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Give Rex credit, the spike was brilliant

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I could care less if it was Rex, Crossman, Carpenter or the water boy. It was a heads up moment at a time when it was easier to lose your cool over the horrible officiating. I saw a post-game where Russell Wilson acknowledged it as a smart move.


To those who made the call in the comfort of your home...congrats, I certainly didn't think of it but I don't look it as an on field no-brainer given the circumstances

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Can you give an example of bad clock management in the last two years? I recall a few occassions when he left too much time on the clock at the end of the half for the oppsoing team - perhaps the Bengals game last year. Other than that I don't recall any in-game time and field management decisions that were terrible.

Why were they running the clock before the punt with 3 minutes left? They wasted 20 seconds when they should have punted right away. It didn't cost us but it was really bad clock management.

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I gotta give Rex some credit. Just when I thought the Bills had to have Schmidt kick the FG with an unknown holder (who is the backup holder?), Rex says spike the ball to get Carp back on the field. As much as I berate the guy for melting down in critical situations, the spike was a brilliant call in the clutch. I didn't think of it. How many of you did? Well-played Rex Ryan!


I thought it was brilliant and said so in the shout box when it was happening.


Rex is a much better coach than what people give him credit for. The fact he managed to get us to 8-8 last year with all the injuries was impressive, meanwhile playoff and SB contenders like Dallas and Balt combined for less wins than us because of injuries and they both have a deeper and more talented roster than us.

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Rex is a much better coach than what people give him credit for. The fact he managed to get us to 8-8 last year with all the injuries was impressive, meanwhile playoff and SB contenders like Dallas and Balt combined for less wins than us because of injuries and they both have a deeper and more talented roster than us.

Hey, let's not go overboard :nana:

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It was mass chaos and I actually give him credit for not getting himself ejected. I know how fired up I was with the sequence at the end of the half and I'm just a fan!


I wonder if they will fine him for swearing st the refs - I know he has been fined with the Jets multiple times - or if they are smart to let it slide given their admission of error.

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