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stephen colbert named letterman replacement

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The timing is pretty interesting, with that recent "fire Colbert" stink due to people not understanding satire. I wonder if CBS will get a little backlash from that crowd due to this decision.

satire is supposed to be funny. colbert is not.


john stewart can pull off a joke once in a while with satire but even he comes off as an arrogant douche most of the time just throwing jabs.

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I think Colbert will do well. Good choice. He knows funny and will breath new life into a stale format.

I have to agree with this. Could end up being a good move.


Good choice, Letterman hasn't been funny for 20 years now.

To me, late night TV died when Johnny Carson retired.

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The timing is pretty interesting, with that recent "fire Colbert" stink due to people not understanding satire. I wonder if CBS will get a little backlash from that crowd due to this decision.


90% of that backlash seemed to be 1 VERY angry person.

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satire is supposed to be funny. colbert is not.


john stewart can pull off a joke once in a while with satire but even he comes off as an arrogant douche most of the time just throwing jabs.

I'm guessing you're just not their audience, my man. You might not like their politics, but both dudes are wicked funny and have incredible timing. Colbert could be a disaster but I wouldn't bet on it. He was funny before he had his own character, he can be funny without it too.

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satire is supposed to be funny. colbert is not.


No. Totally wrong. There are parts of satire that are NOT suppose to be funny. Laughter is not necessarily a must in satire. It is suppose to get you to think.


Classic example is Swift's satirical essay: A Modest Proposal (for Preventing the Children of the Poor From Being a Burden (Burthen) to their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public (Publick).


You probably don't find Colbert "funny" because you don't realize what is and what isn't over the top. A lot of his act probably makes perfect sense to you. It is so straight-faced, it is just not funny to you.





I'm guessing you're just not their audience, my man. You might not like their politics, but both dudes are wicked funny and have incredible timing. Colbert could be a disaster but I wouldn't bet on it. He was funny before he had his own character, he can be funny without it too.



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Guess I will just to rely on Hannity for my political laughs now.

I wish we still had Olbermann, he was a laugh a minute.


I must admit, I get a kick out of Craig Ferguson. I'd have liked to see him move up.

Agreed, he's hilarious IMHO.

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Uhh... then someone needs their sarcasm detector fixed. :D

just goes to show how well his acting is.


satire is supposed to be funny. colbert is not.


john stewart can pull off a joke once in a while with satire but even he comes off as an arrogant douche most of the time just throwing jabs.

If you weren't such a die hard Republican, you would see that Jon is funny,


Guess I will just to rely on Hannity for my political laughs now.

hey now, lets not forget O'Reiley.


Did you see the Hannity bit on Spring Break. All of the men were shaming the young ladies for flaunting their stuff yet they (a) would support their sons being a slut bag (b) loved it when they did it

and the women complained about drunk boys puking and or peeing on the beach.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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just goes to show how well his acting is.


If you weren't such a die hard Republican, you would see that Jon is funny,


hey now, lets not forget O'Reiley.


Did you see the Hannity bit on Spring Break. All of the men were shaming the young ladies for flaunting their stuff yet they (a) would support their sons being a slut bag (b) loved it when they did it

and the women complained about drunk boys puking and or peeing on the beach.

politics has no place here. Disirregardless your statement is wrong. I am not
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You might not like their politics, but both dudes are wicked funny and have incredible timing.


agreed 100%. I don't share their political views in many cases, but comedy is still comedy, and I'm guaranteed at least one good, hearty belly laugh every time I watch either one of them. I wish Colbert nothing but success.

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Good choice, Letterman hasn't been funny for 20 years now.


Agreed, he's been mailing it in for years, and the fact his audience applauds at every little thing is insufferable.


They could have gone for a growing demographic and tried George Lopez.

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Lopez already tried and failed. But I agree with your point. I am actually kind of surprised they didn't go with a female. Saw that Rush Limbaugh is flipping out about Colbert getting the Letterman show...so I am warming up to it a little more..but I doubt I will watch much, unless there is a great musical guest...now Sarah Silverman I would watch.

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Lopez didn't fail. Management pushed his show back an hour and then didn't support his more edgy style. He talked about it last week.


Oh...ok. I don't suppose that they would have kept in his time slot, if he was pulling in ratings. But, who knows? His explanation doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

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George Lopez can't hold Lettermans jock. As a huge letterman fan myself I would applaud for all of the jokes as well if I got to see a live show.


Dave is the man....ask any hot actress from the last 30 years.


He's finally embracing growing up and having children. Long live Dave !

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