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Prediction Time! What Will Tom Brady's Punishment Be?


361 members have voted

  1. 1. What will Tom Brady's penalty be for 'Deflategate'?

    • No penalty. The NFL will have a meeting with him, and declare the situation resolved.
    • Small to moderate fine. (Less than $500k)
    • Larger fine. ($500k and above)
    • 1-2 game suspension
    • 3 or more game suspension
    • Lifetime ban.

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I hope the NFL and Goodell do the RIGHT THING here and suspend him for a game or two, but I surely have my doubts.

Yeah, I think the max will be a fine but wouldn't be surprised if it's just a slap on the hand and "don't do it again"

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Pats team had employees that helped Tom cheat, I can't see how this isn't an offense that can't punish the whole organization & Brady. Bill B. Held the line to isolate the damage but the Pats hired the employees, who helped Tommy break the rules. This isn't the first time they have cheated to get ahead & been caught, same group.


Remember they don't fumble at home much, do you have wonder why now ??

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I think he gets the season OR gets a small fine and retires (and has already worked this out with goodell). I honestly don't think we'll see tom brady play a down of football for the new england patriots this season, if ever again.


it helps fill in the blanks of their offseason to me. i couldnt figure out why the super bowl champions were getting spurned by every big name, offensive free agent: andre johnson; stevie johnson; cj spiller; reggie bush; percy harvin. all skill players the patriots made offers (or wanted to make offers) to, all guys who turned down the pats and signed elsewhere. it struck me as fishy then, and it makes sense only now. agents and guys in the know must have heard rumors that new england was going into rebuild mode. hell, beli might even have said as much when guys visited. maybe players didnt hear it directly, but word might have gotten out from someone that brady is going to take a big suspension this season.


i think the closest parallel to this is when michael jordan "retired" after 93 and played baseball. everyone thinks he was suspended for gambling for 2 years. same situation for brady. goodell might want to make an example of him, but will be willing to let him do it on his own terms because hes freaking TOM BRADY. he's a football god. it would be so much easier for everyone involved if he just took a small fine in the media (100,000$), publicly apologized. and then retired in a month or 2 when the story has blown over.

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Many experts thought this report would be inconclusive and weak. Now it's billed as a bombshell.


I suspect the punishment will be hefty... I'll say 8 games for TB and 4 for Darth Hoodie. They'll eack get $250k fines. The club will lose 2 second round draft picks and get fined $1M. The appeals will bear little fruit.

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^^ you guys are in for a disapointment I'm afraid.


The only media I saw today saying there will be significant penalty was buffalo media.


I don't see more than a fine/loss of middle round pick and at most a short suspension.


I hope I'm wrong

Edited by FluffHead
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WGR was all giddy about Brady being suspended... lol


He is NOT going to be suspended. Are you joking? It's New England. Their owner came out today and played the victim card again.


These people (New England) have no shame and constantly bend or break the rules. There will be a double standard as there always is.


Guys are getting long suspensions for being accused of crimes or smoking a little dope. Buy the golden boy and GREATEST EVER! will probably get an apology from Goddell and a behind the scenes agreement to get some timely calls to go his way this season as well.


I will NEVER forgive Russell Wilson for that throw.

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I'll be pissed if it's not at least a 4 game suspension which is what's given for steroids. I think it should be a minimum of 6 games though. He was caught cheating, lied to the league and everyone about it, and didn't cooperate with the investigation. Not cooperating should at least be two extra games.

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I think the NFL is weary of public backlash if they're too lenient on Brady given Goodell's flubbing of the Ray Rice original suspension.

Maybe not eight games but I think he gets suspended.


The point about The NFL not wanting Brady absent from the opener makes sense, but the bad pub they and Brady will get leading up to that game could be worse than if he missed the game.


A slap on the wrist will just increase attention to this situation and will make The NFL look like even more of a joke.

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My guess is Brady is fined $500,000 and suspended for 4 games, but these are reduced to 2 games and $250K or $100K on appeal. Additionally, the Pats lose a draft pick somewhere in rounds 4-6.

I think the lying and cover up is a much bigger deal than the offense. It forces the league to look like they are being tough on the Pats.

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Don't need to apologize for beating teams not at full strength. Cheer for him to be out as long as possible.


Normally I'd agree with you, and any rational person would. But I'm admittedly entirely too emotional/irrational when it comes to this divisional rivalry because I'm surrounded by patriot* fans on a near daily basis and have been since college. The worst kind of patriot* fans too -- the kind that are my best friends and have been for years so they know all the right buttons to push. And, being friends, they have been brutal over the past fifteen years of hilarious misery.



Edited by GreggyT
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I don't see Brady playing Bills. Sucks cuz when we beat them they'll have the "Brady wasn't playing" excuse.


that will make the Monday Night contest that much more interesting.

Who cares, chalk it up as a win and let's make the playoffs.
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As dumb as it sounds, you almost have to go 4 games IF you go the suspension route, with the understanding that you would cut it to 2 via appeal.


This reminds me of the time Joe Montana was suspended for cheating AFTER the 49ers were already penalized for cheating as an organization.


Oh, that never happened?



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