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What is your hobby? Retirement ideas


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Is it something that you could turn in to making money?




Running working out

Building things


4 wheeling





Other ideas?



I would like to get back into fishing and building things to sell. Don't like the cold so snowmobiling is out. Have not been hunting in 20 years.

Edited by mead107
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Is it something that you could turn in to making money?



Running working out

Building things


4 wheeling





Other ideas?

I would like to get back into fishing and building things to sell. Don't like the cold so snowmobiling is out. Have not been hunting in 20 years.

I still work and travel a lot in 6-12 weeks spurts but, Woodturning if you are handy and like to make things. Bonus get real artsy and roll in some cash. Loads of books i recommend a quick class to get it down. depending on how serious you get the initial cash outlay can br pricey or not.


i travel to south america sometimes for work then do a pleasure Trip add on. peru --- I could spend a year there and not get bored. trekking in the Andes is incredible. Hire Porters and live like a King for a few bucks a dsy. We tip heavily and blow their minds. it is very reasonable. Fishing = awesome. people and culture='great. been to Tierra Del Fuego but then the weather stopped us cold. We drove a lot of it. Crazy. bad weather for two weeks we left and could not cross. Panama & costa rica --- safe. Guatalmala -- Columbia? Always hire a " friend" That carrys a weapon. Unless you stay in goofy all inclusive beach " prisons" South America the best. it can be dirt cheap depending on what you require. A " two star" hotel in Peru is to me comparable to a 3-4 start US hotel. The history is amazing if you like that. I have connections for touring always go with a guide or " friend" when close to Bolivian border. Lots of bribes typically 5 bucks and under. A great guide/ body guard is typically $150 a week (before tip) and worth every penny. They can take you to do things you want in safety. very hard to spend $20 bucks a day on awesome dining. Tour companys blow, do your research and have a lot more fun, better dining, sights, everything. peru at Christmas Especially Cuzco or Lima is an event you will never forget. Again, it is reasonable and cheaper than a trip to say Hawaii. South America is just plain great. Match Pitchu takes planning but worth it. take at least one analog camera since digital stuff craps out when in the humid zones. they only issue 100 permits to trek there daily so a long lead time is suggested.


My work also gives me opprotunities to buy a lot of musical instruments so that is my downfall. i spend gobs of cash down there. Eurpoe is crazy pricey. Ditto Hong Kong, Japan. The Florida Keys well they do not call it " marvelous may" for nothing if you like to fish. Thats the month.

Edited by Best Player Available
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Flyfishing and tying my own flies. It is intricate work but very relaxing (unless I have a Sabres game on in the background).


Baking...homemade pizza dough, breads, sweet rolls, cakes...also very relaxing


I want to take up oil painting and litho block printing...Looks like a lot of fun.

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Yep. Working on a Gibson SG right now - a kit, but the body was so poorly machined that I have to make a new one (too much slop between the neck and body - the joint will never handle the stress.)

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Golf, tennis, cooking, probably get on the drums more than I do now. Like Chef, I have a pile of books I have to read. I'll probably be able to fill a house with them all by the time I get to retire.

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Yep. Working on a Gibson SG right now - a kit, but the body was so poorly machined that I have to make a new one (too much slop between the neck and body - the joint will never handle the stress.)

Just because mead is in his 50's doesn't mean he and his wife don't have a healthy relationship.

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