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Any other ex-smokers out there?

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I haven't smoked in a few years, and would love to have one at times.


Then I walk past someone smoking and try to figure out how I went so many years of my life smelling like schitt.


That said, wifey and I make Vegas weekend trips, and I'll light up at the tables because it's the only way I know to gamble. Fortunately, I dump what's left when we get home and simply look forward to the next trip.

Vegas..interesting.... that's what helped my Mother quit in 1990..she figured out

that she and Daddy could go 2 more times a year with the money saved .


She drank a ton of water and ate ice to keep her hands busy during the transition.

Edited by CowgirlsFan
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Any time I have cravings I just think about how much cigs cost now. I remember being PISSED the first time I had to pay over $2 for a pack (on a trip to home to NY...surprise). Now they're like $7-$8 a pack (quick search shows cheapest is $4.96 and most expensive is $14!!!---in NYC).


There are times that I miss smoking, but I can't imagine how people continue to afford the habit. I used to smoke about half a pack a day (which was relatively low compared to most other smokers I knew). Around the time I quit it was costing me around $3.50 per pack so in the neighborhood of $650 per year (stupid enough). Now that would cost me closer to $1,500 per year based on the most recent cost I noticed at the store I go to. Wow...

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Any time I have cravings I just think about how much cigs cost now. I remember being PISSED the first time I had to pay over $2 for a pack (on a trip to home to NY...surprise). Now they're like $7-$8 a pack (quick search shows cheapest is $4.96 and most expensive is $14!!!---in NYC).


There are times that I miss smoking, but I can't imagine how people continue to afford the habit. I used to smoke about half a pack a day (which was relatively low compared to most other smokers I knew). Around the time I quit it was costing me around $3.50 per pack so in the neighborhood of $650 per year (stupid enough). Now that would cost me closer to $1,500 per year based on the most recent cost I noticed at the store I go to. Wow...

Did you gain weight after you quit? Don't want to funnel that added savings into another, like fast food, bad meal choices, etc..


It is amazing how much weight I lost by just saying no to the dollars flying out of my pocket on bad habits. Man, you get the crave, but feel so much better when you can kick it!


Good going!

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While I'm not sold on Wikipedia as a reference, this is the first line on their "Health Effects," section. "Nicotine stimulates angiogenesis and promotes tumor growth and atherosclerosis.[13]"


Edit: Although, I am finding papers that note the inconsistency on whether nicotine is strictly carcinogenic. Compared to cigarettes, it is relatively harmless.



I guess it is better than smoking something burned (tobaccy.) His doc would probably prefer him to not get the nic @ all... BUT if he was gonna do it, I guess it is better this new vape way!


I did serious damage to myself over the years smoking cigarettes (at slightly less than a pack a day), and none of it was apparent until the last couple of years that I smoked. I wound up with 99% blockage in my left anterior descending coronary artery (even though I have great cholesterol levels), and had to have a stent placed to open it up. I was wide awake when they did it. I struggled to quit for a couple of years after that - I wanted to, but I couldn't stick with it. Then people started showing up with these vaporizers, and I gave one a try. It will be two years in July that I quit. I learned around a year ago that all the years of cigarettes (39 years) had now given me early-onset COPD, with is treatable, but not curable. Both my cardiologist and my pulmonary specialist are fine with my vaping. The only ill effect from nicotine, according to the cardiologist, is a temporary (approximately 20 minutes) slight increase in blood pressure, but he said I needn't worry since my blood pressure is pretty good even without the medication he has me taking.


If I was to offer any advise, it would be to just not get involved with smoking or vaping at all, but if you were to choose one, then vaping is definitely the way to go.


And if Chef Jim thinks people don't look cool with a vaporizer, then all I have to say to that is that he hasn't seen me. :rolleyes:

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I did serious damage to myself over the years smoking cigarettes (at slightly less than a pack a day), and none of it was apparent until the last couple of years that I smoked. I wound up with 99% blockage in my left anterior descending coronary artery (even though I have great cholesterol levels), and had to have a stent placed to open it up. I was wide awake when they did it. I struggled to quit for a couple of years after that - I wanted to, but I couldn't stick with it. Then people started showing up with these vaporizers, and I gave one a try. It will be two years in July that I quit. I learned around a year ago that all the years of cigarettes (39 years) had now given me early-onset COPD, with is treatable, but not curable. Both my cardiologist and my pulmonary specialist are fine with my vaping. The only ill effect from nicotine, according to the cardiologist, is a temporary (approximately 20 minutes) slight increase in blood pressure, but he said I needn't worry since my blood pressure is pretty good even without the medication he has me taking.


If I was to offer any advise, it would be to just not get involved with smoking or vaping at all, but if you were to choose one, then vaping is definitely the way to go.


And if Chef Jim thinks people don't look cool with a vaporizer, then all I have to say to that is that he hasn't seen me. :rolleyes:


Man good for you. I thought *I* smoked a long time at 28 years.


If i could find the person who sold me that first pack at age 13, man i think he'd be the one to feel the pain :lol:

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Any time I have cravings I just think about how much cigs cost now. I remember being PISSED the first time I had to pay over $2 for a pack (on a trip to home to NY...surprise). Now they're like $7-$8 a pack (quick search shows cheapest is $4.96 and most expensive is $14!!!---in NYC).


There are times that I miss smoking, but I can't imagine how people continue to afford the habit. I used to smoke about half a pack a day (which was relatively low compared to most other smokers I knew). Around the time I quit it was costing me around $3.50 per pack so in the neighborhood of $650 per year (stupid enough). Now that would cost me closer to $1,500 per year based on the most recent cost I noticed at the store I go to. Wow...


I promised when they hit $1 I'd quit. I think when I was in high school they were $.75.

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I quit smoking a couple of years back, can't remember the exact day, month or year and I like that I didn't make a mental note about it.


After "sucking them down like coca cola" for at least 18 years I quit and never looked back. I don't crave cigarettes now, I don't feel the urge to light one even when I'm drunk or when I drink a cup of coffee. (they always were mutually exclusive).

Can't stand the smell now, though I will never be a snob about it. I wish everyone that ever smoked that they could quit it, it's a habit that it's pure, unadulterated venom.

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No shite. Those guys kicked ASS!!!!


Actually our high school band was a Glenn Miller cover band.

When I got out of the Navy in 1993, smokes (I smoked Camel Lights back then) were $1.76 in Portsmouth, VA. I remember saying I'd quit when it hit $2. Of course, in NY, they were already over $2 when I got home. But I didn't quit until I was paying nearly $10/pack.

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When I got out of the Navy in 1993, smokes (I smoked Camel Lights back then) were $1.76 in Portsmouth, VA. I remember saying I'd quit when it hit $2. Of course, in NY, they were already over $2 when I got home. But I didn't quit until I was paying nearly $10/pack.

$10?!? I'd be stealing them at that point or turning tricks.

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Have thought about buying smokes here in VA for $5, selling them out of trunk in NYC for $10. 100 packs a day that's a nice profit.


My grandfather (rest his soul) lived in Massena,NY. He used to buy smokes tax-free on the res, and smuggle them to Canada. Made quite a bit of coin doing it.

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