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And the takeaway from the slide show is ...?

I think Joe's response above suffices. Minus the part about buzzfeed being in a panic. As a student of history, I appreciate that we've always been tested since our inception. And like it's always been in the past, vigilance is the key.

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I think Joe's response above suffices. Minus the part about buzzfeed being in a panic. As a student of history, I appreciate that we've always been tested since our inception. And like it's always been in the past, vigilance is the key.


Joe's response is the correct one. There's a collective panic over a ragtag fringe group of losers.

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Joe's response is the correct one. There's a collective panic over a ragtag fringe group of losers.

I don't think the collective panic is any more or less than its always been. It may seem that way with the proliferation of 24/7 electronic media sources, but there have been far more violent outcomes in the past.

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I don't think the collective panic is any more or less than its always been. It may seem that way with the proliferation of 24/7 electronic media sources, but there have been far more violent outcomes in the past.

ESPN reassigned a Chinese guy because he had a similar name to a Confederate general.


I'd say the collective panic has gone to 11.

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Laughter is the best defense against the PC crowd, the only way to get them to feel any shame about wasting their lives away on this nonsense. It's a great story if true or not-literally factual..


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I don't think the collective panic is any more or less than its always been. It may seem that way with the proliferation of 24/7 electronic media sources, but there have been far more violent outcomes in the past.


People are being manipulated more than ever by the media they choose to consume. There are more choices than ever, and more than ever people are choosing to retreat into their chosen echo chambers, where the only information they're exposed to supports their biases and beliefs (this happens on both sides, not just right or left). This has been happening for the past decade, but now it's been weaponized.


We've witnessed an 8 month long disinformation campaign about Russian "hacking" of our election, about Russian "collusion" that played to everyone's fears who didn't vote for Trump: his election wasn't real, it was a trick! That helped assuage the culpability of various political organizations and media outlets that so badly bungled the election predictions while simultaneously riling up their audience to believe they'd been had. This narrative was easily proven to be bunk just by reading the information presented to the public dispassionately, but we no longer have "independent" media. We have corporate media and alternative media - both of which can be customized to the consumers' belief systems, and both of which have inherent biases and agendas. No one was presenting unbiased reporting on this issue, no one cared to. Rather, every side was trying to rally their "troops".


Once that narrative ran out of steam (right around the time the VIPs report surfaced - though it had already been faltering due to the lack of any evidence), all of a sudden Nazis became the buzz word. And the same media outlets that had been lying to the public and abusing their trust doubled down on their consumers' outrage and made the issue about Trump's racism. The only way to make that stick is to make the "Nazis" appear like they were on the verge of taking over.


Thus the hype. Thus the endless teeth gnashing on this issue by the talking heads in the media. It's a ratings bonanza and politically useful to their various agendas. It's also toxic to political discourse within this country, let alone any attempt to unify the people.


But you're right. In real life, day to day life, things are NOT more dangerous than ever. There aren't more Nazis, there aren't more KKK members, and as flawed as the man clearly is - there isn't a white supremacist in the white house. But more people today feel it's more dangerous than ever, that there are more Nazis than ever, that POTUS is a closeted Nazi (which is silly when it's coming from the same people who accused him earlier of being a Putin stooge - anyone who knows history knows Nazis and Russkies don't mix) - people feel this way because they're being bombarded with disinfo 24/7 (on both sides). And we now live in a country where "feelings" are more valid than "facts".


And THAT makes these very dangerous times indeed for anyone who values the freedoms this country was founded upon.


imo of course. :beer:


ESPN reassigned a Chinese guy because he had a similar name to a Confederate general.


I'd say the collective panic has gone to 11.



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Gregg, if you ever get a chance, make a study of the press wars in this country in the 1790s. This isn't the first era in which people deliberately sought ought media sources to confirm their own beliefs; it's been going on since day one. And some of the intrigue involved by politicians and others at the top of the chain at the time would appeal to your fondness for a good conspiracy, I'm sure.

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Gregg, if you ever get a chance, make a study of the press wars in this country in the 1790s. This isn't the first era in which people deliberately sought ought media sources to confirm their own beliefs; it's been going on since day one. And some of the intrigue involved by politicians and others at the top of the chain at the time would appeal to your fondness for a good conspiracy, I'm sure.



Oh, absolutely. I'm familiar with a lot of that history and I'm not trying to argue it's a new phenomenon - but the power of Social Media and the Internet/communication speeds are a new phase of this information warfare. Especially when it's combined with the 2012 NDAA which legalized US state sponsored propaganda from the USIC to be directly disseminated to the public.


Social media changed the game in terms of media manipulation/oligarchical manipulation. People used to have to seek out information, now it's in your pocket and on your screen wherever you are. And now we've taken the leash off the USIC and State from directly influencing media outlets to push propaganda over facts.







Most people didn't even realized this bill had been passed, let alone been put into effect. Look into who pushed that bill, who supported it on the Hill and then look at their relation to the Russian narrative - it'll be eye opening.

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Gregg, if you ever get a chance, make a study of the press wars in this country in the 1790s. This isn't the first era in which people deliberately sought ought media sources to confirm their own beliefs; it's been going on since day one. And some of the intrigue involved by politicians and others at the top of the chain at the time would appeal to your fondness for a good conspiracy, I'm sure.




Oh, absolutely. I'm familiar with a lot of that history and I'm not trying to argue it's a new phenomenon - but the power of Social Media and the Internet/communication speeds are a new phase of this information warfare. Especially when it's combined with the 2012 NDAA which legalized US state sponsored propaganda from the USIC to be directly disseminated to the public.


Social media changed the game in terms of media manipulation/oligarchical manipulation. People used to have to seek out information, now it's in your pocket and on your screen wherever you are. And now we've taken the leash off the USIC and State from directly influencing media outlets to push propaganda over facts.







Most people didn't even realized this bill had been passed, let alone been put into effect. Look into who pushed that bill, who supported it on the Hill and then look at their relation to the Russian narrative - it'll be eye opening.

If you're interested, you'll both probably enjoy Daniel Boorstein's The Image: A Guide to Pseudo Events in America


It's absolutely illuminating.

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People are being manipulated more than ever by the media they choose to consume. There are more choices than ever, and more than ever people are choosing to retreat into their chosen echo chambers, where the only information they're exposed to supports their biases and beliefs (this happens on both sides, not just right or left). This has been happening for the past decade, but now it's been weaponized.


We've witnessed an 8 month long disinformation campaign about Russian "hacking" of our election, about Russian "collusion" that played to everyone's fears who didn't vote for Trump: his election wasn't real, it was a trick! That helped assuage the culpability of various political organizations and media outlets that so badly bungled the election predictions while simultaneously riling up their audience to believe they'd been had. This narrative was easily proven to be bunk just by reading the information presented to the public dispassionately, but we no longer have "independent" media. We have corporate media and alternative media - both of which can be customized to the consumers' belief systems, and both of which have inherent biases and agendas. No one was presenting unbiased reporting on this issue, no one cared to. Rather, every side was trying to rally their "troops".


Once that narrative ran out of steam (right around the time the VIPs report surfaced - though it had already been faltering due to the lack of any evidence), all of a sudden Nazis became the buzz word. And the same media outlets that had been lying to the public and abusing their trust doubled down on their consumers' outrage and made the issue about Trump's racism. The only way to make that stick is to make the "Nazis" appear like they were on the verge of taking over.


Thus the hype. Thus the endless teeth gnashing on this issue by the talking heads in the media. It's a ratings bonanza and politically useful to their various agendas. It's also toxic to political discourse within this country, let alone any attempt to unify the people.


But you're right. In real life, day to day life, things are NOT more dangerous than ever. There aren't more Nazis, there aren't more KKK members, and as flawed as the man clearly is - there isn't a white supremacist in the white house. But more people today feel it's more dangerous than ever, that there are more Nazis than ever, that POTUS is a closeted Nazi (which is silly when it's coming from the same people who accused him earlier of being a Putin stooge - anyone who knows history knows Nazis and Russkies don't mix) - people feel this way because they're being bombarded with disinfo 24/7 (on both sides). And we now live in a country where "feelings" are more valid than "facts".


And THAT makes these very dangerous times indeed for anyone who values the freedoms this country was founded upon.


imo of course. :beer:






Agree 100%...well stated.

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Watch and laugh as a social justice warrior crumples after taking a pepper ball:








And I'm supposed to be OK with BLM?


Terrorist organization, racist organization. Nope. Need to be snuffed out.


The more stuff like that gets circulated, the more people will see them as they hate group they are.

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