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Shady injures hamstring in practice

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It's a backpedal as well as a swipe at the Bills, with the "trying to push him through for Sunday's game" comment. I certainly didn't get that impression from anything Rex or ALynn said; quite the opposite in fact.


I've really grown to despise these ESPN scoop-hunters...


Especially now, with all the salary cuts at ESPN, we're left with either people in looong term contracts or low priced (lack of) talent.

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it's has to be funny or amusing to be considered humor. It's neither. Just annoying.

I find Jeff Dunham and his stupid ventriloquist act to be annoying and unhumorous. Yet he travels the world playing to laughing audiences. I am willing to allow others find him funny.


Humor is completely subjective and I like when people try to spice things up a little around here, whether I personally find it funny or not.

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Everyone is an expert from afar.




If there is any bit of pain, #Bills should rest McCoy this Sunday. My full reasoning (video) here: https://t.co/TVnXxzUMZR

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Everyone is an expert from afar.




If there is any bit of pain, #Bills should rest McCoy this Sunday. My full reasoning (video) here: https://t.co/TVnXxzUMZR



and/or everyone wants to justify hopping on the early scoop they didn't have

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Saw Anderson's piece and then JW's. I am not media nor JW friendly, hence the warning, but when it comes down to trusting someone here, I laughed at her report because JW usually never goes out on a limb for the sake of a potentially incorrect scoop. She's a national honk who with very limited journalisitic credibility. Hell she doesn't even have a journalism degree. My guess is that it's not the Bills pushing McCoy, it's McCoy's desire to play and pushing them. Seems like the state of the national media is to over-sensationalize and over-state problems, hiding behind chicken-bleep anonymous sources, and then when it turns out to be wrong, run misdirection by blaming someone or something else.

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Everyone is an expert from afar.




If there is any bit of pain, #Bills should rest McCoy this Sunday. My full reasoning (video) here: https://t.co/TVnXxzUMZR


Doesn't he mean heal up? I doubt he's tired

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and/or everyone wants to justify hopping on the early scoop they didn't have


You know ESPN, et al love to drive the news cycle and bring traffic to their respective websites to create additional ad revenue. To hell with verifying information with good sourcing.....Gotta be first!

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I find Jeff Dunham and his stupid ventriloquist act to be annoying and unhumorous. Yet he travels the world playing to laughing audiences. I am willing to allow others find him funny.


Humor is completely subjective and I like when people try to spice things up a little around here, whether I personally find it funny or not.



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You guys who are not questioning him playing are nuts! Do you have any faith in the Bills medical staff? Just look at this year alone with them saying Shaq Lawson didn't need surgery after the draft and Watkins would be ready to start the season. I have little to know faith in any positive report on player health from the Bills

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Smokescreen. The Bills want Miami to have to prepare for Shady. Bills will rest him because TD Mike can carry the load and beat the Dolphins. Shady will have an extra week to get fully pregnant for New England.




is that Ice T?


No it's lemonaid! Can't you reD lmao

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You guys who are not questioning him playing are nuts! Do you have any faith in the Bills medical staff? Just look at this year alone with them saying Shaq Lawson didn't need surgery after the draft and Watkins would be ready to start the season. I have little to know faith in any positive report on player health from the Bills


You're Dr. Doom, so of course you can't see past the BBFS.

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This is what happens when the Josinas of the mothership sports outlet word their tweets creatively:


The local sports radio in Cbus "reports" that the Bills are pushing McCoy to play through a hamstring injury which they criticized as stupid and couldn't understand why you would push your star RB when he was supposed to be "Out" as reported yesterday. Then they rambled about the nightmare for fantasy owners.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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