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Fitz- The final straw

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So...you're proposing that Tyler Thigpen should take over as starting QB? Clearly Tavaris Jackson isn't ready or he might be taking snaps with the 2nd team in practice. I'm not saying that I'm not frustrated with Fitz's play, but what is the alternative? I don't understand the point of ths thread.

How can TJ not be ready? Guy's been in league like 6 to 7 years. Maybe just an excuse so Fitz stays as the starter?
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Yawn... Won a game let's not be happy...


Sorry - this is a perfect example of the mentality that Team wins = QB good. Absurd.


Fitz did NOT "win" this game. The defense did. His accuracy was once again as bad or worse than any QB in the league.


And don't quote completion %'s - those are affected by plays and situations - please just look at his steady stream of unforced errors - throws in the dirt, throws behind, throws too high that can get his WR's killed. The guy has never been accurate and sadly, despite David Lee's efforts, he may actually have gotten worse.


There are college QB's who throw like that, but most of them don't make it to the NFL, and they sure don't become starters.


If Fitz is even just average the Bills had the open receivers to have won this game by 10 or more easily. He is THE thing holding them back. (Although they clearly need to upgrade at LB to replace the aging Barnett and limitied Sheppard).

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fitz is not great, but hes not nearly as bad as fans make him out to be. qb play is like preseason - ppl completely forget past history. weve had so many truly bad qbs here its amazing we dont remember what that looks like more clearly


he certainly is frustrating. he picks really inopportune times to suck. but he does distribute the ball and make plays enough to keep his team reasonable well productive most games


id give him a C- right now, which is barely good enough to win. i mean cmon who has been a c- since drew the savior that wasnt? even the statue would have to be given a c+ at best his whole time here. sure id like fitz to be better but he could sure as hell be worse. i have plenty of opportunity to curse him during the game and im glad to have enough to cheer about. which sounds like a c- to me


unless fitz makes some fairly miraculous transformation here soon, chuddys gonna have to draft a qb now this spring. its reasonable to expect fitz to be better than he has been and if it stays that way they have to try to upgrade the position just like any other. his current production doesnt deserve being the only viable qb on the option with no plan b. they will absolutely create that plan b next season, probably with tjax and an early pick


for now fitz is good enough. barely. baree-lee


C- != Good Enough.....It is more like "Ready to Flunk the Test"

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He's, sadly, the best QB we have. We're going to ride him until the end of the year.


We'll finish with a good enough record to put us out of the running for a top QB prospect, and we won't have the means to go after Flacco (the best QB FA at this moment, and not even sure if he's so much better, but he's got a big arm).

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And the play before it was a good pass right in TJ Graham's hands that he flat dropped that would have put us in FG position, too.


Kelly, I hear ya, but that was a brutal showing by Fitz. He missed an open Stevie a number of times with his inaccuracy -- again. He had Donald Jones open down the left sideline and overthrew him. The only thing I'll grudgingly admit is he didn't appear to try to force throws -- thus avoiding the bad interceptions. But it's clear he's regressing and can't just pull the trigger and make "normal" throws every NFL QB should make in his sleep.

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If he's active for 6 games is what I remember. Not so strange that he isn't dressing I guess.

If he gives the team a better chance to win, what is the big deal whether it is a 7th or 6th rounder...they are anyways training camp fodder.

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fitz is not great, but hes not nearly as bad as fans make him out to be. qb play is like preseason - ppl completely forget past history. weve had so many truly bad qbs here its amazing we dont remember what that looks like more clearly


he certainly is frustrating. he picks really inopportune times to suck. but he does distribute the ball and make plays enough to keep his team reasonable well productive most games


id give him a C- right now, which is barely good enough to win. i mean cmon who has been a c- since drew the savior that wasnt? even the statue would have to be given a c+ at best his whole time here. sure id like fitz to be better but he could sure as hell be worse. i have plenty of opportunity to curse him during the game and im glad to have enough to cheer about. which sounds like a c- to me


unless fitz makes some fairly miraculous transformation here soon, chuddys gonna have to draft a qb now this spring. its reasonable to expect fitz to be better than he has been and if it stays that way they have to try to upgrade the position just like any other. his current production doesnt deserve being the only viable qb on the option with no plan b. they will absolutely create that plan b next season, probably with tjax and an early pick


for now fitz is good enough. barely. baree-lee.


How is he good enough baree-lee ? He did nothing to help buff win. They won in spite of fitz turribleness. My letter grade is D- He can't make simple slants work anymore


Bills would have smoked them if Fitz could throw. He has the worst arm ever. Horrible, Horrible and I mean Horrible throws. Won't be long until the players revolt. Better warm up the Tavaris wagon



Agree it's amazing fitzpicksix can look so bad in a win. And less Freddy more CJ chan.




Exactly, it's the all too familiar train of thought around here. Sigh!


Please spare us your rah rah fitz routine.......you know he was terrible as well. Don't lie

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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i may have gone over the edge when i saw SJ13 after a bad pass walk back to the huddle shaking his head in obvious disgust....just not sure what the deal is...


I came to the end of my rope today with Fitz.

The final straw came at the end when Fred Jackson was wide open

for 5-10 yards and maybe a first down.

It at least would have put us in a manageable field goal position.

Perfect protection...He bounces it.

Thiggy would have hit Fred in stride.

Make the change to Jackson during the bye,

Looks like Fitz has had it.

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I came to the end of my rope today with Fitz.

The final straw came at the end when Fred Jackson was wide open

for 5-10 yards and maybe a first down.

It at least would have put us in a manageable field goal position.

Perfect protection...He bounces it.

Thiggy would have hit Fred in stride.

Make the change to Jackson during the bye,

Looks like Fitz has had it.


Sadly, Thiggy might not have made it either.


Buddy Nix - this is what you give us at QB after three years?

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Yawn... Won a game let's not be happy...


Boom!!! I'll agree with this.


However, I will say there were some mighty errant throws on Fitz's part. We're stuck with him, there are no rumbles at One Bills Dr about Fitz being replaced and there wont be one for the forseeable future, as much as some would like to have him benched. It's not going to happen and rightfully so. The backups leave more to be desired.

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He is too inaccurate to be a top NFL QB, but he does have some strong attributes. He's mobile, smart, and takes very few sacks. He distributes the ball well and can run a fairly complex offense with ease. The previous Bills' QBs couldn't do this at all, and their superior attributes (arm for Losman and Bledsoe and accuracy for Edwards) didn't lead to better production. Let's face it -- he's fine as a time-serving QB who can manage the ship until the day finally arrives when the Bills land a top-flight QB. He's the best they have by a mile, and the team does score points when he's out there. That's more than can be said for this team since the Flutie days (another physically limited QB whose smarts and mobility made up for his throwing problems). Is he a franchise QB? Of course not. But there are really no better options. People should realize that when they make calls to bench him.

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So...you're proposing that Tyler Thigpen should take over as starting QB? Clearly Tavaris Jackson isn't ready or he might be taking snaps with the 2nd team in practice. I'm not saying that I'm not frustrated with Fitz's play, but what is the alternative? I don't understand the point of ths thread.


The point is that it's the popular pastime here now to bash Fitz and claim that he can't throw at all, does nothing to help the team win, and anyone would be better.

Evidence doesn't matter, we all say it so it must be true.

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There were over a dozen more that were just as bad. You can tell Stevie is PISSED. He is wide open all the time and cant get a catch.


If we had a top 1/3rd QB we would have won that game by 30+ points, but instead it was close, we played to lose, should have lost, and somehow ended up winning, although it still feels like a lose.


We have a QB that can't throw a football! Isn't that like, the first thing you look for in a QB? Someone who can throw? I have seen highschool QBs with better arms.

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There were over a dozen more that were just as bad. You can tell Stevie is PISSED. He is wide open all the time and cant get a catch.


If we had a top 1/3rd QB we would have won that game by 30+ points, but instead it was close, we played to lose, should have lost, and somehow ended up winning, although it still feels like a lose.


We have a QB that can't throw a football! Isn't that like, the first thing you look for in a QB? Someone who can throw? I have seen highschool QBs with better arms.


He didn't make a catch? News to me!

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I remember watching when he first got here and thought... this guy has to do a baseball windup to throw a sideline pass! Then he played well last year for a while and I had hopes. Smart, leader, etc...

But after watching him this season, how anyone can say that he is not a rerrible passer is beyond me. Most NFL noodle arms are at least accurate in the short passing game. He cannot even throw accurate short passes! I know our options are limited right now, but anyone who thinks he is even close to adequate must not be watching games.

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The point is that it's the popular pastime here now to bash Fitz and claim that he can't throw at all, does nothing to help the team win, and anyone would be better.

Evidence doesn't matter, we all say it so it must be true.



It's very popular. Time for you to get on board. Captain obvious just spoke to me he said "man that Fitzpatrick stinks"


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