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Mike Tomlin Incident


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Mike Tomlin is/was the 7th highest paid NFL coach at $5.75 million/year.


a $100,000 fine is about 1.7 % of his salary.


thats like a guy making $50,000 a year getting fined $870.


hit them where it hurts, a loss of draft picks.


Tomlin says he spoke with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on Monday and will accept any punishment from the league. He said he expected to be fined but was hoping the league would forgo fining the Steelers organization.



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Mike Tomlin is/was the 7th highest paid NFL coach at $5.75 million/year.


a $100,000 fine is about 1.7 % of his salary.


thats like a guy making $50,000 a year getting fined $870.


hit them where it hurts, a loss of draft picks.


A Fed employee (FERS) funds their pension w/that (1.5%) amount, every two weeks.

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"All-22" coaches film tends to support Tomlin's explanation http://wp.me/p14QSB-9lMW


i guess im not sure what about that description changed florios mind from suspect to accident. all it essentially said is that he walked that direction, then when the camera came back he was in the field. arent those all things we already knew, with the key moments still missing (minus that still awkward side step to get where he was being left out)

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i guess im not sure what about that description changed florios mind from suspect to accident. all it essentially said is that he walked that direction, then when the camera came back he was in the field. arent those all things we already knew, with the key moments still missing (minus that still awkward side step to get where he was being left out)


At this point, I don't know what to think re whether it was intentional or not. I would like to hope it wasn't, since Tomlin is otherwise a pretty stand-up guy.

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Asked if he knew the rule regarding the white border, Tomlin said, "Tell me something I don't know. I do it quite often, like everybody else in the National Football League. I was wrong, I accept responsibility for it."



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I don't really care about his explanation. He was on the field during the play, and interfered with it. Period.


The only question should be: why isn't the linesman being find for not throwing the flag on the obvious penalty?


there was talk of him being demoted.

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In the end, there should be a modest fine and slap on the wrist.


The mistake he made was the definition of a harmless error. The ravens won. And there isn't enough proof to say he did it intentionally.


Pretty much sums it up. The League let Tomlin say his public apology. Now they will move on.


People here pretend that "Goodell" makes these decisions. But this league is run by the owners and the owners only. No way Rooney is going to take a lost draft pick.

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