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Have folks already given up on Cardale?


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It is his accuracy that is most concerning to me. He wasn't accurate in college, he wasn't accurate in pre-season, and he wasn't accurate vs the Jets. On his best play the WR was wide open because Revis fell. But the pass made Hunter slow down and not score. If Revis didn't fall the ball would have been defended as it was under thrown. Unfortunately, accuracy doesn't seem to be something that you magically become better at when you join the NFL, but who knows?

Edited by Mark80
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I was not disappointed in what I saw in him in the brief stint in the game. He was no Tom Brady, but I thought he had promise. Did anyone look at the ALL22 on his game? I'm curious about how accurate he was. His throws did not seem WAY off the mark like a lot of EJs throws and many of TTs are. He threw all over the field. I thought both a throw to Watkins & Glass both could have been catch-able. His interception was a real gift to Revis, it was tipped way across the field to to him, not thrown toward him.

Cardale just seemed to have a little too much trust in his own abilities. Considering how little time he has had to develop chemistry with the first string I was not too discouraged. I think he has to learn to dial back the gunslinger mentality a little, he could be a turnover machine if he doesn't get a little more careful. But I like his aggressiveness and cocky attitude. Just dial it back a little. Looking forward to seeing what he has and seeing if there is real progression in his decision making. His arm seemed just fine.

I would love to see him work out before the season on his own with Watkins(if he is healed enough) , and our younger receivers to try to build some chemistry and mutual trust in each others abilities before camp.

Edited by simpleman
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I don't believe you will ever coach Tyrod to "throw guys open" -- it's just not in his DNA. He only throws when he trusts what he sees. I'm not saying that can't win you games, but it's not what the great QBs do.


Cardale is the opposite (as you state) -- I think he will have the ability to make some unreal plays, but we'll have to live with more INTs (similar to Kelly).



Yeah, that's kind of how I see it.


I think they should to pick up Tyrod's option and let Cardale keep learning on the bench. You'll probably end up eating up some of your cap with dead money on TT's deal towards the end, but right now with no other real QB options, letting TT go would be a mistake.

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Can't make an assessment from just one quarter of play at garbage time, but from what little was shown, there's definitely something to work with there. He needs time to develop. having Kyle Shanahan as the next coach here would be a huge blessing, but that's not gonna happen. He'll most likely be coaching the Broncos next season.

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agreed on the bolded part, that's an inexperienced QB playing against an experienced D, but that can absolutely be corrected

A young Brett Favre comes to mind. Athletic, can make all the throws, too confident in his arm, tough. It might not ever happen, but if he puts in the work and the time, and he doesn't get thrown to the wolves, I think he would be a very entertaining player to watch in a Bills uni.

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Yeah, that's kind of how I see it.


I think they should to pick up Tyrod's option and let Cardale keep learning on the bench. You'll probably end up eating up some of your cap with dead money on TT's deal towards the end, but right now with no other real QB options, letting TT go would be a mistake.


Agreed. Until someone actually beats him out, he should stay. However, that contract should be renegotiated.

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Agreed. Until someone actually beats him out, he should stay. However, that contract should be renegotiated.

Yep. It would seem to be better than having to find a #1 and #2 QB this offseason. I'm not sure how TT feels right now about staying, after getting his feet knock out from under him last week.

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Amid all of the hand-wringing over whether Tyrod is a franchise guy, I guess I haven't seen a whole lot about what people think of Cardale. Yes, he's still raw and not quite ready for a starting role, but to my aging eyes he has "franchise QB" written all over him if he's allowed to take another year to practice and learn.




-- rifle arm; the 2nd pass he threw Sunday was a sideline out that was an absolute rocket -- few QBs can make that throw

-- "quiet" in the pocket; no happy feet and the moment is not too big for him

-- great size/stature and an ability to run if needed

-- ideal temperament; teammates love him but seems to be able to have an "edge" if the moment requires it

-- comment by ALynn that Cardale "has never seen a WR who isn't open" is music to my ears; that is the kind of confidence you see from the greats (reminds me of Kelly)




-- raw; fewer than 15 starts in college or pros

-- trusts arm so much that he allows lower body mechanics to suffer

-- can he read an NFL defense? (the biggest question by far)


I really think Cardale could be great, and I'd be fine with another year of Tyrod as Cardale moves up to #2.

One way to tell how the organization views Cardale's prospects is to watch what it does in the draft. If the GM doesn't draft a qb in the first two rounds (I don't believe Whaley will) it will be an indication that they think he can eventually be a starter.


There is no doubt that Cardale has exceptional physical skills. That's never been the question about this mountain of a man. The issue comes down to him mastering the mechanics and fundamentals associated with the position. Much of it to do with footwork.


Many of us were premature in our assessment of Kujo at tackle. (I'm indicting myself here.) It's taken him some time to mature physically and start to get comfortable in the position. Hopefully. that will be the case with Cardale who is playing one of the toughest and most complicated positions in sports.


As with you I'm not against keeping TT as a bridge qb with the realization that he has limitations. Is he the long term answer at qb? I doubt it because I take the position that you either have the field vision or you don't. From him I don't see it. But maybe again I will be proven wrong as I am very often.

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Agreed. Until someone actually beats him out, he should stay. However, that contract should be renegotiated.



That would be the ideal scenario, but I'm going off the assumption that Tyrod won't restructure.


Even if he doesn't renegotiate, his cap hit really isn't bad at all for a starting QB. The real issue is the dead money if he's cut.

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The question is surprising frankly. He was drafted as a multiple-year project who was very raw but had a high ceiling. IMO he outplayed EJ on Sunday and showed some real positives. I'd say his arrow is pointing up, but it would be a real stretch to say he's ready to be a starter in the NFL at this point.

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I don't have a lot of hope, at least in the short term. He looked very raw (a euphemism if there ever was one) against the Jets. His one passing stat was a product of the refs deciding (apparently before the game even started) to not call offensive PI all game. Just being honest; I hope I'm totally wrong.

Edited by dave mcbride
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Cardale has plenty of talent (as much or more than any QB in that draft) but was never a guy that was going to be ready early in his career. Nothing has changed. 2018 is probably the first time that he should be looked at as a potential starter. He has a high ceiling and a low floor though. He is a raw prospect.

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Are we supposed to have hope for him? Was he sold as the next-up, long-term solution? I don't recall this. It seemed like a project we kept as 3rd QB and if circumstances happened and he somehow had a breakout, we ran with our good luck. in no way am i pinning hopes to this guy. it's so very buffalo bills fan to hope that !@#$ing cardale jones pans out.

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