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Explosions at the boston marathon

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thats the thing that gets to me too Shrader. Sounds almost like there's a cover up on how many people have died.


Just wait - that interview, the guy on the roof, the JFK library stuff.... It'll all be in a conspiracy video by weeks end.

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Just wait - that interview, the guy on the roof, the JFK library stuff.... It'll all be in a conspiracy video by weeks end.


I'm sure they're out there already. Those people are very smart businessmen. They mass produce that stuff.

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What a sad situation. RIP to those deceased and speedy recovery to those who were injured. Events likethis unfortunately remind us once again that this world is really fu$%ed up. I dread watching the news in the morning because every morning host will have a "theory", they will all psychoanalyze who could have done this, and they will all have a catchy slogan like "News Alert: Boston Massacre" or "Boston Bombing Day 2"....I say, let law enforcement complete investigating the event and report facts. This kind of tragedy brings the country together....until a finger is pointed.

You just described why I will not be watching the "news" this morning.


The death count thing has been curious to me. I was flipping back and forth between local stations last night just to see what each one was saying. One station decided to go for the sensationalism route and cut to two reporters who were there and the one guy kept saying over and over "I'm no doctor, but I saw people down on the street who were clearly dead". He's saying this while the station itself was still running their ticker saying 2 confirmed dead. I was trying to figure out why they'd keep him on the air with the way he was rambling on and on.


Oh, and one more annoying note about that station. The lead anchor continued to talk in his ridiculously fake tv voice through the whole thing. Do people really need to keep up that act during stuff like this?

Because they need to stay on the air talking about the event and they have nothing else new to tell us. So they are happy to fill the time with any yahoo that will blather on and on; and the more sensationalism the better (since that will keep people from shutting off the TV).


thats the thing that gets to me too Shrader. Sounds almost like there's a cover up on how many people have died.

Here we go.... Hours in and already it's a 'cover up'. :rolleyes:

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Because they need to stay on the air talking about the event and they have nothing else new to tell us. So they are happy to fill the time with any yahoo that will blather on and on; and the more sensationalism the better (since that will keep people from shutting off the TV).


There's actually a bit more use to the local broadcast though than the national ones. They need to use that time to tell runners/families where to go or to give out the FBI's tip hotline number. I think they did an extended cut to this guy on the street to give the in studio anchors a bit of a break, but man was it awkward.

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There's actually a bit more use to the local broadcast though than the national ones. They need to use that time to tell runners/families where to go or to give out the FBI's tip hotline number. I think they did an extended cut to this guy on the street to give the in studio anchors a bit of a break, but man was it awkward.


Yeah, you do tend to get a less controlled environment on local broadcasts. And good point about the break; maybe the anchor just really needed to take a leak.

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Yeah, you do tend to get a less controlled environment on local broadcasts. And good point about the break; maybe the anchor just really needed to take a leak.


He probably realized that he was slipping a bit on his fake tv voice and didn't want to risk sounding like a normal human being.

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This world is going crazy.


Whoever did this should be shot on site, no trail no jury. Yea I know this harsh but whoever did this deserves some "street justice".


Going crazy? The world is inhabited by humans and we have always had a very violent side. Medieval torture was some of the most horrific things man has done to man. Nothing new here.

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Going crazy? The world is inhabited by humans and we have always had a very violent side. Medieval torture was some of the most horrific things man has done to man. Nothing new here.


It does seem like people becoming more insane but you're right. People have always been crazy. Still it's important to remember that like 90% of human beings do the right things. Hard to remember that at times like this though.

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I'm sure they're out there already. Those people are very smart businessmen. They mass produce that stuff.


New World Order "False Flag" attack...




The fact that no a-holes have claimed responsibility for this attack makes me think this was the work of a lone madman.


The Taliban have actually gone out of their way to deny responsibility.


I refuse to speculate at this point. This attack is an odd mix of sophistication and amateurishness.

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The Taliban have actually gone out of their way to deny responsibility.


I refuse to speculate at this point. This attack is an odd mix of sophistication and amateurishness.

Its "trademark Hezbollah". Ask Coach Tuesday. Its a no brainer.

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We live in the least violent times in human history, including terrorism, which has been around for hundreds upon hundreds of years. At the scene yesterday, there were tons of people running TOWARD the explosions to help. Lets keep some perspective here.


Of course, I also believe in not speculating who it was and giving them a fair trial, so this message will probably fall flat on most of you.

Edited by BlueFire
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We live in the least violent times in human history, including terrorism, which has been around for hundreds upon hundreds of years. At the scene yesterday, there were tons of people running TOWARD the explosions to help. Lets keep some perspective here.


Of course, I also believe in not speculating who it was and giving them a fair trial, so this message will probably fall flat on most of you.

You also believe in non-sequiturs and ending sentences in a strangely condescending manner.

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Which parts would you call sophisticated and which parts amateur?


IMO, the actual bombs themselves were quite amateur in their design and build. They were crude.


However, the sophistication came in the timing of the two blasts, and the possibility that he used a cellular detonator meant he was monitoring the race to cause significant impact.

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IMO, the actual bombs themselves were quite amateur in their design and build. They were crude.


However, the sophistication came in the timing of the two blasts, and the possibility that he used a cellular detonator meant he was monitoring the race to cause significant impact.


Pretty much what he said.


Somebody seems to have put quite a bit of thought into this, at an "operational" level. But it's lacking any sort of "strategic" direction so far (why do this? What point are you trying to make? Acts of terrorism are acts of terrorism rather than crimes because they fit into a greater context...whjere's that context?), and "tactically" (yes, most terrorist groups put a lot more effort into placing bombs than just walking up and dropping them. Even Palestinian suicide bombers have backup on their way to the target) and technically it was rather unsophisticated. It almost feels like it was planned by a major terrorist organization, but then executed by a country bumpkin who got lucky.


And I don't know if it's been mentioned, but kudos to Boston's emergency services. The immediacy and coherence of their response was impressive as hell, and for that to be true their emergency response planning must have been excellent. I guess the 2007 Lite-Brite scare was a good training exercise.

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Pretty much what he said.


Somebody seems to have put quite a bit of thought into this, at an "operational" level. But it's lacking any sort of "strategic" direction so far (why do this? What point are you trying to make? Acts of terrorism are acts of terrorism rather than crimes because they fit into a greater context...whjere's that context?), and "tactically" (yes, most terrorist groups put a lot more effort into placing bombs than just walking up and dropping them. Even Palestinian suicide bombers have backup on their way to the target) and technically it was rather unsophisticated. It almost feels like it was planned by a major terrorist organization, but then executed by a country bumpkin who got lucky.


And I don't know if it's been mentioned, but kudos to Boston's emergency services. The immediacy and coherence of their response was impressive as hell, and for that to be true their emergency response planning must have been excellent. I guess the 2007 Lite-Brite scare was a good training exercise.


I agree, if they thought it out more, it would make more sense to detonate bombs at the beginning of the race where there is a much heavier concentration of runners and you would end the race before it even began. A much larger disruption or statement made than what was caused by this placement.

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I agree, if they thought it out more, it would make more sense to detonate bombs at the beginning of the race where there is a much heavier concentration of runners and you would end the race before it even began. A much larger disruption or statement made than what was caused by this placement.


This was a bomb set off in the middle of a large urban area. Add in the symbolism of the finish line and this is far more of a statement than doing it at the start. You get a lot more chaos with this location. It's also a hell of a lot easier to do it at the end. Some random non-runner with a backpack is going to stick out like a sore thumb in Hopkinton. Just about every single kid out there near Copley has a backpack full of beer, so it doesn't stand out one bit out there.

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