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Bills fans please post your thanks to Mary Wilson

17 Josh Allen

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if the bids from other cities were high enough Mary Wilson would of sold to them.. Thank Pegula only

Wrong and it's would have. Out of town people did not bid because trying to move the team from Buffalo was going to be difficult

Edited by nucci
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Thank you, Mr. Wilson and thank you, too, Mary Wilson, from the very bottom of my heart for keeping the team in Buffalo when you could have made much more money elsewhere. Some of us have understood that public service for a while and I suspect others will understand that more as time goes on.


My one and only time meeting Ralph Wilson was at TC about ten years ago I thanked him in person for not moving the team for money and he said to me "Pshaw, what am I going to do, sit in my kitchen counting my money?" I never forgot that and never will. You were an honorable and good man and are missed by. Bills Nation.


To the Pegulas I just say this--thank you, too, and please take good care of our baby!

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The Wilson's were champions of our city, and our team. We could never thank them enough for all they have done. And now if all goes well we have the next generation of great ownership. Terry, and Kim will carry the torch the Wilson Family have now passed. R.I.P. Ralph, We Thank you.

Edited by DirtDart
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While I don't know this for a fact, I don't think Mary would've ever sold them to anyplace else had Ralph not left his directive(s). Either way, I'll never get tired of saying this: thank you Ralph, from the bottom of this Bills' fans heart.

it was probably her hope that the team would stay in Buffalo as well, but I don't want to take anything away from Ralph. he set this all up so that the team would stay and we can't give him enough praise and admiration for all that he has done for this city. he wasn't even from here but he loved us like his own. RCW 4-Ever

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if the bids from other cities were high enough Mary Wilson would of sold to them.. Thank Pegula only


Huh? Given the way Ralph set up the lease and the trust, he made it both difficult and unlikely for out-of-towners to buy and and move the team. I'm sure he did all this with Mary's willing cooperation. Bidding would have gone hundreds of millions higher if not for the restrictions Ralph and the Trust put in place.


Mary, many thanks!

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