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[closed]Im sick of watching tyrod


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@OP: I suggest you get used to Tyrod. I could very easily be wrong but imo you are watching the future of the game.


How many pure passers are you seeing in college now? Few indeed.


In the NFL, there are still handful of qbs who don't rely much on mobility, and those guys are either old or getting there. Now, maybe Winston will be a great pocket passer. Luck IS great imo and even he must rely quite a bit on his ability to run.

I think a quarterback that isn't talked about much who will do very well in this league is Trevone Boykin. It is, and always has been hard to stop guys like Tyrod and Trevone.


I heard a couple of NFL defenders say that it was worse to play against Steve Young than Montana because Young could do so much with his legs. The thing is that in those days (before the rule changes) players would all but try to assassinate quarterbacks.


Anyway, your opinion of Tyrod may change. I for one think the kid is pretty good. :)

Edited by Bill from NYC
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Tyrod is the best the Bills have seen at QB in a long time but he isn't the future & i hope that Whaley see's that because Rex doesn't !


This could be a Jet's rerun all over as far as that position is concerned, i hope Rex doesn't put blinders on when it comes to the position & listens to those that were hired to look out for the betterment of the team .


But it was only TT's first season so there could be room for improvement ! Let's hope so !!!

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First ,while yes we lead the league in rushing and tyrod set a record for ya da ya da ...he did that to the detriment of about 100 passing plays that went for qb rushes instead. What good is leading the league in rushing if you are often behind, trying to pass, and scrambling instead? I dont get "amazed" anymore by all his running around. Its highly frustrating and annoying. A good rushing team needs to run with its running backs to hold a lead and play out the clock. Not lose to the giants, chiefs, eagles, pats, and skins while your qb dorks around throwing bombs on third and 3 or worse-3 yard flares on third and 10! Or worse yet -scrambling for 14 yards on 3rd and 15 that get called back for holding anyways.


Lets be honest, with his slow release and inability to read the middle of the field, we are stuck with a qb who plays it safe and does everything ( i mean everything ) outside the hash marks. Will tightwad throw a 10 yarder to a tight end crossing? Nope. Will he hit anyone crossing the middle, ever? nope. How many slants were thrown this year? I think about zero. How are the rac yards for receivers on this team? Crap. The only middle type pass he throws is to a rb that hooks for 2 yards. But the player has to be stopped. He hit watkins and hogan for 2 nice stop routes last sunday. Both stopped, and on the sideline. His tds a few weeks ago, a fade to watkins, a hook out to woods, both on the outside. see the pattern yet? his other tds, almost all deep sideline passes. He tried exactly 2 deep posts down the middle this year. missed bad on one and connected on the other in double coverage. His sideline deep ball last week was in double coverage too, he still throws em, doesnt read it (or care?). watkins had to fight off the cb enough to get offensive PI. Ill admit he has great touch so its safe and watkins may catch it. He started the year doing this to harvin with some success. But this is all he has. When hes not going deep sideline hes throwing annoying little flares to the tight end or back. Always diagonal and outside the hash and for 3-4 yards. Usually results in a quick tackle on third and long. No first down. He doesnt care, its safe and maybe the receiver will break it. Do they? Nope.


His other lame asset, running, has given us a ton of garbage time points, and yes a few game winners. But the problem is even his scrambles, almost every single one, are to the outside. He wont just shoot through the middle. With the middle WIDE OPEN, he stops, deeks backwards then runs sideways often losing ground and barely getting it back at the sideline. When he has a choice to cut back these outside runs, he doesnt. He just fakes in, but always goes outside, always and often short of the marker. And should we talk about all the holding penalties we got when he did this weird stop-go backwards and run outside move? They looked nice and all, til the flag got thrown. I think we had about 10 like that.


Maybe its Roman. I tried to just focus on the middle of the field last week to see if any receivers crossed at all. Sme plays didnt have anyone, so maybe its not all the qbs fault. But this doesnt excuse his lame style of jumping backwards and trying to run around the Defensive End everytime he gets nervous in the pocket. Its decision making. Like his decisions to throw deep balls on third and short. Or the plays he SHOULD and COULD have scrambled on since he cant seem to throw an easy 5 yarder to someone. All year he would to go deep on 3rd and short, short on third and long, and run on third and very long.


Bottom line is hes playing it safe, and his pretty deep ball passes cover up a huge hole in his game. His unwillingness to even try running up the middle bothers me and makes me question his courage. I watched itty bitty Kellen Moore hang in there and hang in there and deliver all kinds of passes all over the field. Especially third down passes. He was a better qb last week in his first start that tightwad was in week 16. Id take him straight up for "t mobile" ( where all calls must be either long distance or you can hand walk a letter) Time to switch carriers, we need a new QB next year.


I'm proud of you.

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First ,while yes we lead the league in rushing and tyrod set a record for ya da ya da ...he did that to the detriment of about 100 passing plays that went for qb rushes instead. What good is leading the league in rushing if you are often behind, trying to pass, and scrambling instead? I dont get "amazed" anymore by all his running around. Its highly frustrating and annoying. A good rushing team needs to run with its running backs to hold a lead and play out the clock. Not lose to the giants, chiefs, eagles, pats, and skins while your qb dorks around throwing bombs on third and 3 or worse-3 yard flares on third and 10! Or worse yet -scrambling for 14 yards on 3rd and 15 that get called back for holding anyways.


Lets be honest, with his slow release and inability to read the middle of the field, we are stuck with a qb who plays it safe and does everything ( i mean everything ) outside the hash marks. Will tightwad throw a 10 yarder to a tight end crossing? Nope. Will he hit anyone crossing the middle, ever? nope. How many slants were thrown this year? I think about zero. How are the rac yards for receivers on this team? Crap. The only middle type pass he throws is to a rb that hooks for 2 yards. But the player has to be stopped. He hit watkins and hogan for 2 nice stop routes last sunday. Both stopped, and on the sideline. His tds a few weeks ago, a fade to watkins, a hook out to woods, both on the outside. see the pattern yet? his other tds, almost all deep sideline passes. He tried exactly 2 deep posts down the middle this year. missed bad on one and connected on the other in double coverage. His sideline deep ball last week was in double coverage too, he still throws em, doesnt read it (or care?). watkins had to fight off the cb enough to get offensive PI. Ill admit he has great touch so its safe and watkins may catch it. He started the year doing this to harvin with some success. But this is all he has. When hes not going deep sideline hes throwing annoying little flares to the tight end or back. Always diagonal and outside the hash and for 3-4 yards. Usually results in a quick tackle on third and long. No first down. He doesnt care, its safe and maybe the receiver will break it. Do they? Nope.


His other lame asset, running, has given us a ton of garbage time points, and yes a few game winners. But the problem is even his scrambles, almost every single one, are to the outside. He wont just shoot through the middle. With the middle WIDE OPEN, he stops, deeks backwards then runs sideways often losing ground and barely getting it back at the sideline. When he has a choice to cut back these outside runs, he doesnt. He just fakes in, but always goes outside, always and often short of the marker. And should we talk about all the holding penalties we got when he did this weird stop-go backwards and run outside move? They looked nice and all, til the flag got thrown. I think we had about 10 like that.


Maybe its Roman. I tried to just focus on the middle of the field last week to see if any receivers crossed at all. Sme plays didnt have anyone, so maybe its not all the qbs fault. But this doesnt excuse his lame style of jumping backwards and trying to run around the Defensive End everytime he gets nervous in the pocket. Its decision making. Like his decisions to throw deep balls on third and short. Or the plays he SHOULD and COULD have scrambled on since he cant seem to throw an easy 5 yarder to someone. All year he would to go deep on 3rd and short, short on third and long, and run on third and very long.


Bottom line is hes playing it safe, and his pretty deep ball passes cover up a huge hole in his game. His unwillingness to even try running up the middle bothers me and makes me question his courage. I watched itty bitty Kellen Moore hang in there and hang in there and deliver all kinds of passes all over the field. Especially third down passes. He was a better qb last week in his first start that tightwad was in week 16. Id take him straight up for "t mobile" ( where all calls must be either long distance or you can hand walk a letter) Time to switch carriers, we need a new QB next year.



And this from a guy who loved Doug Flutie

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Hey, I wouldn't have put it in these terms, but the OP is basically saying what Whaley said yesterday -- Tyrod is a work in progress. He's already very good at certain aspects of NFL quarterbacking, but his game so far eliminates the middle of the field. Here's one from 26CornerBlitz's Whaley on WGR thread:


Whaley on Taylor: "It's going to be a maturation process...if he can start moving around in the pocket and finding throwing lanes"


Overall, Whaley is pretty hard nosed in his assessment. Tyrod showed us a lot this year, but there's an awful lot of work left to do.

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I can understand some of the OP's frustration. But i don't think that your anger is focused in the right direction.


To be more specific, I think you have some substance when you talk about Tyrod running. He is quick to abandon the pocket and I've never felt as he was ever comfortable back there, for obvious reasons. However this is something that can be worked on.


The passing game is also frustrating but you have to wonder how much of it is Tyrod and where the blame on Roman begins. Take for example the 4th down bomb to hogan last week. The play call was reading the quick out, which was well covered, and then he threw it to the next read down the field, which happened to be a dime but dropped.


Tyrod is not perfect but he is obviously better than we've had in previous years and likely the guy for at least next year too

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I can understand some of the OP's frustration. But i don't think that your anger is focused in the right direction.


To be more specific, I think you have some substance when you talk about Tyrod running. He is quick to abandon the pocket and I've never felt as he was ever comfortable back there, for obvious reasons. However this is something that can be worked on.


The passing game is also frustrating but you have to wonder how much of it is Tyrod and where the blame on Roman begins. Take for example the 4th down bomb to hogan last week. The play call was reading the quick out, which was well covered, and then he threw it to the next read down the field, which happened to be a dime but dropped.


Tyrod is not perfect but he is obviously better than we've had in previous years and likely the guy for at least next year too

I also wonder whether some of the long bombs on 3rd/4th and short are as much a consequence of not having anything short/over the middle that Roman trusts as they are calculated attempts to take advantage of the defense crowding the box. I think that's particularly the case with Clay (and now Woods) out, and that's another area of potential improvement -- improving the receiving corps, and getting better at the pick/rub plays everyone else seems to run better than us.

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Whaley on Taylor: "It's going to be a maturation process...if he can start moving around in the pocket and finding throwing lanes"


Dumb question here, but is it not the OL's job to open up throwing lanes. Especially for a shorter QB. I understand that some of the onus is on the QB but OL has to help with this.

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Whaley on Taylor: "It's going to be a maturation process...if he can start moving around in the pocket and finding throwing lanes"


Dumb question here, but is it not the OL's job to open up throwing lanes. Especially for a shorter QB. I understand that some of the onus is on the QB but OL has to help with this.


It's also a function of movement in the pocket to create the necessary passing lanes. Tyrod can hopefully improve his game in this area.

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First ,while yes we lead the league in rushing and tyrod set a record for ya da ya da ...he did that to the detriment of about 100 passing plays that went for qb rushes instead. What good is leading the league in rushing if you are often behind, trying to pass, and scrambling instead? I dont get "amazed" anymore by all his running around. Its highly frustrating and annoying. A good rushing team needs to run with its running backs to hold a lead and play out the clock. Not lose to the giants, chiefs, eagles, pats, and skins while your qb dorks around throwing bombs on third and 3 or worse-3 yard flares on third and 10! Or worse yet -scrambling for 14 yards on 3rd and 15 that get called back for holding anyways.


Lets be honest, with his slow release and inability to read the middle of the field, we are stuck with a qb who plays it safe and does everything ( i mean everything ) outside the hash marks. Will tightwad throw a 10 yarder to a tight end crossing? Nope. Will he hit anyone crossing the middle, ever? nope. How many slants were thrown this year? I think about zero. How are the rac yards for receivers on this team? Crap. The only middle type pass he throws is to a rb that hooks for 2 yards. But the player has to be stopped. He hit watkins and hogan for 2 nice stop routes last sunday. Both stopped, and on the sideline. His tds a few weeks ago, a fade to watkins, a hook out to woods, both on the outside. see the pattern yet? his other tds, almost all deep sideline passes. He tried exactly 2 deep posts down the middle this year. missed bad on one and connected on the other in double coverage. His sideline deep ball last week was in double coverage too, he still throws em, doesnt read it (or care?). watkins had to fight off the cb enough to get offensive PI. Ill admit he has great touch so its safe and watkins may catch it. He started the year doing this to harvin with some success. But this is all he has. When hes not going deep sideline hes throwing annoying little flares to the tight end or back. Always diagonal and outside the hash and for 3-4 yards. Usually results in a quick tackle on third and long. No first down. He doesnt care, its safe and maybe the receiver will break it. Do they? Nope.


His other lame asset, running, has given us a ton of garbage time points, and yes a few game winners. But the problem is even his scrambles, almost every single one, are to the outside. He wont just shoot through the middle. With the middle WIDE OPEN, he stops, deeks backwards then runs sideways often losing ground and barely getting it back at the sideline. When he has a choice to cut back these outside runs, he doesnt. He just fakes in, but always goes outside, always and often short of the marker. And should we talk about all the holding penalties we got when he did this weird stop-go backwards and run outside move? They looked nice and all, til the flag got thrown. I think we had about 10 like that.


I'm still trying to understand what "garbage time" is.


Perhaps you could enlighten me, since you're "enlightener"


Last time I asked I was told it was any offensive drive in the 2nd half (or maybe 4th Q) when you're down by more than 2 scores and the other team is playing prevent D - in other words, it's a comeback that doesn't quite come back far enough (or is negated by the other team scoring again), and a few more points and/or better D would make it a brilliant come-from-behind victory. In other words, it's completely defined in hindsight according to the final outcome.

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It's also a function of movement in the pocket to create the necessary passing lanes. Tyrod can hopefully improve his game in this area.iii

Agreed. I just think in this particular case OL/QB failed equally in creating passing lanes. When you watch a Saint game you can always see a couple well defined lanes for Drew to see through. That hasn't been the case for the Bills this year.

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Agreed. I just think in this particular case OL/QB failed equally in creating passing lanes. When you watch a Saint game you can always see a couple well defined lanes for Drew to see through. That hasn't been the case for the Bills this year.

This is almost as ridiculous a take as the OP. What does Drew Brees wear a go pro all game and then let you watch it after?
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I'm still trying to understand what "garbage time" is.


Perhaps you could enlighten me, since you're "enlightener"


Last time I asked I was told it was any offensive drive in the 2nd half (or maybe 4th Q) when you're down by more than 2 scores and the other team is playing prevent D - in other words, it's a comeback that doesn't quite come back far enough (or is negated by the other team scoring again), and a few more points and/or better D would make it a brilliant come-from-behind victory. In other words, it's completely defined in hindsight according to the final outcome.


Haven't we already been "INlightened" enough....


TT was a warrior in his first FULL season as a starter. Add some help on the o-line and another solid receiver and I like our chances going forward.

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