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Truth is, Nobody Has a Clue What This Team Will Be Like

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2 of those games are vs the Patriots.......that can't be a good thing.....


True, but we will control our destiny. The Pats* won't have clinched anything as the entire Division plays each other through the final 7 or so weeks. We'll be IN IT and it'll be ours to win or lose with most of the games at New Era.

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I was thinking of starting a thread similar to this yesterday. My brother-in-law and I always talk football and yesterday he's asking me... How's the Bills looking? What's their big moves? (He's a Broncos fan). Sadly, my answer was... I don't know. Does any of it matter?


We started talking more about how football is getting unwatchable lately, and for me, how much these last 17 years have weighed upon my eternal hope. He used to joke... 10yrs ago.. How do you guys do it? Every year think the Bills are going to the playoffs and every year they suck. And sadly... I can't get excited by the offseason hope any more. Will they suck? Will they be good? I don't know.


However, I've seen this team go through coaching changes, player changes, owners, entire front offices, GMs, fans born, fans died. But, one thing remains constant... The mediocrity that is this team. We haven't had decent coaching in forever. We haven't had true impact players since the late 90's. We've fielded more unfocused, poorly prepared, ..soft.. teams than I care to recount.


Last year I didn't get Sunday ticket and don't feel I missed much.. .even when they won. This year, for the 2nd season ever, I won't try to watch every game. I just can't get excited any more. They've beaten me down.


So, if I may ask a different question? For those of you excited, optimistic... How can I be that way again? Not for the game day experience... I live in ID and spend most every week on the road somewhere else. I've never had the joy of attending a game at Rich Stadium, and don't know that I ever will. Why should I... How can I ..get excited about a team that has changed everything, yet again, in hopes that this is finally the right combination? Why should we even watch the NFL at all when the one team I hate the most is the only team that ever seems to win and is showing no signs of stopping?


Dude, I hear you and I think so many of us feel similar---beat down by the mediocrity. I won't say we are going to be a playoff team this year, too much change to be sure of anything, as this threads posits, but I've decided to just enjoy watching football and rooting for the guys on our team (all of them). No idea what the win column will look like, but here is what I will be excited to watch this season, win or lose:


1. We have a hall-of-fame running back who makes moves few players who have ever played the game could make and one of the fastest, most elusive QBs the league has seen (whatever you think of the rest of his game). I'm sorry, but those guys are fun to watch and will definitely give us some eye-popping plays this year. #1 in rushing two years straight.


2. If Sammy is healthy for the majority of the season, ditto. Whatever you think of his tweets, his injuries, or how he was acquired, the kid is supremely talented. If he can stay on the field, it will be fun to watch him play.


3. The D-line. Three years ago, that D-line was a beast. Yes, we have Shaq rather than Mario, but I will enjoy watching a wall-of-famer in probably one of his last seasons, a rededicated Mr. Big Stuff, Jerry, and Shaq creating chaos in the backfield again.


4. Speaking of Shaq, I'm excited to see our young players play and develop. Shaq, Ragland, Tre, Zay, Dion, Kevon, J. Williams, etc.


5. I'm excited to see Micah Hyde in a Bills uniform. We may be hurting at safety depth. But Hyde is one of those kids that is always around the ball. I think he will be fun to watch.


6. We don't know how McDermott will be on game day, etc. yet. But I look forward to seeing a coach who can balance being liked by his players but still having discipline (unlike Rex and Marrone who were on opposite ends of that spectrum). A football team needs accountability and discipline, but it also needs comradery and cohesiveness. I thick coach can at least deliver on that and that is the type of team I want to root for.


7. Whatever the outcome this year, I do feel like we are building to something with the new FO and coaching staff---a plan, a vision---rather than just hiring who ever will take the job cheap and then simply patching the leaky holes and hoping for the best. So, even if it doesn't happen this year, I feel like its coming. Would it have been as fun watching the '90 or '91 team without having seen them go through '86-'89 first? Watching that team come together and almost reach the pinnacle was more satisfying because we were there for the whole ride.


I could probably go on, but the point being, yes, we all want to see this team win again and it sucks when they lose, but there are plenty of reasons to watch this coming season. This is not your early- to mid-2000s teams that were mediocre because their talent across the board was so mediocre, which equated to boring games. We have some real, legit, playmakers, who if nothing else, will at least make this team exciting to watch. I look forward to seeing a hard-nosed, competitive team playing some good football, win or lose. Hopefully that leads to more wins, if not immediately, in the near future.

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Guest NeckBeard

At this moment I still see a 6 or 7-win team, but not a total train wreck like a 2 or 3-win type of deal. Of course, if some of the missing pieces come together, and they have a 60-minute game plan, 9 or 10 wins would not seem like a reach either. I will say that this is going to be a very interesting year, and I can't wait for them to start playing real games. Here's to hoping that the lack of bravado will make for better football. On some level I feel like I wasted the last couple of years of my life as a Bills' fan, so to the spirit of the OP: here's to concrete results.

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I have a hard time seeing more than 6 wins this year with my gut telling me closer to 4 wins. I have no idea why I think that other than not having faith in Tyrod (that's it). I like our coach and GM and see talent in most other areas of the team. I think the last 16 years have really just beaten me down and the fact that the Patriots are supposed to be this "Super Team" just screams "not a chance in hell this year." I think most people in this type of mind-frame are the ones in tank mode and just see this year as going through the motions until we find that elusive franchise QB.


I'll be at every home game and love the tailgate more than ever and would love, more than anything, to be wrong about Tyrod. The reality of another 8-8 or 7-9 season is such an abrasive thought and a tough place to be in when so many other bottom dwellers are looking for QBs as well. Anyway, the people that are predicting terrible seasons love this team as much as anyone and those frustrations are obviously visible on a message board.


What if Tyrod turns the corner? I just can't see it after seeing his type of throws over the last two years but what the hell do I know (or anyone of us for that matter). Here's to the home opener and to that one thing we always try to cling on to year after year...hope.



Tyrod is not the reason why we are not making the playoffs the last two years......I mean if you cant get past that part of the issue...then the rest of it is kind of a moot point.

Edited by John from Hemet
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Dude, I hear you and I think so many of us feel similar---beat down by the mediocrity. I won't say we are going to be a playoff team this year, too much change to be sure of anything, as this threads posits, but I've decided to just enjoy watching football and rooting for the guys on our team (all of them). No idea what the win column will look like, but here is what I will be excited to watch this season, win or lose:


1. We have a hall-of-fame running back who makes moves few players who have ever played the game could make and one of the fastest, most elusive QBs the league has seen (whatever you think of the rest of his game). I'm sorry, but those guys are fun to watch and will definitely give us some eye-popping plays this year. #1 in rushing two years straight.


2. If Sammy is healthy for the majority of the season, ditto. Whatever you think of his tweets, his injuries, or how he was acquired, the kid is supremely talented. If he can stay on the field, it will be fun to watch him play.


3. The D-line. Three years ago, that D-line was a beast. Yes, we have Shaq rather than Mario, but I will enjoy watching a wall-of-famer in probably one of his last seasons, a rededicated Mr. Big Stuff, Jerry, and Shaq creating chaos in the backfield again.


4. Speaking of Shaq, I'm excited to see our young players play and develop. Shaq, Ragland, Tre, Zay, Dion, Kevon, J. Williams, etc.


5. I'm excited to see Micah Hyde in a Bills uniform. We may be hurting at safety depth. But Hyde is one of those kids that is always around the ball. I think he will be fun to watch.


6. We don't know how McDermott will be on game day, etc. yet. But I look forward to seeing a coach who can balance being liked by his players but still having discipline (unlike Rex and Marrone who were on opposite ends of that spectrum). A football team needs accountability and discipline, but it also needs comradery and cohesiveness. I thick coach can at least deliver on that and that is the type of team I want to root for.


7. Whatever the outcome this year, I do feel like we are building to something with the new FO and coaching staff---a plan, a vision---rather than just hiring who ever will take the job cheap and then simply patching the leaky holes and hoping for the best. So, even if it doesn't happen this year, I feel like its coming. Would it have been as fun watching the '90 or '91 team without having seen them go through '86-'89 first? Watching that team come together and almost reach the pinnacle was more satisfying because we were there for the whole ride.


I could probably go on, but the point being, yes, we all want to see this team win again and it sucks when they lose, but there are plenty of reasons to watch this coming season. This is not your early- to mid-2000s teams that were mediocre because their talent across the board was so mediocre, which equated to boring games. We have some real, legit, playmakers, who if nothing else, will at least make this team exciting to watch. I look forward to seeing a hard-nosed, competitive team playing some good football, win or lose. Hopefully that leads to more wins, if not immediately, in the near future.

Thank you!


I'm trying... and you do make many good points. Maybe by September, I'll work my way back into the hopeful phase. Lol.


But your last sentiment is really all I've hoped for the last couple seasons. Yeah, we all want playoffs and more...but at this point we need an organization that can just consistently field a good, hard hitting team each week. Then actually win more games than they lose each year. That's how far this franchise has fallen. More often than not, they don't even look like a professional football team, let alone actually win games they should.

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I'm slightly more optimistic than pessimistic (especially long term), but mostly I'm curious right now.


I couldn't have said it better myself....long term, I am optimistic....I have faith in the new coaching staff, but it will take a couple of seasons.....

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Tyrod is not the reason why we are not making the playoffs the last two years......I mean if you cant get past that part of the issue...then the rest of it is kind of a moot point.

But he will have to be the reason if they are to make the playoffs this year.

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You can evaluate players any way that you want, but you should keep in mind that Tyrod was a Pro-Bowler 2 years in a row, has a lock on Watkins who is now hopefully healthy, and lt looks like unlike last year he actually has a few different receivers to thrown to.

Pro Bowler? lol. Do you realize just about everyone 'makes' the pro bowl these days with all the legit pro bowlers dropping out of the game?

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But he will have to be the reason if they are to make the playoffs this year.

Why? If the defense doesn't "Rex suck", and Sammy stays healthy, and we make FG's, and Shady has yoga healthy hammy's....TT was NOT the reason we missed the playoffs last year. Allow fewer points, avoid stupid penalties and coaching decisions, then who knows? Everyone wants to point at Tyrod, and while he was far from perfect, that is all misplaced hatred.

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I have a hard time seeing more than 6 wins this year with my gut telling me closer to 4 wins. I have no idea why I think that other than not having faith in Tyrod (that's it). I like our coach and GM and see talent in most other areas of the team. I think the last 16 years have really just beaten me down and the fact that the Patriots are supposed to be this "Super Team" just screams "not a chance in hell this year." I think most people in this type of mind-frame are the ones in tank mode and just see this year as going through the motions until we find that elusive franchise QB.


I'll be at every home game and love the tailgate more than ever and would love, more than anything, to be wrong about Tyrod. The reality of another 8-8 or 7-9 season is such an abrasive thought and a tough place to be in when so many other bottom dwellers are looking for QBs as well. Anyway, the people that are predicting terrible seasons love this team as much as anyone and those frustrations are obviously visible on a message board.


What if Tyrod turns the corner? I just can't see it after seeing his type of throws over the last two years but what the hell do I know (or anyone of us for that matter). Here's to the home opener and to that one thing we always try to cling on to year after year...hope.

Really surprised at this "youngish" post from you.

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