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Trump Alone at the Top

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Might as well get her eMail for Dummies too. She doesn't know how to send email from a PC, so she needed her server and (one) cell phone. One of my favorite excuses. But there are so many. I didn't want to carry 2 cell phones ...


I love the fact that she thought it was okay for her to use a personal email server for government business...when godddamn President Barack Obama had his Blackberry taken away because his using it violated Federal records laws.

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I love the fact that she thought it was okay for her to use a personal email server for government business...when godddamn President Barack Obama had his Blackberry taken away because his using it violated Federal records laws.



In fairness, Obama hadn't had the time to surround himself with as many lap dogs as Hillary had. That takes time which is why 2008 was her turn.


After eight years of Obama, our country isn't poised to win a water balloon fight.


But I'm curious why you think Hillary would want to go to war with Russia?



Romney got laughed off the stage for saying Russia was a threat of any kind. Fast forward 4 years:



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After eight years of Obama, our country isn't poised to win a water balloon fight.


But I'm curious why you think Hillary would want to go to war with Russia?


But hey, we just upgraded our Navy with a brand new $4B ship!


(With no !@#$ing ammunition for it.)

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After eight years of Obama, our country isn't poised to win a water balloon fight.


But I'm curious why you think Hillary would want to go to war with Russia?

Russia my be a stretch, but if we go sticking our nose further in the Middle East (like a Syria no fly zone for example) somebody could shoot down the wrong airplane and it could be game on.

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Name one thing that has come out of Trump's mouth which, in four years, people will say "Wow, Trump really was right about that!!!"




Mr Trump repeated accusations that Mrs Clinton does not have the qualities to be president, including stamina.


But it took me 20 minutes to find that.

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After eight years of Obama, our country isn't poised to win a water balloon fight.


But I'm curious why you think Hillary would want to go to war with Russia?

Because of her intense hatred for Putin. Remember how much Bush hated Saddam? That kind of hate. Besides, she !@#$in nuts.

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I accidentally slept with a Donald Trump supporter

"I got a Lyft home and I thought I was done with him. The next day he messaged me on Tinder. He said, “Hope you’re still not upset over politics LOL.” I explained that it’s hard for me to remain attracted to someone whose views are so different from mine, and who believes in bigotry and xenophobia—which sucked, because the sex was amazing."[/size]

been there done that. Also did that a few times with Pat's fans. One time she was flat out screaming at me as she was trying to get dressed and leave quickly
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