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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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You have to hand it to her. Even after the FBI director says under oath that she sent and received marked classified info through a personal email account, she can deflect and dispute the claim and there isn't even a hint of body language or any facial expression that might make it seem like she is lying. Ice cold she is.


That's probably the scariest thing about the idea of her being president: she appears to think that whatever she believes is reality, regardless of what reality actually is.

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Not really.


When Bill Clinton lies to you, you want to believe him.

When Hiliary Clinton lies to you, you know she's lying, she doesn't care that she's lying, and she's knows there are no consequences for her lies


I've been told by my lady friend that this is a sign of misogyny...


... This election will test our relationship longevity.

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I met someone this weekend who said that it's better to know for sure that you're getting screwed by Hilary, than to have an unknown like Trump possibly doing worse. I can either shoot you in the face right now, or empty a clip in your direction with my eyes closed. Chooose!

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That's probably the scariest thing about the idea of her being president: she appears to think that whatever she believes is reality, regardless of what reality actually is.


That sort of describes Trump, too, which is particularly scary because his reality changes in mid-sentence.


"I don't believe think we should have a minimum wage, but we should leave it alone and then raise it to $10/hour."


I'm certain, in his mind, that makes absolute perfect sense.

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Editor's Note: A Hillary lie so bad, WaPo wasted no time giving it four Pinocchios.


As we have seen repeatedly in Clinton’s explanations of the email controversy, she relies on excessively technical and legalistic answers to explain her actions. While Comey did say there was no evidence she lied to the FBI, that is not the same as saying she told the truth to the American public — which was the point of Wallace’s question. Comey has repeatedly not taken a stand on her public statements.

And although Comey did say many emails were retroactively classified, he also said that there were some emails that were already classified that should not have been sent on an unclassified, private server. That’s the uncomfortable truth that Clinton has trouble admitting.


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That sort of describes Trump, too, which is particularly scary because his reality changes in mid-sentence.


"I don't believe think we should have a minimum wage, but we should leave it alone and then raise it to $10/hour."


I'm certain, in his mind, that makes absolute perfect sense.

It depends upon what your definition of "it" is.

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That sort of describes Trump, too, which is particularly scary because his reality changes in mid-sentence.


"I don't believe think we should have a minimum wage, but we should leave it alone and then raise it to $10/hour."


I'm certain, in his mind, that makes absolute perfect sense.


I disagree. I don't think Trump has any beliefs with which to be wrong. He's not thinking, he's mindlessly pandering.

I met someone this weekend who said that it's better to know for sure that you're getting screwed by Hilary, than to have an unknown like Trump possibly doing worse. I can either shoot you in the face right now, or empty a clip in your direction with my eyes closed. Chooose!


It's funny. I have yet to hear any justification for voting for any candidate that doesn't boil down to "the lesser of two weevils."

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Hillary = proven sociopath liar.


She and dumb Joe Biden and that Susan rice lady were on all the talking shows pushing the obsecure YouTube video 13 people saw before it was blamed. She lied to everyone in plain sight as clear as day then tried to tell us were all wrong. My own ears didn't lie to me.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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She has a law degree from Yale. She served on the Watergate Committee. She worked for the prestigious Rose Law Firm. But she could not figure out the classification rules so she had to depend on beuricrats and they screwed up.

Edited by reddogblitz
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It's not lying to her because she believes herself.

That's the definition of a pathological liar.


She has a law degree from Yale. She served on the Watergate Committee. She worked for the prestigious Rose Law Firm. But she could not figure out the classification rules so she had to depend on beuricrats and they screwed up.

She failed the Bar exam - twice. After hooking up with the AG from Arkansas, he arranged for her to take it individually, and voila! She passed.

She was fired from her position in the Watergate Committee for lying and recommending breaking the law. Her Rose Law Firm days were earmarked by the WhiteWater scandal from which her billing records went AWOL and surfaced months later after they were sanitized. Several people including Chelsea's father went to prison over that scandal. I'm not going to mention Vince Foster.


Wherever this snail crawls she exudes a slimy trail of upended rules of order. She crashes through politics like a bull in a china shop and demands she has no accountability and that others are responsible for her messes and cleaning them us is not her concern.

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Wherever this snail crawls she exudes a slimy trail of upended rules of order. She crashes through politics like a bull in a china shop and demands she has no accountability and that others are responsible for her messes and cleaning them us is not her concern.

Stop holding her to the same standard as regular folk. What are you, Trump?

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YES, 24/7: Howard Kurtz wonders if the press is pushing Hillary’s argument that Trump is dangerous.







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by Laura Italiano


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The Coming Election Fraud

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Chris Wallace interviewed Hillary yesterday. watch the video. Did Hillary really claim FBI Director Jim Comey said her statements were truthful?


Why–seems she did. This woman is delusional. Yeah, Comey sold out the rule of law but he also excoriated her. Hillary definitely sent classified information through her unsecured server system. But that’s not what she heard!


It’s like when she remembered…she remembered she was shot at by snipers in Bosnia…Except she wasn’t.






LAUDIA ROSETT: Where Was Hillary When Captain Khan Gave His Life in Iraq?


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