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breaking news Cowboys player commited sexual assault and allowed to pl

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That's how it worked with Roethlisberger.


To be fair he had quite a few accusations floating around even though the bathroom was the main one. His conduct was all around a bad look for the nfl that went beyond a single he said she said night out in the town that can be very hard to judge

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This whole thread seems to have changed quite a bit from last night (at least the OPs OP)...


It did. I'm assuming the OP was told to remove the rest of his post because he typed out the entire article he linked (with some odd spelling changes), instead of just a small excerpt. My first reply was also removed because it was a little too snarky I guess.

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Over reaction is the way the PC crowd swings now. Just heard the FCC wants to fine broadcasters for using the word Redskins when calling a Washington game. Dan Patrick is all over it. It is becoming embarrassing.


Talk about reaching to making a generalization. What does the Washington Slurs have to do with a woman possibly being sexually assaulted?


She was probably wearing a short skirt too.


She was asking for it. Like Lattimore from The Program, she was leading him on.

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Aren't you innocent until proven guilty? Why should a man not be allowed to go to work and do what he loves because there is an accusation against him? The way we are so quick to sell out others civil liberties just because they are inconvenient is stupid and caving to pressure from groups who only care to further their agendas. If this guy is proven guilty then he deserves the full penalty of the law and he should be given additional sever punishments by the NFL if he ever wants to continue his pro-career.


But until the man gets convicted he should be allowed to resume his life. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Until you are proven guilty you are innocent. Yes it might mean the possibility of a guilty person playing in the NFL a few weeks longer, but do we really want to live in a society where accusations could cost a man valuable years of his career simply because its bad PR?


As fans we should really care about the rights of the accused players when looking at a very nuanced issue and not just how things look for the league.

Edited by billsfan89
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