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Any other ex-smokers out there?

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I currently smoke but had quit for 15 years before picking it back up. I forget why I even started up again. But I have an addictive personality anyways. Just slug on thru and you will crave less and less as time marches on. I'm going to quit in about 11 months for good.

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Crave everyday because you still smoke every once in a while would be my guess.


May 08 2008 was my quit day. Still have cravings every once in a great while.But have not had any nicotine in my body since that day.


My worst is every once in a blue moon i have a dream where i have a few smokes at a party or golfing etc that gets me smoking full time again...i wake up pissed till that split instant when i realize was a dream...so i must still subconsciously crave them.



I have gotten that too a few times. That feeling I get from those dreams actually helps motivate me to stay off.

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I'm not gonna do it, too bloody expensive. Just trying to figure out how to get rid of the homocidal feeling without lighting up. :P


I still use a vaporizer. I swear by it, and my cardiologist was delighted when I made the switch. All of the nicotine, none of the negative health effects, and it is an adequate enough smoking simulation to satisfy.

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Never smoked but it did cost my dad an early death. He smoked cigarettes from a teen (around 1945) until the mid 60s. He then smoked a pipe and cigars until1983 when he had a "silent" heart attack and a TIA and quit cold turkey. The damage had already been done and he was diagnosed in 1989 with small cell carcinoma and died about18 months later in 1990 (the day after the big comeback against Denver) at the age of 60. Best not to start at all, but if you do, please quit immediately.

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Never smoked but it did cost my dad an early death. He smoked cigarettes from a teen (around 1945) until the mid 60s. He then smoked a pipe and cigars until1983 when he had a "silent" heart attack and a TIA and quit cold turkey. The damage had already been done and he was diagnosed in 1989 with small cell carcinoma and died about18 months later in 1990 (the day after the big comeback against Denver) at the age of 60. Best not to start at all, but if you do, please quit immediately.

How are you? You 100% yet? Hope all is well.

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I still use a vaporizer. I swear by it, and my cardiologist was delighted when I made the switch. All of the nicotine, none of the negative health effects, and it is an adequate enough smoking simulation to satisfy.


This. The Vape has saved me. 10 months without a drag cheating. It is amazing.

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I still use a vaporizer. I swear by it, and my cardiologist was delighted when I made the switch. All of the nicotine, none of the negative health effects, and it is an adequate enough smoking simulation to satisfy.

Nicotine is a carcinogen.

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Nicotine is a carcinogen.

Maybe, maybe not.


  • EFFECTS OF CHRONIC OR REPEATED EXPOSURE: Nicotine is a teratogen (capable of causing birth defects). Other developmental toxicity or reproductive toxicity risks are unknown. The information about nicotine as a carcinogen is inconclusive.


Still 10000x better for you than smoking cigarettes. I don't smoke or vape, btw.

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Maybe, maybe not.


  • EFFECTS OF CHRONIC OR REPEATED EXPOSURE: Nicotine is a teratogen (capable of causing birth defects). Other developmental toxicity or reproductive toxicity risks are unknown. The information about nicotine as a carcinogen is inconclusive.


Still 10000x better for you than smoking cigarettes. I don't smoke or vape, btw.

Definitely one thousand times better than cigarettes. I'll try to find some nicotine article.


Still, you experience withdrawal, and nicotine messes with your ACh receptors. It's not the worst thing ever, but it's not necessarily "healthy."

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thinking of picking up a new habit....smoking is intriguing...


someone talk me into it!

Try it! It will make you look very "cool!" Like the Malboro Man! Maybe like Kramer smoking a pipe on Seinfeld... Oh wait, scratch that! Anyway, try it! It will make you look cool. Vape too... That's even cooler!

And you look real silly sucking on one.

LoL... That's what gets me. To vape even looks more hillarious. I am not mocking out the ones that vape to kick the habit, but there are kids out there that think it looks cool. Are you kidding me! Totally ridculous!


No it isn't. It's addictive, but according to both my cardiologist and my pulmonary specialist, it is not harmful.





su madre!

Isn't it a stimulant? How can it be good for your heart. Doesn't just a small amount kill? OD that is. Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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No it isn't. It's addictive, but according to both my cardiologist and my pulmonary specialist, it is not harmful.





su madre!

While I'm not sold on Wikipedia as a reference, this is the first line on their "Health Effects," section. "Nicotine stimulates angiogenesis and promotes tumor growth and atherosclerosis.[13]"


Edit: Although, I am finding papers that note the inconsistency on whether nicotine is strictly carcinogenic. Compared to cigarettes, it is relatively harmless.

Edited by FireChan
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While I'm not sold on Wikipedia as a reference, this is the first line on their "Health Effects," section. "Nicotine stimulates angiogenesis and promotes tumor growth and atherosclerosis.[13]"


Edit: Although, I am finding papers that note the inconsistency on whether nicotine is strictly carcinogenic. Compared to cigarettes, it probably is relatively harmless.

I guess it is better than smoking something burned (tobaccy.) His doc would probably prefer him to not get the nic @ all... BUT if he was gonna do it, I guess it is better this new vape way! Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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