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Obama hasn’t come up with one original idea yet

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We can all name the ideas of presidencies, from the New Deal to Reaganomics to the Bush Doctrine. Obama’s self-described strategy for world affairs is “don’t do stupid s – – -.”


His economic strategy is “print money.” These aren’t ideas. They aren’t even ideology. They’re voting “present.”


What matters most to this administration is surface. It’s why Obama made such a spectacular subject for a “HOPE” poster and why his choice of suit provoked so much discussion. As a two-dimensional object, he’s endlessly fascinating. Add the third dimension and he’s lost.




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Obama never wanted the whole job of being president. He only wants the part that allows him to redistribute income. The rest of his time is spent on leisure and furthering the cause of the far left wing of the Democrat party. The bulk of the job is just a distraction.

Naw, I think he thought being prezidiizzle would be the shizzle, and made a deal with Val for her to run things and for him to be the rock star.

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Aziz ansari was on stern yesterday talking about Obama. He said he walked up to the Roots and just started talking and went up to Ansari and used colorful hip hop language which I cannot remember. The guy is a vapid idiot.


The only reason he will get a way with it is something along the lines of.. " I don't need to create new ideas. I need to rethink the those that got us here in the first place. Yes the 90s grew the country greatly but that was then and evidence has shown the growth was well beyond Raegans reach while in office. We face new challenges every day and the way we have done it before has shown us its not working."

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Here's something he's done that's original: hold a fundraiser at the $26M estate of a man whose name is literally Rich Richman, and tell everyone there that Republicans are the party of the rich man.


What a freaking dumbass.


Well there's some really bad "optics" right there Mr. President. :doh:


Wait, that's from The Onion right? Please tell me that's from The Onion.

Edited by Chef Jim
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Even if he did have an original idea...he didn't think that, somebody else made it happen.


Here's something he's done that's original: hold a fundraiser at the $26M estate of a man whose name is literally Rich Richman, and tell everyone there that Republicans are the party of the rich man.


What a freaking dumbass.


That much irony has got to be intentional.

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