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Clearly The District will not be safe from these criminals until all the spent ammunition casings are taken off the streets!


The ghost of Trayvon Martin can rest easily knowing that there will be no more murdered innocent children thanks to the efforts of the DCPD in seizing a spent assault casing.

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The ghost of Trayvon Martin can rest easily knowing that there will be no more murdered innocent children thanks to the efforts of the DCPD in seizing a spent assault casing.

Yes. That is a blessing. Think of the children - like the DCPD and their DA.

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No need to resurrect the Trayvon thread.....................I'll put this here.



“Stand Your Ground” opponents mangle law and Trayvon facts at Senate Hearing


This morning Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois held a US Senate hearing nominally on the subject of Stand Your Ground laws.

The anti-SYG folks were, as experience would suggest, big on emotion and small on actual facts, law, or data.

Indeed, their misstatements of the law were so egregious that at one point Dr. Lott was obliged to read aloud from the actual Florida statute they had badly mischaracterized, to which they naturally had no substantive response.

Perhaps the Senator from Illinois would be better served looking into the children killed in Chicago ?


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No need to resurrect the Trayvon thread.....................I'll put this here.



“Stand Your Ground” opponents mangle law and Trayvon facts at Senate Hearing


This morning Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois held a US Senate hearing nominally on the subject of Stand Your Ground laws.

The anti-SYG folks were, as experience would suggest, big on emotion and small on actual facts, law, or data.

Indeed, their misstatements of the law were so egregious that at one point Dr. Lott was obliged to read aloud from the actual Florida statute they had badly mischaracterized, to which they naturally had no substantive response.

Perhaps the Senator from Illinois would be better served looking into the children killed in Chicago ?



Whew, good thing the govt is no longer shut down.


I have trouble imagining a more worthless collection of individuals than the ones that make up the US Congress.

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Whew, good thing the govt is no longer shut down.


I have trouble imagining a more worthless collection of individuals than the ones that make up the US Congress.


Not of a similar size, but the DC City council makes Congress look like a MENSA gathering.

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'“As one of the gun industry’s top importers and manufacturers of firearms and firearm-related accessories, ATI’s decision to relocate is two-fold,” the company said in a news release. “ATI believes it is imperative that a firearms importer and manufacturer do business within a state that is friendly to the Second Amendment rights of the people.'



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SHOCKING NEWS: No ship with an armed security team aboard has been successfully pirated.


In 2011, the U.K., Greece, Norway and other major maritime nations began letting their merchant ships carry armed private-security personnel for self-defense in hazardous waters. This overcame a longstanding legal and cultural barriers such as stringent local firearms laws and fears of liability.


The result? Successful hijackings off Somalia fell by half to 14 in 2012 from 28 in 2011, and overall attacks dropped to 75 from 237. Through the third quarter of 2013, there have been just 10 incidents, with two hijackings.


The firepower necessary to achieve this deterrence has proven cheap enough that private security has been widely adopted by the shipping industry.


Yes, just as homeowners with guns make home invasions less likely.


Given that merchant vessels have been armed for nearly all of human history, the real surprise is that anyone finds this surprising.


On the other hand, the near-elimination of piracy was a major accomplishment of the two centuries of British/American naval dominance that appears to be coming to an end.




The gun grab: How ‘zero tolerance’ school policies ignore common sense.


“According to the National Association of School Psychologists, 94 percent of schools have zero tolerance policies for firearms, compared to 91 percent for other weapons and 88 percent for drugs.


The NASP also concluded that zero tolerance policies can be incredibly harmful to children in the long run and are usually ineffective as a means of discipline.”


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They should pass a law that permits the police to forcibly enter people's bedrooms to make cetain no one is practicing unsafe sex. After all, those unwanted babies and pesky infectious diseases are costing the taxpayers plenty!


Every time someone is caught having unprotected sex, the IRS should levy a "penalty" against both parties.



I'm all for it, so long as his house is thoroughly searched at 3am and 6pm each and every day. You know, just in case he hid his guns somewhere they didn't find on the last search of his home. There shall be no requirement that law enforcement clean up any messes that may ensue from searching his home.

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It was always a legit story. All anyone had to do was click this link in the Infowars article and credibility rises by about 90%. The problem was the messenger, not the story.


Of course it was always a legit story. Infowars is whacked but that doesn't mean they don't publish legit stuff. Tom was indicating that it couldn't be legit if it came from them. I was mocking Tom.

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It's not a legit story. It's one irrelevant yahoo in a township outside of Boston that no one's ever heard of floating a bull **** idea because he's a twerp. The only story there is that one person is an idiot. That's not any sort of story, and it's certainly not "The State of Massachusetts" moving to inspect gun owners' homes, like Infowars explicitly says.

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