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McCoy's nightclub fight and the ongoing investigation


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What I believe happened with these cops is that they didn't want to report the incident after it happened. They didn't want the police involved. (My opinion.) If no one would have gotten hurt they simply would have moved on. The problem they ran into is that some of them sustained injuries that they couldn't hide and that precluded them from returning to work. Because of their job they were required to report the injuries and how it occurred. Did they falsify their stories or embellish it when they filed criminal complaints? I'm not going to take the leap.


There is another aspect to this story that is troubling to me. The police quickly filed arrest papers and sent it to the DA's office. The DA is doing the right thing in slowing down the ram rod process and doing their due diligence. It seems to me that they are behaving very responsibly in this chaotic incident. The police should have taken more time to sort this jumbled case out before sending it up the pipeline to the DA's office.

as i mentioned. once and then again

I do not think they wanted to be exposed either. But when one , the other or both were unable to take their shift, questions were raised internally.

I think regardless of the incident it has been poorly handled by Philly authorities.

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as i mentioned. once and then again

I do not think they wanted to be exposed either. But when one , the other or both were unable to take their shift, questions were raised internally.

I think regardless of the incident it has been poorly handled by Philly authorities.

the mayor's statement was a bad look
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the mayor's statement was a bad look

That was a bit over the Top. the FOP is probably expected.


Talk about un needed drama for the City of Brotherly love. That is what they still call it right? or is that Harrisburg...

Edited by 3rdand12
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as i mentioned. once and then again

I do not think they wanted to be exposed either. But when one , the other or both were unable to take their shift, questions were raised internally.

I think regardless of the incident it has been poorly handled by Philly authorities.

I agree with your thoughts. Sometimes people get involved in things that spiral out of control. I can understand the involved cops being overwhelmed with how the situation unfolded and panicking a little but the police who took the criminal complaint should have done a more thorough follow up before filing the arrest papers. I don't know how things are eventually going to play out but the police department is not looking too good right now.

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there was news today

Do you mean the report that anonymous sources have said that the DA is resisting an indictment? That sounds like more speculation to me. There hasn't been an official statement from anyone as far as I'm aware other than to say that nothing is pending.

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Do you mean the report that anonymous sources have said that the DA is resisting an indictment? That sounds like more speculation to me. There hasn't been an official statement from anyone as far as I'm aware other than to say that nothing is pending.

uh, no. That rib fractures suffered in car accidents are a fatality risk. Obviously.
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I feel like I've seen a ton of posts all over about Charges expected, and they never come.......


From the looks of it, they probably don't have a strong case based on current evidence and probably a weak or large amount of conflicting stories from those inside the club. If they had concrete proof McCoy would have been arrested(turned himself in)


The longer this goes, the more it looks like McCoy simply needs to pick better friends and was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong group of people.

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During a number of years spent working the ER in a major trauma center, I saw patients suffering from similar injuries to those reported for Complainant #1 (broken nose, laceration (I'm assuming above, not to) right eye, broken ribs, sprained thumb) on a number of occasions.


Some were not, from the perspective of danger to life or permanent loss of function, serious. Some were very serious - for example, broken ribs can produce a flail chest, a condition where the breastbone is separated from the ribs on either side. Breathing is compromised. (I started to describe some of the serious versions of said injuries then said ..... nah, not going there).


In 100% of the occasions where the injuries were serious, the victims arrived by transport - ambulance, usually (in one case, in the back of a speeding farm truck with a guy in the back holding on to the patient and the side of the truck for dear life and an adventitious police escort leading them. That one puked the triage nurse). They were in far too much distress to contemplate driving themselves.


In 100% of the occasions where the patient drove themselves, the injuries, while they caused discomfort or pain and required treatment, were not serious from the perspective of danger to life or permanent loss of function (or even long term loss of function).


Note: the percentage simply reflects my personal experience, but I'd bet a nice dinner that the experience of other health care providers would be within 5%. Also note that I am not asserting that 100% of the patients arriving by ambulance were seriously injured.


We know that it was not debilitating or painful enough to prevent the complainant from driving himself to the hospital, or to cause him to feel that EMS was required.


Good post, I don't disagree with any of it. I see a ton of injuries, both serious and not, in my line of work, and I can say that generally speaking, with the exception of an orbital fracture the injuries sustained by these guys are not something most consider "serious" -- with the obvious caveat that any injury can be significant under the right combination of circumstances.

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To be fair, I waa listening to the program yesterday on my drive home they took a moment to talk about it.


Thomas got multiple clubgoers, from different groups who said the same story. I'm pro-Shady, but it's a bad look.


Still different from the DA thinking he has multiple reliable witnesses. And even so, it's still the misdemeanor assault we thought more likely.

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It will be interesting to see if the DA pokes the hornet's nest and goes forward with charges. The FOP want this to go away quickly, so its pretty reasonable to assume the longer this goes on the more facts will come out about the officers conduct.

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Not defending Shady for losing control in a bar, but it happens when you drink too much. Everyone has blown up the fact that the "off duty" police were the other parties he was involved with. The fact that the other brawlers in the incident happened to work as police when they were not off work, getting drunk, being obnoxious, and fighting in bars. Any of us could get drunk, obnoxious, and get into a dispute if we made a habit of hanging out in bars, no matter what our occupation was


I read the article posted here from the SQ. newspaper.


Sounds like the politicians and the police in Philly have serious obnoxious attitudes and have a chip over Shady leaving Philly for Buffalo. Even though Shady was traded. It was not his choice, or his idea. He was not happy about it at the time. I have little confidence in their ability to be fair and professional. I wonder just how different the losing combatant's attitudes were, and just how innocent they were in creating the incident.


Quoting the article:


"Our guys look like they got the brunt of it, so we're waiting to see the outcome of the investigation," president of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 John McNesby told Philly.com. "Maybe he should stay in Buffalo and carry on like an idiot in Buffalo." ( They were not "your guy's" that night, just drunken brawlers who lost a fight)


"Meanwhile, Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney wasn't too happy after seeing the video.

"In addition to punches being thrown, there were some kicks that looked as if they were being leveled, and that's unconscionable and it's cowardly," Kenny told CBS Philadelphia last week.

"If he wants to pound our officers and stomp our officers, then he needs to pay the price and answer for his actions." (They were not officers at the time, just drunken brawlers)


This was a fight between drunken men in a bar. Someone usually loses a fight. The fact that the drunker losers happened to be police officers when they went to work should make no difference when at the time they are just drunken civilians who were stupid enough to pick a fight with monster pro athletes in better shape and probably bigger and stronger than them to get in a drunken bar brawl with. This had nothing to do with being police officers. The politicians and police spokesmen need to be pros and not be so biased and obnoxious, treating them as anything more than drunken bar brawlers who lost the fight.

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To be fair, I waa listening to the program yesterday on my drive home they took a moment to talk about it.

Thomas got multiple clubgoers, from different groups who said the same story. I'm pro-Shady, but it's a bad look.

Still different from the DA thinking he has multiple reliable witnesses. And even so, it's still the misdemeanor assault we thought more likely.


I agree it's not a good look for Mccoy. This is interesting to me from several viewpoints.


It's essentially the first people who have come forward to say what they saw other than the complainants, and the coming forward is not very far if they're sticking to text messages or being quoted as anonymous sources. But did you catch this:

"Innes: This comes from two sources, and what’s important about these two sources? One may have a dog in the fight in this thing. The other does not have a dog in the fight at all but it’s someone that Tank ended up knowing who happened to message him who was in the club in close proximity to what actually went down. "


I can't translate the second part at all. "It's someone that Tank ended up knowing" - who or what is Tank? And what does "ended up knowing" mean? I grasp that the source was in the club in close proximity to what happened, so should be a good witness. Can anyone help me translate the rest?


"One may have a dog in the fight in this thing" is reasonably clear of meaning. "Then there were three other people who either messaged or called or contacted you about what they saw …" So, are there two sources or five sources? Two plus three was 5 last I looked although perhaps Common Core has something to say about that.


As was reported yesterday on Crossing Broad: “According to law enforcement officials, tension between the District Attorney’s office and PPD has risen over the last few days because of the delay in charging McCoy and three other men for their alleged role in a fight at Recess Lounge in Old City early on the morning of Feb. 7.


I said at the time (not on here) that if I were someone who wanted to pressure the DA to bring charges, the next step would be witnesses coming forward in the press saying McCoy or his party started it. But I think the DA at this point is going to want names, addresses, and statements.


Another point of interest:. The original report references obtaining the Police Report of the incident: "The report states that officers Darnell Jessie, Roland Butler and Sergeant Daniel Ayers purchased four bottles of champagne that evening. When Butler “moved to another location with his bottle,” former Pitt football player Tamarcus Porter “approached him and tried to pull the bottle from his hand.” According to the report, “an argument ensued as to the ownership of the bottle,” at which point McCoy, Brinkley and Christopher Henderson “assisted [Porter].”


So now we have two sources saying "Apparently they ordered two bottles. One of the bottles was placed on their table … [One of the off duty cops] goes to get the other. One of Shady’s crew feels like that’s their bottle and he grabs it too. In the midst of some words being exchanged, the word was that Shady kinda sucker-punched one of the off-duty cops. Allegedly, allegedly."


Note the differences. In the original report, the officers purchased 4 bottles of champagne and one of them "moved to another location with his bottle". In this witness account, one of the officers goes to get a 2nd bottle (of 2, not 4) and Shady sucker-punches him.


The differences might be explained, but in court, a good defense attorney would be all over any discrepancies to cast doubt on a witnesses knowledge of the situation, where they were relative to other people, what they could see from that position, and so forth.

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I agree with your thoughts. Sometimes people get involved in things that spiral out of control. I can understand the involved cops being overwhelmed with how the situation unfolded and panicking a little but the police who took the criminal complaint should have done a more thorough follow up before filing the arrest papers. I don't know how things are eventually going to play out but the police department is not looking too good right now.

I dont think it looks good for anyone honestly John.

someone will have to receive punishment, if not everyone.

Maybe the Cops get paid leave from the precinct and so does Lesean from Goodell.


I wonder how this would play out if it was you or I in Leseans position? Meaning , a non millionaire celebrity.

I guess i should say, if it was me who made the mistake this would have gone very poorly indeed.

Pretty sure i would be in a cell and fairly well abused by now. And looking at a felony with state time

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