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Pegula sells land for $1.75 Billion, Will Bid on Bills!

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This is tremendous news. Unless there is some group that comes out of nowhere and wildly overbids (like Ballmer), he will be the owner.

The nice thing about Pegula is that he can play with the big boys. If he decides that he wants it he can pay a huge sum (and in cash). He is not someone that is leveraged in any way. I am not saying that he will get into a bidding war but if someone comes in $1.5B and he decides he wants them he can have them. Edited by Kirby Jackson
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Yep. Also thought it was interesting that the quotes are that it's Pegula and his wife that are interested, not just Pegula himself.

She seems to be a true partner in a lot of things he does. That's a very strong element in all of this. She's from Rochester, so that helps, too.

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Count me in the group that doesn't care a whole lot about who buys the franchise, as long as they keep the thing in Buffalo. So yeah, this is great news.


Sorry if this was asked elsewhere, but do Pegula or Golisano have kids? I mean, heirs?


Pegula does. Not sure about Golisano. Him and Monica need to get "busy."



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If he is paired with Golisano there's no chance anyone could outbid them. That $1.75 Billion alone that Pegula just made could get him the team easily, imagine if Golisano was on board. They could fund a stadium without public money. If that's the case, wow. Dream scenario.

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If he is paired with Golisano there's no chance anyone could outbid them. That $1.75 Billion alone that Pegula just made could get him the team easily, imagine if Golisano was on board. They could fund a stadium without public money. If that's the case, wow. Dream scenario.


I would expect El Pegaul would finance the majority of the stadium himself. The NFL, county, and state would kick in as well, but I see El Pegaul putting up the lion's share.



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The nice thing about Pegula is that he can play with the big boys. If he decides that he wants it he can pay a huge sum (and in cash). He is not someone that is leveraged in any way. I am not saying that he will get into a bidding war but if someone comes in $1.5B and he decides he wants them he can have them.


Agreed, he can put up the cash to outbid, if need be. I think that lease, political power players and the extremely wealthy people willing to put up the money will prevent anyone from the outside from even trying. I think my confidence level in the Bills staying is now at 99.9999% with a small margin in reserve in case an asteroid hits the city.

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This has really been a roller coaster of emotions. First, I'm scared s**tless when Ralph Wilson dies. Then everything comes out about how ironclad the lease is and I feel a lot better. Then KellytoReed83 says that it doesn't matter because any lawyer worth two cents can just come in and get out of the lease. So then I was really scared again. Just kidding. But seriously, then when the Clippers sold and people started to realize that hey, someone can just bid way more than anyone willing to keep them in Buffalo would bid, I did get nervous again. And now today, I feel great about the whole thing. I hope the pendulum doesn't swing back again and Pegula can just buy the team and end the worrying of Bills fans once and for all. And I believe he will.

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Agreed, he can put up the cash to outbid, if need be. I think that lease, political power players and the extremely wealthy people willing to put up the money will prevent anyone from the outside from even trying. I think my confidence level in the Bills staying is now at 99.9999% with a small margin in reserve in case an asteroid hits the city.

Ha ha, I am just waiting for the "What if an asteroid hits" thread from Tasker's Ghost.
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