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McDermott Wakes at 5 AM for MMA Exercise

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Guest K-GunJimKelly12

Were you impressed with Jaurons demeanor too?

Doug Marrone's?

It really means nothing until the games start.

Yep, pretty much said that on the post you quoted. But let's all just do our best to get on people who don't automatically respond sarcastically to what McDermott says.

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Were you impressed with Jaurons demeanor too?


Doug Marrone's?


It really means nothing until the games start.


I agree with you that it means nothing until the games start. That said, I was definitely NOT impressed with Jauron's demeanor and having watched him in Chicago for many years, I knew he would not be successful. I was neutral on Marrone's demeanor, but didn't think his experience was all that impressive (his greatest achievement was mild success as a college head coach). As I stated earlier, I am cautiously optimistic that McDermott's demeanor AND experience seem to be a good fit for what this team needs right now. But hey, I am not Nostradamus. This team could go anywhere from 4-12 to 12-4. Might end up 8-8 or 7-9 again. You don't know and neither do I.

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If nothing else, the janitor... or whomever... that leaked the story about Rex being last in/first out of the building will think twice about talking smack about McDermott out of fear of being kicked in the kidney.

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I hated the Rex hire from day one and knew that it was a disaster waiting to happen - which it was. With McDermott, I have no idea how it will turn out, but I am cautiously optimistic based on what I have seen so far. He seems to have the right experience as a coordinator with two successful franchises and the right discipline and work ethic to be successful. If he has a good scheme and the players buy in to what he is doing, there is a good chance for success. Our roster is not perfect, but there is enough talent to be successful with the right leadership. Even the Rex dumpster fire was close to a .500 team with this squad, far better than his last few years with the Jests.

You can't go on the record now saying "I always hated the Rex hire from day one". Prove it!! Ohhhh, your account was shredded and incinerated with the huddled masses of BBMB posts? No excuse. You should have backed your posts up on Lifelock or Carbonite. Having failed to archive your projections and expert analysis (such as your Rex comment), I can't believe a word you say.

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no. Were you?

I was impressed with Marrones no-nonsense approach. Granted I grew up in Syracuse so I am impartial. Who knows if Marrone could've fully turned this ship around but Rex was a head scratcher when hired after Doug. Polar opposites of one another and what Marrone was doing with this team seemed to be working. Could've predicted what has occurred in Jacksonville and I'd be willing to bet Coughlin and Marrone get along pretty well, same old school mentality. I'm hoping McD being a disciplinarian of sorts whips our squad into shape. Tired of the penalties, suspensions and poor attitude some of our guys have demonstrated in the past. So far I like what I've heard and seen from the guy. He's gotten ringing endorsements from coaches I respect (Reid, Rivera). Frankly we need this to work, 17 years out of the playoffs makes me wanna upchuck. At this point I've produced enough Bile to fill the Nile.

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My dad is 97 and goes to the gym 5 times each week.


But I don't think he'd be a good coach.


I'm just not sure how exercise correlates to coaching success.


But I wish McD the best in both his pursuits.



I just thought it would be a funny thing to point out for our new head coach. Fresh breath of air from Rexy

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Forget McLovin, we have the damn McDermonator as a head coach, and it is beautiful.


@JoeBuscaglia #Bills HC Sean McDermott on going for it on 4th down: My personality is aggressive. If we're going down, we're going down all guns blazing.


@JoeBuscaglia #Bills HC Sean McDermott: We all know how it goes. You either adapt or you're extinct.


What exercises?

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We may have had the most overvalued coach in the league the last two seasons. Right now I think we may have the most undervalued coach. I really like this guy. He worked his way up on his own and didn't get into the league through nepotism.


exactly. Also anyone who is a wrestling champion is someone who is willing to put that extra work to be the best

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