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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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US missed the boat on Universal Health Care just after WW2.


try 1,000,000 variations on this unfortunate reality with Dems promising complete care from erection to Resurrection since then

Its the media's fault

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they lean 99% towards positive coverage to the Dems without even blinking, so it makes it hard to take them seriously

Take a look at the "health care bill."


Maybe there is a reason the media reports the way it does. The GOP represents that 1% that's left from the 99%

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not to say the media won't turn heavily on the Dems...


Both LBJ and Carter got torn a new one when it was the right time


the media reports this way because they went to the same elite schools and live in gated communities where the only people they meet think the same liberal thoughts as them


as nobody reads newspapers any more or watches MSM news on TV it will be interesting to see if this lifestyle continues to keep a stranglehold

since you are on here Tiberius, I assume you weren't born to a fortune, nor attended an elite private school, not attended an elite University, nor have a career path steeped in the handshake you learned at these schools....

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not to say the media won't turn heavily on the Dems...


Both LBJ and Carter got torn a new one when it was the right time


the media reports this way because they went to the same elite schools and live in gated communities where the only people they meet think the same liberal thoughts as them


as nobody reads newspapers any more or watches MSM news on TV it will be interesting to see if this lifestyle continues to keep a stranglehold

The larger media generally caters to educated people. People that can't think too deeply can't really follow along. That's part of the "elite" criticism. Only about 1/4 of Americans get 4 year college degrees and the media generally discusses things that group can understand.

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We DO have Universal Health Care. Or, at least, Universal Health Insurance. She can keep her coverage. She can keep her doctor. That's what she was promised? Remember?


However, she chose not to participate, which is against the law and results in a fine (which I'm told is also a tax) that she is supposed to pay to ensure everyone gets coverage at a lower rate.


So in the end, she was let down by both the Affordable Care Act, and her own choices.


LA - Its all moot now...you have been promising the GOP HCP and its here now!! maybe you can show how your boyz plan is going to better!!!

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LA - Its all moot now...you have been promising the GOP HCP and its here now!! maybe you can show how your boyz plan is going to better!!!


Please link to all the times I promised a GOP HCP.


We'll wait.


In the meantime, either try to develop original thinking, or just stick to your gatorman username. Having multiple logins saying the same thing over and over gets very boring.

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must be great to feel pride that someone else can't solve the health care crisis


but who really cares about people who can't afford health care, i mean actually cares, not just political jargon...

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LA - Its all moot now...you have been promising the GOP HCP and its here now!! maybe you can show how your boyz plan is going to better!!!


[This is an automated response.]


You're an idiot.


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.10.

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not to say the media won't turn heavily on the Dems...


Both LBJ and Carter got torn a new one when it was the right time


the media reports this way because they went to the same elite schools and live in gated communities where the only people they meet think the same liberal thoughts as them


as nobody reads newspapers any more or watches MSM news on TV it will be interesting to see if this lifestyle continues to keep a stranglehold

since you are on here Tiberius, I assume you weren't born to a fortune, nor attended an elite private school, not attended an elite University, nor have a career path steeped in the handshake you learned at these schools....

^Do it for this one too.

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The larger media generally caters to educated people. People that can't think too deeply can't really follow along. That's part of the "elite" criticism. Only about 1/4 of Americans get 4 year college degrees and the media generally discusses things that group can understand.


Did you really just say it takes a 4 year degree to understand the media. :blink:

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Did you really just say it takes a 4 year degree to understand the media. :blink:

Is that what you got out of that? Hmmmm....I take it you don't read the NYTimes, right? Yes or no answer will suffice, sniff























*Sniff was added as an elitist afterthought

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The larger media generally caters to educated people. People that can't think too deeply can't really follow along. That's part of the "elite" criticism. Only about 1/4 of Americans get 4 year college degrees and the media generally discusses things that group can understand.


I am not sure if this is arrogance or stupidity, either way this is a terrible post

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Media is excited over the fact that Obamacare sucks, and double jizzing because the Republicans can't fix it. Headline mongering sutpidity dominating.


What I see is a Republican party with a huge opportunity but can't build a better alternative. Health care is a hard problem. Be nice if the parties would work together to try to solve it.

It's working.




No graphic but same poll says support of AHCA is 40% approve, 54% disapprove.

Edited by Doc Brown
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