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Marrone Wants Crossman as the Jags' ST Coach

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Apparently he's already blocked Marrone from hiring Donnie Henderson for the secondary.




Some companies hire by committee. They schedule multiple interviews and feel like a consensus is more likely to result in a good hire than a Mussolini make decisions in solitaire.


I wonder if that's what Jax is doing? They might have an arrangement where both Marrone and Coughlin have to green light a coaching hire.


It could make sense and could even work. But it's got to suck for Marrone if he really can't hire who he wants.

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The guy who tweeted it appears to be a television guy in Jax who is from Buffalo. I wonder if he asked the question.


Can't even name his own coaching staff. He'll soon be longing for the good ole days of working with Doug Whaley. :lol:

Edited by 26CornerBlitz
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Can't even name his own coaching staff. He'll soon be longing for the good ole days for working with Doug Whaley. :lol:


I am pleased that Marrone will have to answer to Tom Coughlin. This should be fun to watch from the outside. Tom might want to have someone test his food and start his car though.

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What a great first question to ask Marrone. You can tell it caught him completely off guard.


And at the same time, its what most people think of when his name is brought up (other than, 'Who is Doug Marrone?')


He really should have a better answer prepared than just some red faced stuttering pile of crap.


That 45 second clip really makes me not miss him at all. Rex was bad, but Doug was bad and an !@#$.

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