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For once, I am PROUD of what the Bills accomplished!

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With a second round scramble to jockey into a position to select a quarterback, only Jacksonville can say we got our man. Rumors of the Jets trading up run rampant and now everyone will settle on what is available to them or lose picks in an attempt to move up.


SCREW the draft gurus, we got OUR MAN and picks. For once I am almost at peace with those in the front office. We'll see by the end of the day who else was on the radar. I like the bold swing for the fences approach and if this is the draft, I think this attitude will carry over into the season. And I LOVE that attitude.


Go BIG or go home. No more tentative adjustments, vanilla game plans, reactive moves to what someone else does to them. The Bills WIILL SET the tone and dictate THEIR GAMEPLAN. And I'm at peace with that, WIN or LOSE.


If you lose and left your balls on the field there is no shame. Losing tentative is what bothers me. We will not lose tentative this year and THAT is what earns my money and support. The fuse has been lit on this fan! Now let's start a fire!

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Buddy said he didn't just want a guy who would be able to just get a team to the playoffs, but a guy who could win the Superbowl. If EJ continues to develop, he has that kind of ability.

Edited by kobe808lak
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They did exactly as I had hoped. I expected them to be scared and just stay at 8. The draft fell perfectly into their hands. They were able to add an extra pick and still take the #1 QB on their board. Whether or not their analysis/rankings is accurate, we have to wait a few years to find out. They drafted a good quality person, a kid I can be proud to root for and a kid who has a chance to be great. I am proud of my team right now and I am excited to see who else they add tonight.



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Buddy and the Bills Organization can say whatever they want. The truth is, they have given us every indication(13 straight years without the playoffs) that they don't have a clue what they are doing, so why should I get excited over their selection of a quarterback in a poor quarterback class? Don't get me wrong, I'll root for the Bills and Manuel, but in no way am I confident that Buddy and the Bills front office got it right...


Don't get me wrong, I think Nix should have been fired with Gailey... but I like the new coaching hires and going out on a limb and getting the highest upside QB in this draft. Just because it isn't last years draft doesn't mean all these QBs are going to be garbage, no body honestly knows.

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Premature celebration?


Not at all. Once they traded back and offset the risk I was perfectly OK with whomever they chose to be QB. All I wanted was for them to offset the risk some in this years QB class. Why not go with the guy with the most upside.



To be honest I've enjoyed our last 4 drafts. Hindsight 20/20 will always reveal a woulda coulda shoulda, but overall we're are without a doubt drafting better then decade before IMO

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Premature celebration?

I had that. Now I just think of baseball. But seriously, I wasn't attached to any QB like many on the board (until I saw Manuel's Sportsscience segment), but I feel Manuel wasn't a huge reach considering that most of the rankings had all the potential QBs in a group with little separating them, and if we hadn't we would have missed the opportunity to see the pity party Geno Smith threw for himself. I wonder if other teams will think of him differently now.

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Even if you hate Nix, which some of you do, you have to admire what went down yesterday. Historically, 1st round QB's have a 50% success rate. We'll see if Manuel works out or not but at least we got a QB we wanted and extra picks. If Belicheck did this you all would be saying he was a genius. So give Buddy his due. It was a great day one of the draft.

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Not at all. Once they traded back and offset the risk I was perfectly OK with whomever they chose to be QB. All I wanted was for them to offset the risk some in this years QB class. Why not go with the guy with the most upside.

They drafted their man at 16. If it's early who cares, they got what the believed was the guy. Upside is his best attribute right now.

Getting him a round or two earlier than his projected slot means nothing. Considering who ever they could or would have picked has the exact same potential at being a bust at 16. It's all on coaches shoulders now it will define his time with the team.

As much as I pound on Nix's GM personnel decisions, at least this move wasn't absurd like the TJ Graham move last year. When they clearly could have got him later.

The only downside will be putting EJ in before he's ready. Should Kolb or whoever starts stink it up at the beginning of the regular season, and the vocal fan base call for EJ. And they will.

It was interesting seeing the shock on Polians face and his reaction too the pick. Especially since many wanted him as the Bills GM again as recently as 3-4 months ago. Safe to say the pick would have been different.

Edited by Best Player Available
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if we can grab the 2 guys we have targeted today... then this was one of the greatest drafts I have ever been apart of


You made the trade and targeted players for the Bills? You watched it on TV. You had nothing to do with the draft. Nobody knows how they did and won't know for years. Settle down.

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Buddy and the Bills Organization can say whatever they want. The truth is, they have given us every indication(13 straight years without the playoffs) that they don't have a clue what they are doing, so why should I get excited over their selection of a quarterback in a poor quarterback class? Don't get me wrong, I'll root for the Bills and Manuel, but in no way am I confident that Buddy and the Bills front office got it right...


I believe the 2012 Draft was our first since a number of changes were made to the scouting department. Our catch in 2012 doesn't look bad at all so far- Gilmore, Glenn, Bradham and Brooks. There's reason for optimism.

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My only issue with taking EJ was we could have made one more trade down and still got EJ. If you felt like there was going to be a huge run on QB's come the beginning of round 2 you could have easily traded back to the early to mid 20's and gotten EJ. adding another 2nd or 3rd plus picking EJ would have been a coup. Having 3 2nd rounders or 2nd's and 2 3rd's plus another 6th would have been excellent.


The EJ pick is going to make the Bills look like morons or secret geniuses. Just glad we made the initial trade down. Two somewhat early seconds and a third should help fill some holes on this roster. Still would have been nice to add a couple of more picks before taking EJ.

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