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Who did Christopher Columbus hate?


Little known fact that the Nina was owned by a guy named Juan Nino. Columbus always thought Juan gave the ship a female version of his name because Chris knew Juan liked to dress like a girl when the sailors all came to town.


Turns out the name of the boat was just a typo, but Juan never forgave Chris for outing him when he wrote the song "Nino, You're A Fine Girl" so he took his boat back and Chris hated him ever since.


True story.

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Little known fact that the Nina was owned by a guy named Juan Nino. Columbus always thought Juan gave the ship a female version of his name because Chris knew Juan liked to dress like a girl when the sailors all came to town.


Turns out the name of the boat was just a typo, but Juan never forgave Chris for outing him when he wrote the song "Nino, You're A Fine Girl" so he took his boat back and Chris hated him ever since.


True story.

Wasn't Chris's brother the detective that wore the trench coat?


Having a cop in the family is a sure sign of intolerance and hate.

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Little known fact that the Nina was owned by a guy named Juan Nino. Columbus always thought Juan gave the ship a female version of his name because Chris knew Juan liked to dress like a girl when the sailors all came to town.


Turns out the name of the boat was just a typo, but Juan never forgave Chris for outing him when he wrote the song "Nino, You're A Fine Girl" so he took his boat back and Chris hated him ever since.


True story.


Wasn't Chris's brother the detective that wore the trench coat?


Having a cop in the family is a sure sign of intolerance and hate.


He also thought about attending a Nazi rally in 1489, but it conflicted with his Klan meeting.

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Little known fact that the Nina was owned by a guy named Juan Nino. Columbus always thought Juan gave the ship a female version of his name because Chris knew Juan liked to dress like a girl when the sailors all came to town.


Turns out the name of the boat was just a typo, but Juan never forgave Chris for outing him when he wrote the song "Nino, You're A Fine Girl" so he took his boat back and Chris hated him ever since.


True story.


You know what I want to know? How Columbus invented biological warfare 400 years before germ theory? What'd he do, imbalance all the Native Americans' humors?

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You know what I want to know? How Columbus invented biological warfare 400 years before germ theory? What'd he do, imbalance all the Native Americans' humors?

How funny is this? Coming from the people who want to destroy Mt. Rushmore, they accuse Columbus of...


Cultural genocide: the deliberate destruction of books, buildings, and other cultural assets for the purpose of undermining cultural identity, development, and self-determination.

These people are dumb as a brick.

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It's the correct take. Plenty of room on an actual battlefield to honor not only the fallen valiants but the leaders of both groups. The hallowed ground of Fredericksburg, Antietam (Sharpsburg if you are from the South), The Wilderness, Shiloh, and more all deserve monuments and statues to the fallen as well as leaders from both sides to commemorate what occurred there. No problem. That's our history. That's what happened. Memorialize on the spot in which occurred. Not 30 years after the Civil Wat ended in Helena, Montana.



Yeah...about that.



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KAROL MARKOWICZ: Why the statue-smashers will never stop.




After last month’s violent clashes in Charlottesville, Va., that left one woman dead and many others injured, the left has focused not on some sort of national healing but on destruction — specifically, of old statues of long-dead men.


And it doesn’t much matter what those men stood for. America’s culture of idol worship and public defenestration has come for anything set in stone.

Last Tuesday, a statue of Christopher Columbus in Central Park had its hands painted red and a sinister message warning “#somethingscoming” was spray-painted on the statue’s base.

That same day, protesters covered a Thomas Jefferson statue at the University of Virginia with a black sheet. On Wednesday in Baltimore, a monument to Francis Scott Key, author of “The Star Spangled Banner,” was defaced with the words “Racist Anthem.”

On Thursday, Wall Street’s “charging bull” was coveredin blue paint.

Conservatives and President Trump warned the vandalism of Confederate monuments was a slippery slope. Liberals scoffed.

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