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New gun control thread!

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Trading at 20x earnings as compared to ~40x for DNKN. THI's ratios look solid compared to DNKN and other chain concepts. And their food is edible unlike DNKN.


My only concern is that the Canadian market is as saturation and no one in the states gives a **** that Tim Horton played 24 years of NHL hockey. There's no sentimental value for THI's brand here, and me making money on this bet depends on THI penetrating US markets, hot, fast, dry, hard and deep.


How many shares can I sign you up for?


I'm venturing to bet 70% of the people who frequent a TH's daily have no idea he played in the NHL... Dazbog Coffee is everywhere here in Denver, there is nothing distinct about it other than good locations and some russian working on their signs. When I was in Russia, I don't remeber being able to get coffee, mainly Tea.


Put me down for a round lot of THI... once you taste it, you can't but love it.

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Red "Delicious" are anything but. That has to rank in the top ten pantheon of poor products foisted upon the public and continuously promoted as desirable.


But they're delicious! It says so right in the name!


[/average Affordable Care Act supporter]

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5 Dead, 19 Wounded as Chicago Violence Rages On...

At least 23 people have been shot, five of them fatally, in Chicago since Friday,






Obama says fight for gun laws 'ought to obsess us'








Wait...wait..there's a disconnect here.



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Kid Suspended for Playing With Airsoft Gun -- at His Own Home

By Jillian Kay Melchior


A Virginia Beach seventh-grader has been suspended for playing in his own front lawn with an airsoft gun, which he never took on a school bus or into a school building. Virginia’s WAVY News 10 reports:

Like thousands of others in Hampton Roads, Khalid Caraballo plays with airsoft guns. Caraballo and his friend Aidan were suspended because they shot two other friends who were with them while playing with the guns as they waited for the school bus.


The two seventh graders say they never went to the bus stop; they fired the airsoft guns while on Caraballo’s private property.


Aidan’s father, Tim Clark, told WAVY.com what happened next lacks commons sense. The children were suspended for possession, handling and use of a firearm.


Khalid’s mother, Solangel Caraballo, thinks it is ridiculous the Virginia Beach City Public School System suspended her 13-year-old son and Aidan because they were firing a spring-driven airsoft gun on the Caraballo’s posted private property. “My son is my private property. He does not become the school’s property until he goes to the bus stop, gets on the bus, and goes to school.”


The bus stop in question is 70 yards from the Caraballo’s front yard.


Watch the full report here.





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You are right, over-reach everywhere!


My God everybody is on edge and these clueless parents allow this to go on? I am not saying the school didn't over react... BUT this ain't no making a weapon outta a Pop-Tart incident.. This is a tricky situation. How do people remain vigilant while others constantly push the envelope? I know it was on their property but, bullets don't have any borders. It is just stupid all the way around. Honestly, how is the school system supposed to treat this? What constitutes "worry?" Should they just not worry? What about the bus driver?

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You are right, over-reach everywhere!


My God everybody is on edge and these clueless parents allow this to go on? I am not saying the school didn't over react... BUT this ain't no making a weapon outta a Pop-Tart incident.. This is a tricky situation. How do people remain vigilant while others constantly push the envelope? I know it was on their property but, bullets don't have any borders. It is just stupid all the way around. Honestly, how is the school system supposed to treat this? What constitutes "worry?" Should they just not worry? What about the bus driver?


This wasn't "stupid all the way around" until your post brought it full circle.


If this DID happen on the kid's property, the school has no business...at all...ever...to do anything. That you have a hard time understanding that is scarier than any itty-bitty plastic orb shot from a $10 airsoft rifle.

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You are right, over-reach everywhere!


My God everybody is on edge and these clueless parents allow this to go on? I am not saying the school didn't over react... BUT this ain't no making a weapon outta a Pop-Tart incident.. This is a tricky situation. How do people remain vigilant while others constantly push the envelope? I know it was on their property but, bullets don't have any borders. It is just stupid all the way around. Honestly, how is the school system supposed to treat this? What constitutes "worry?" Should they just not worry? What about the bus driver?


Bullets?? What bullets.

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You are right, over-reach everywhere!


My God everybody is on edge and these clueless parents allow this to go on? I am not saying the school didn't over react... BUT this ain't no making a weapon outta a Pop-Tart incident.. This is a tricky situation. How do people remain vigilant while others constantly push the envelope? I know it was on their property but, bullets don't have any borders. It is just stupid all the way around. Honestly, how is the school system supposed to treat this? What constitutes "worry?" Should they just not worry? What about the bus driver?


Its difficult to tell if you are just being sarcastic (?) ............... bullets don't have any borders.?





No, the school system (re: government) should not worry.




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Its difficult to tell if you are just being sarcastic (?) ............... bullets don't have any borders.?





No, the school system (re: government) should not worry.





My son has a spring powered airsoft pistol so I can relate to this.


Is it bad judgement to be playing airsoft while on your private property at 8am before you go wait for the bus? yes.


But that's it. Period. It's none of the schools business or concern what that kid happens to be doing on his property on a weekday morning before he goes to school.


Had this happened on the bus, at school, on school property etc.. entirely different story and he would deserve a suspension. But its not. It's another example of a school district and government over stepping their bounds.


If anyone doesn't know what airsoft is, they are spring or battery powered guns that shoot plastic bbs. It's the same concept as paintball but without the paint and stings less than paintball when you are shot.(you need eye protection).

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Its difficult to tell if you are just being sarcastic (?) ............... bullets don't have any borders.?





No, the school system (re: government) should not worry.





Sorta sarcastic. What do airsoft guns look like? Can the driver tell the difference between a real weapon.


Again... Everybody is on edge... Why make it worse and dick around w/an airsoft going to the bus stop. My God, they would crucify the school if it wasn't horsing around.




My son has a spring powered airsoft pistol so I can relate to this.


Is it bad judgement to be playing airsoft while on your private property at 8am before you go wait for the bus? yes.


But that's it. Period. It's none of the schools business or concern what that kid happens to be doing on his property on a weekday morning before he goes to school.


Had this happened on the bus, at school, on school property etc.. entirely different story and he would deserve a suspension. But its not. It's another example of a school district and government over stepping their bounds.


If anyone doesn't know what airsoft is, they are spring or battery powered guns that shoot plastic bbs. It's the same concept as paintball but without the paint and stings less than paintball when you are shot.(you need eye protection).


I agree. I don't think the school should have banned them... They should have pointed out the bad judgement and moved on. That is all I am saying... But come on, the family has gotta know people are on edge. Now they banned the children, made the situation worse w/both sides dug in.

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Dibs-so you believe the US constitution is obsolete?


Hiya Jim (I obviously found it :)).


Firstly, the concept that you didn't say something like "somewhat obsolete" or "in part the US const..." is a little worrying to me......but I'll give benefit of doubt on that and continue...


In direct answer, no, I don't think that it is obsolete. In fact think it does a very good job of covering what are logically basic human rights. It was however written at a time and place that in many ways had different circumstances and influences than that of today.


A good example of this is the 3rd amendment:


No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.


At the time of writing, this was quite an important issue. It was written in direct response to the British previously passing a law that enabled them to house soldiers in private residences in America. Its inclusion was quite obviously due to the specific influences of the day, and as time has shown, was quite irrelevant in following times as there has never been a legal occasion where it has been used. It obviously isn't a bad thing to have in a constitution, but it certainly is quite archaic with many other issues becoming far more important than this one in the years following it being enacted.


Another good example is the 7th amendment:


In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.


The amount of "twenty" dollars was obviously meant to keep trivial matters out of the courts. For the time and place this was likely extremely reasonable, but in today's money one could demand a trial by jury for a dispute over a couple of pizzas. Again, this shows how the constitution was written by people of a different time.



The fact that the constitution itself allows for amendments to be added or removed shows great wisdom on the part of those who drafted it. It not only allowed for the concept that they might not have done a perfect job, but more importantly allowed for the changes of time having influence on what was important to the people it protected.

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