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Former coach sues Toronto Argonauts, QB Chad Kelly for wrongful termination, harassment

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If your old enough, you’re likely to think: like uncle like nephew.  If you’re offended well, harassment happens and is not right ever in the workplace.  We’ll see how this one plays out



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Well as the old southern saying goes - "If your gonna be dum you gotta be tough" This kid is definitely tough !


Will he ever learn that everything he does will be looked at under a microscope, it's really a shame because of the talent that he has . Just sad . 


And the worst part of it all is that Jim will get flack or questions just because his nephew is a DA ...

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42 minutes ago, T master said:

Well as the old southern saying goes - "If your gonna be dum you gotta be tough" This kid is definitely tough !


Will he ever learn that everything he does will be looked at under a microscope, it's really a shame because of the talent that he has . Just sad . 


And the worst part of it all is that Jim will get flack or questions just because his nephew is a DA ...

Jim ain’t getting flack for this. He’s 64 years old. His nephew is about to be 30.

Edited by FireChans
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so if I am reading this correctly  Mr Kelly was hitting on her repeatedly and she rebuked his advances. He then in tantrum fashion created drama with a teammate. She was subsequently fired from her job.  Hence here we are.


If you assume her side of the story is correct that reads like harassment to me.  The guy needs to grow up and learn to accept No for an answer.


bottom line it's disturbing she went through all of that because of him.  The situation Bad enough she created a civil lawsuit.. Maybe it will settle out of court they often do.  *shrugs*


who is telling the truth.  His lineage to #12 pains me to be honest.  The guy had the ultimate pedigree.

Edited by muppy
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13 minutes ago, muppy said:

so if I am reading this correctly  Mr Kelly was hitting on her repeatedly and she rebuked his advances. He then in tantrum fashion created drama with a teammate. She was subsequently fired from her job.  Hence here we are.


If you assume her side of the story is correct that reads like harassment to me.  The guy needs to grow up and learn to accept No for an answer.


bottom line it's disturbing she went through all of that because of him.  The situation Bad enough she created a civil lawsuit.. Maybe it will settle out of court they often do.  *shrugs*


who is telling the truth.  His lineage to #12 pains me to be honest.  The guy had the ultimate pedigree.

Good post. If she's telling the truth, it's just absolutely mind boggling that in today's world, some guys are still out there doing this, apparently thinking that it's OK and/or they'll get away with it and suffer no consequences.


As an afterthought, this kid is a young, big time pro athlete (yes, I know, it's Canada...LOL)....shouldn't getting girls (who actually want to do it with him) be as easy as waking up and getting out of bed in the morning?

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9 hours ago, FireChans said:

Jim ain’t getting flack for this. He’s 64 years old. His nephew is about to be 30.


He may not get flack for it from the networks like ESPN but you can sure bet he gets the questions of WTH is your nephew thinking, or when ever he's around friends that know him & his family instead of just normal conversation it will or can gravitate to his nephews stupidity .

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4 hours ago, Punching Bag said:


Original article had more info.





Canadian coaches are also paid a lot less in Canada just like players.  



This was for first female coach in CFL which there were a number of articles on Dana Beattie, the Toronto Argonauts Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach, who joined the organization in 2018 according my article database.  There were similar articles on first NFL coach and first NFL referee.  Most of the articles previously indexed have been locked down or removed although I do not know reason.  If I have time I will check wayback.


The Wayback Machine?!  😏

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11 hours ago, T master said:

Well as the old southern saying goes - "If your gonna be dum you gotta be tough" This kid is definitely tough !


Will he ever learn that everything he does will be looked at under a microscope, it's really a shame because of the talent that he has . Just sad . 


And the worst part of it all is that Jim will get flack or questions just because his nephew is a DA ...


Chad Kelly's issues have absolutely zero to do with notoriety and everything to do with being a grade A ash hole. 


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1 hour ago, T master said:


He may not get flack for it from the networks like ESPN but you can sure bet he gets the questions of WTH is your nephew thinking, or when ever he's around friends that know him & his family instead of just normal conversation it will or can gravitate to his nephews stupidity .


Jim's friends aren't asking him too many heavy hitting questions about this assuming that they were around during his tenure as an NFL QB where he was notoriously terrible to women and the people of this town. 

His family? I don't know. Say may nephew gets arrested for robbing a convenience store. or fails Spanish, or whatever. Me and my family talk about it. This is life. Not some special Jim Kelly/NFL QB plight. 


I would posit that if Kelly gets asked about it more than other normies or NFL QB's it is in part due to the fact that they seem to be cut from very very similar cloths 

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20 minutes ago, Mango said:


Chad Kelly's issues have absolutely zero to do with notoriety and everything to do with being a grade A ash hole. 



I just thought that over time & given his foolish actions shortly after getting into the NFL he might learn something and 1 would think that Jim may have had a talk with him telling him that he needed to grow up & realize that having the notoriety of being a QB in a major sport he needs to be more aware of his actions .


Then there was the dream scenario of him coming to the Bills and being the next great Bills QB coached by Frank Reich to bring the Bills their first Super Bowl victory, but as you have pointed out the kid is apparently a first class A hole and that's to bad he could have done so much more !! 

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7 hours ago, Punching Bag said:


Original article had more info.





Canadian coaches are also paid a lot less in Canada just like players.  



This was for first female coach in CFL which there were a number of articles on Dana Beattie, the Toronto Argonauts Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach, who joined the organization in 2018 according my article database.  There were similar articles on first NFL coach and first NFL referee.  Most of the articles previously indexed have been locked down or removed although I do not know reason.  If I have time I will check wayback.



The top paid CFL player makes a little over 625K a year?  That's 125K less than the NFL league minimum for rookies 😂

Edited by Big Turk
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7 hours ago, Punching Bag said:


Original article had more info.





Canadian coaches are also paid a lot less in Canada just like players.  



This was for first female coach in CFL which there were a number of articles on Dana Beattie, the Toronto Argonauts Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach, who joined the organization in 2018 according my article database.  There were similar articles on first NFL coach and first NFL referee.  Most of the articles previously indexed have been locked down or removed although I do not know reason.  If I have time I will check wayback.


Good points about lower salaries but — and I'm not an employment lawyer — I'm guessing some enterprising US lawyers would bake in a million dollars for suffering and anguish, etc. 

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