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Sammy Watkins did not practice due to sore foot


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oh and before I forget thanks for the 5th grade personal attack.... I'm going to go play with my blocks now.


Attacking or questioning what you posted (with nothing to back it up) is not a personal attack.

Edited by 26CornerBlitz
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To be fair that was a slant route, not a screen. Sammy could excel on screens, but because we run a limited offense they mainly limit his routes to stops, comebacks, hooks, and vertical go routes. Very rarely is Sammy put in motion and sent on a cross. I don't think Tyrod is allowed to throw across the middle of the field. In Rex Ryan's world more harm than good can happen. Our offense reminds me of the Mark Sanchez 2009-2010 Jets offense with a more mobile QB.


Agreed, I did loved him in collage I pray he can stay healthy.

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You are splitting hairs here. You can look at trade value all you want, the fact remains that in order to move up and draft Julio Jones, Atlanta had to give up more draft picks, and they did. You can say they got better value all you want, but they traded more draft opportunities, bottom line.


To draft Sammy, would you prefer we gave up what Atlanta did? Or what the Bills did?

I'm really not splitting hairs at all. The assertion was that Atlanta had given up way more than the Bills in their trades for Jones and Watkins. It's not really close and it's in the other direction. I'd much rather have given up the picks Atlanta did rather than the picks we gave up because Atlanta gave up significantly less value than we did. It's kinda silly to just count picks and not look at where those picks fell.

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I think the question is why isn't he being targeted more often ?



It would stand to reason if he is explosive per target as his statistics indicate only a !@#$ing moron would not throw him the ball. Do we really believe our play callers are !@#$ing morons ?

1. We throw the ball less than every other NFL team


2. We have a QB that is limited in what plays he can execute in the passing game

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Look there is no question he is talented, but his career number are Average... there are dozens and dozens of guy with better number over 3 years.

Does he have the talent to be better you bet but so far we have gotten avg....


Dozens and dozens of guys with better numbers? Watkins was one of the two best players on the field last Sunday. Shady being the other player on offense. Sammy's play was far from average. Even with his limited targets. Not his fault the QB can't go through his progressions, anticipate his receivers and throwing before they make their break. Is David Lee still employed with the Bills? If so fire him. He has done nothing with two QB's now. Well EJ does do a mean hard count.

I will give Tyrod this he has the most imaginative case of happy feet in the NFL..... That said he is all the Bills have this year and next.

If the rumor is true that Sammy may need another operation.And If OBD medical staff has any clue of what is going on. They should shut him down now. have him get the second surgery Rehab him with professional NFL caliber trainers, and wait until next year. This season is lost anyways without him at 100%. Probably with another year of the clown bros. in 2017 It's hard too see this team being a serious contender that can make deep playoff runs. There are so many holes this team needs fresh competent coaching before anything will move this team forward. Watkins health is a concern. When healthy he will be a force. Probably after he plays out his rookie contract and sadly lights it up elsewhere. Ditto Robert Woods.......... So much for drafting and developing their players. They don't know how.

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Dozens and dozens of guys with better numbers? Watkins was one of the two best players on the field last Sunday. Shady being the other player on offense. Sammy's play was far from average. Even with his limited targets. Not his fault the QB can't go through his progressions, anticipate his receivers and throwing before they make their break. Is David Lee still employed with the Bills? If so fire him. He has done nothing with two QB's now. Well EJ does do a mean hard count.

I will give Tyrod this he has the most imaginative case of happy feet in the NFL..... That said he is all the Bills have this year and next.

If the rumor is true that Sammy may need another operation.And If OBD medical staff has any clue of what is going on. They should shut him down now. have him get the second surgery Rehab him with professional NFL caliber trainers, and wait until next year. This season is lost anyways without him at 100%. Probably with another year of the clown bros. in 2017 It's hard too see this team being a serious contender that can make deep playoff runs. There are so many holes this team needs fresh competent coaching before anything will move this team forward. Watkins health is a concern. When healthy he will be a force. Probably after he plays out his rookie contract and sadly lights it up elsewhere. Ditto Robert Woods.......... So much for drafting and developing their players. They don't know how.


Progressions???? Shouldn't we give the QB at least a week to develop timing with a WR? I'm not declaring Tyrod as the final solution but let's look at the receiving corps he has to work with, especially since Woods got hurt. Things have been so rough this season that Chris Hogan may have been filling in as the #1 if he was still here. Let's keep some perspective here.

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Per Anthony Lynn at his Thursday press conference, Sammy still has a broken bone in is foot and his playing is "a pain tolerance thing". I'm confused. Didn't he have surgery to repair the broken bone in his foot? How can it still be broken? They didn't fix it?

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Guess fans would be bitching about Gronk as a Bills' player given how much he's been hurt and out with injury.

fact. but honestly. why shouldn't they.


availability is just as important.


not any level of hatred or cut the guy, Coaches have that job.

But B word? sure and heck yes we can.


btw i want Sammy to play football for us. Especially right now, though. we are in dire need of WRs.


Progressions???? Shouldn't we give the QB at least a week to develop timing with a WR? I'm not declaring Tyrod as the final solution but let's look at the receiving corps he has to work with, especially since Woods got hurt. Things have been so rough this season that Chris Hogan may have been filling in as the #1 if he was still here. Let's keep some perspective here.

sometime overlooked point C i S. Reps with QB and WRs !

Edited by 3rdand12
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well smart pants.

How was your personal experience with life altering migraines?

People that suffer from this (I have friend who does)


- Its not just the pain in the head.....it also makes you extremely nausaus

- Things like sunlight are like daggers in the skull

- Imagine what a tumor in your head the size of a baseball would feel like

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He has flashes and games of brillance that is for sure however the trend is not his friend at this point more and more it seems like his career will be of what could have been instead of what was accomplished. .


Yep, just like Julio Jones. I hate to keep beating that drum and time will tell with Sammy but you guys act as if he is done for because he didn't fit your schedule to greatness. Get a grip.

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