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Trump Alone at the Top

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I was just casually watching a trump rally live feed in Nevada.


There was a disruption at the Trump rally where secret service ran up and pulled trump from the stage.


Then some army dudes ran up and a few minutes later dragged someone out.



Someone speculated on the video a moment ago that there was a guy with a gun.

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Saw an ad earlier today with a widow of one of the Benghazi four. If I were still on the fence between Trump/Clinton that ad would have pushed me away from Clinton and her "experience" towards Trump

I was just casually watching a trump rally live feed in Nevada.


There was a disruption at the Trump rally where secret service ran up and pulled trump from the stage.


Then some army dudes ran up and a few minutes later dragged someone out.



Someone speculated on the video a moment ago that there was a guy with a gun.


In the unlikely event Trump wins, somebody will try to take a shot at him

In the event Clinton wins, she will not serve a full four year term. The email issue will haunt her administration so that she will resign for "health reasons" and to hang out with the grand kids

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Saw an ad earlier today with a widow of one of the Benghazi four. If I were still on the fence between Trump/Clinton that ad would have pushed me away from Clinton and her "experience" towards Trump



In the unlikely event Trump wins, somebody will try to take a shot at him

In the event Clinton wins, she will not serve a full four year term. The email issue will haunt her administration so that she will resign for "health reasons" and to hang out with the grand kids

In the extremely unlikely event Trump wins, any possibility HE gets impeached? R's would get a guy they could work w/ in Pence.

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I can't imagine Trump going four years without his narcissism driving him to do something impeachable.


Not sure. If he ends up as bad as most (from both sides) suspect, hard to believeehe doesn't try something impeachment proceedings worthy.


I'm basing my statement on current events


With Clinton there are sketchy events that could be raised

With Trump, being an !@#$ isn't an impeachable offense. That said if his personal style is indicative of his governing style, it won't take long

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Neither will ever get impeached.


Trump would say a million stupid things. There may be people out to impeach him but I don't know what he would do to get impeached. Saying and doing are different.


Hillary? Are you kidding? She's not in jail already but someone is going to stand up to her later? Give me a break. Learn to spot lap dogs when you see them.

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ROGER KIMBALL has thoughts on temperament.




Trump’s Denver office vandalized twice in 24 hours.......Media Headline: More Trump Vandalism :lol:




DAVE CHAPPELLE ; Calls Trump ‘The Most Gangsta Candidate Ever.’




This past July, Jonah Goldberg explored “How the Media’s History of Smearing Republicans Now Helps Trump.”


We’re seeing lots of mea culpas from the media and its critics about how badly it blew its reporting this year and how deeply it was in the tank for the Democratic nominee. But they could virtually be rewrites of the same faux apologies we’ve seen at the conclusion of every presidential election since at least 2004. And yet, “unexpectedly,” the MSM just never seems to learn from them, do they?

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You don't get it. Hillary lies to cover up her actions.


I'm asking, why does Trump so consistently lie? He moves his lips and lies come out. Watch him talk about that protestor moment that got all the play this week. Trump goes on and on about how Obama was "screaming" at the protestor. And this is not the first time. Trump lies when there's video proof of his lies. It's some odd compulsion. He has no relationship to the truth.


And I know you can't do this, but stay on target. I'm talking about Trump, not Clinton. She has her own 300 page thread.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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You don't get it. Hillary lies to cover up her actions.


I'm asking, why does Trump so consistently lie? He moves his lips and lies come out. Watch him talk about that protestor moment that got all the play this week. Trump goes on and on about how Obama was "screaming" at the protestor. And this is not the first time. Trump lies when there's video proof of his lies. It's some odd compulsion. He has no relationship to the truth.


And I know you can't do this, but stay on target. I'm talking about Trump, not Clinton. She has her own 300 page thread.

What's the difference between that and saying that Trump has a war against all women because he said mean things about certain women?

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