. Marshawn is just making this worse for himself each day IMO.

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He's not being smart IMO by not talking. This just inflames the situation. You don't want a pissed off victim or a pissed off DA. All you do is motivate them to sue or prosecute harder. The victim can easily file a suit against him and his insurance company since they know it was his car. The criminal piece of this is the least of his worries. The victim doesn't need that to pursue a claim and the league doesn't even need an arrest to punish him either. Marshawn is just making this worse for himself each day IMO.


I would disagree with this entire statement. A criminal record is certainly a very big deal in today's society. A civil suit is certainly much less of a deal. What, so ML can't get car insurance? Big judgement against him or the other passengers...declare bankruptcy if you can't pay it. Its discharged. A criminal record...never goes away.

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Who would have thunk it....witnesses outside of a bar at 3 AM, likely having imbibed at least one alcoholic beverage, on a dark corner of Delaware and Chippewa, looking at a tinted-window SUV making a left hand turn onto Delaware, could not credibly identify the driver??? I'm shocked...shocked, I say....


The ONLY ones who know the driver's identity, and can testify to it (ie not hearsay) are the individuals who were in the vehicle (unless one or more was passed out drunk). If they all shut their mouths, there is NO case.


He may beat the wrap this time. But it's still a dirt bag move. Once a dirtbag, other dirt bag moves will happen again.

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We'll just have to disagree. I agree with most everything you are saying. What I don't agree with is that it's definite that right now he's not being forthright and moral. I happen to think it's not immoral to keep quiet for a few weeks while someone else decides how to deal with mistakes they made. (IF that is what's happening)


You're going to say this falls under the "understandable" category but I don't think it necessarily does. I think there's a very good chance that Marshawn Lynch has no trust whatsoever that he or anyone will be treated fairly by the police. He may be totally wrong about that but young black guys from the hood have too much real world experience in not getting a fair deal. So maybe the "moral" and "forthright" thing doesn't seem possible to him. Maybe being forthright has hurt more than helped in his experience because others weren't being moral and forthright. If he thought he or his friend or teammate would be treated fair, it may be a lot easier "to do the right thing" as you're defining it.


If you were taken prisoner by terrorists, would you do the right thing and come clean because it is the moral thing to do? Surely, that is not what is happening here, and a gross exaggeration, but that does enter the moral choices, if you're not going to be treated fairly. Of course, he could be completely wrong. Or he may not believe the cops won't be fair like most young black guys do. But I am just using that as a possibility. You're looking at this too much as black and white, IMO, the morality and being forthright.


Again, chances are, he's not being forthright now. But I'm willing to wait.


That's alot of maybe's. I'm just going with the dirtbag factor. Marshawn loses face handling it this way.

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You would. The maybes are why we have things like the Bill of Rights, and cops can't just bust in on you without warrants, etc.


That damn Constitution is nothing more than a thick veil to protect dirtbags.

I can't believe people swear to uphold it.

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