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New Orleans To Remove Excremental Rebel Monuments


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On the radio this morning: Tim Kaine saying the statue of George Washington in the Capitol Building should be replaced with a statue of Pocahantas, to better represent the beliefs of Virginia.

leave Elizabeth Warren out of this, she has her own problems
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I'm convinced ESPN drummed this up because he almost always handled small schools in the Midwest and most importantly was listed as covering a separate game just a few days ago on the 506 who had his assignments for the first 3 weeks. This game was to be covered by someone else

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Then they came for Philadelphia’s Frank Rizzo statue

The post-Charlottesville statue destruction frenzy is about power, but it may backfire in the voting booth.




Charlottesville is being exploited to justify some of the worst aspects of the leftist culture war.

Internet censorship by left-leaning internet oligopolies based on demonization of political opposition as “hate” and “extremist” groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center is one aspect.

But the culture war has moved with rapid speed to statues and monuments and names, and it’s not stopping at the confederacy. Protesters are taking matters into their own hands and defacing or destroying statues, like this memorial to Christopher Columbus in Baltimore, the oldest such monument in the U.S.:


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