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Bills Release Merriman!

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I don't mind the gamble and I had hoped it worked out. Clearly Chan and Buddy don't think he can help the team as a 4-3 end, which while disappointing isn't super surprising. I thought he would get a little more rope, but maybe they decided in fairness to him to do it earlier so he could catch on with a 3-4 (hopefully not in the AFC East!).

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Exactly! That would been the uniform response.




And not one person---no one, zero people---would have said "you know, it makes sense that they would get rid of him at this point".


There would have been an avalanche of "now way!" and "he's in the best shape in years!" and "why on earth would they get rid of him now?" and "even it he's only 75% of what he was it's a huge bonus!",.........etc, etc, etc.


Yet the same exact guys who would (and have in the recent past) say all of those things .....are the same exact guys who are now saying "it's the right thing to do", "it makes sense--he was never going to be a 4-3 DE", "we need to let guys like Moore get some reps" (my favorite).


It's hilarious--and shameless.


Well then, congratulations. Looks like you hooked at least one fish in the form of eball. Are you happy now?


Shameless indeed.


You should try noodling instead of trolling. It seems to fit your style better.



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Exactly! That would been the uniform response.




And not one person---no one, zero people---would have said "you know, it makes sense that they would get rid of him at this point".


There would have been an avalanche of "now way!" and "he's in the best shape in years!" and "why on earth would they get rid of him now?" and "even it he's only 75% of what he was it's a huge bonus!",.........etc, etc, etc.


Yet the same exact guys who would (and have in the recent past) say all of those things .....are the same exact guys who are now saying "it's the right thing to do", "it makes sense--he was never going to be a 4-3 DE", "we need to let guys like Moore get some reps" (my favorite).


It's hilarious--and shameless.


i cant speak for all, but i think many of us hoped he was playing as well as hyped. this indicates that the reports werent as accurate as we hoped. if true, so be it. i also hope they made the best choice in letting him go. just like there were a lot of reasons to be hopeful, there were just as many to be skeptical.


in the end its a bittersweet move -- the team is still improving ideally and him leaving means someone else is playing better.

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What I find interesting is that nearly everyone on this board appears so surprised, yet James Welker of ESPN said "The move isn't a surprise."


I love it when reporters and pundits have 20/20 hindsight about foresight they never made public. Color this fan very surprised--all indicators were up for Merriman to have a successful season and I heard nothing from the coaches to indicate otherwise.


haha-- James Welker isn't surprised because he doesn't follow the team and probably thought Merriman was still on IR.


This is a total shock to everyone, even those, like me, who though Merriman looked mediocre in the pre-season games.

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And not one person---no one, zero people---would have said "you know, it makes sense that they would get rid of him at this point".


There would have been an avalanche of "now way!" and "he's in the best shape in years!" and "why on earth would they get rid of him now?" and "even it he's only 75% of what he was it's a huge bonus!",.........etc, etc, etc.


Yet the same exact guys who would (and have in the recent past) say all of those things .....are the same exact guys who are now saying "it's the right thing to do", "it makes sense--he was never going to be a 4-3 DE", "we need to let guys like Moore get some reps" (my favorite).


It's hilarious--and shameless.


You really are quite miserable. My acknowledgement of surprise at Merriman being cut ONLY proves one thing -- we as fans don't really have any idea what is going on behind the scenes. All we have is our largely uninformed opinions from "watching tape" and listening to the soundbites we get from coaches, players, and the media.


I don't even know what you're trying to prove -- that human nature is exactly that? In what culture do people NOT try to explain the unexpected by retracing their steps and rethinking earlier positions?


It is painfully obvious you simply refuse to engage in normal discussions on this board and are on some sort of "I know more than you fools" power trip.

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Well regardless I actually would like to thank Shawne, he definitely played his part off the field to bring in the guys necessary to make the Bills a contender again. I cant say that we've have a player like that in a long time. Im gonna go ahead and trust the F.O on this one and hope it works out for the best.

^^^ this. Thank you Shawne. You helped in ways we don't know!

I hope this means Kyle Moore gets more work.

Edited by Astrobot
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said it in the spring, merriman's days were numbered. people on this board really had it wrong on this guy, was a terrible mess for nix and should have cut his losses a long, long time ago.


hopefully the bills follow suit with edwards/johnson and spend those cap dollars on true core players like byrd and levitre.

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Apparently you must not have wanted Merriman on the team at all from the way you are talking. We didn't release him after an injury, we are releasing him DURING his most productive off-season in 3 years. I'm not saying it isn't probably the wisest decision Gailey and Nix need to make. The only thing I am saying is I would feel better keeping a healthy Merriman.... Stop talking like a teenager. It's annoying.


Damn it!!! Teenagers don't talk like this! :angry:

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Well then, congratulations. Looks like you hooked at least one fish in the form of eball. Are you happy now?


Shameless indeed.


You should try noodling instead of trolling. It seems to fit your style better.




See below. I was clear in saying that there would be many (not sure if you would be included) who be hypocritical in their responses. Wasn't picking one. I don't know what noodling is.


You really are quite miserable. My acknowledgement of surprise at Merriman being cut ONLY proves one thing -- we as fans don't really have any idea what is going on behind the scenes. All we have is our largely uninformed opinions from "watching tape" and listening to the soundbites we get from coaches, players, and the media.


I don't even know what you're trying to prove -- that human nature is exactly that? In what culture do people NOT try to explain the unexpected by retracing their steps and rethinking earlier positions?


It is painfully obvious you simply refuse to engage in normal discussions on this board and are on some sort of "I know more than you fools" power trip.


Relax, eball, I wasn't talking only of you. But it's not impossible for regular fans tohave opinions that are reasonable and turn out to be correct. That's all I have ever argued. Not that I or anyone else knows more about football in total but that HCs and GMs are clearly not beyond questioning, as you have more than once claimed. I've had many "normal" discussions here. But if I think someone is bullsh**tting me, I will let them know. If that makes me a "dick" to you and others, I can live with that.

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See below. I was clear in saying that there would be many (not sure if you would be included) who be hypocritical in their responses. Wasn't picking one. I don't know what noodling is.


You could google it but I'll give you the 10 second school. Unlike trolling, where you cast a baited line from a slow moving boat to catch fish, in noodling you simply ram your fist into the mouth of a fish. This is after you've carefully selected the place to find a fish and sufficiently agitated his space in order to get him to clamp on. Just as you were hoping to do here.


I'm sure that clarifies the reason as to why your style is more suited to noodling vs. trolling.



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My only question is why now?


I thought picking him up when we did was a no brainer we HAD to take that gamble ... His injury on his first practice worried me some (but stuff happens) ... his injury last year worried me a lot (but injuries happen) ... I was happy when he finally got the surgery to set things straight with his nagging injury instead of trying to rest it back to health.


All that being said my glee when we picked him up was somewhat dimmed, and I had finally come to the realization that he would never come even close to what he once was, but with the way things went this off season he didn't have to be near what he was ... he just needed to contribute as a part time / situational player (and I do still believe he can do that).


I get all the talk of younger players getting more reps if he's gone ... I get young players growth may be stunted if he stays ..... and I KIND OF get giving him a chance to "hook up" with another team (but that last item should be reserved for somebody that produced for the team for a number of years and was getting "pushed out by a young stud or salary cap issues).


Bottom line is we still have two preseason games before the final cut down and those "young guys" we want to give more reps to just may get injured. The Bills lose nothing to keep him on the team for two more weeks. As far as taking the "moral high road" and cutting him now to enable him to get on another team I say B.S. ... the moral high road was paying him for the time he was here rehabbing with no complaints, and the strategic high road would be to keep him around for at least two weeks for insurance.

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I don't really buy the 'not right for the scheme' stuff. Either a guy can play or he can't. I think he gave the team a full effort--and they want to give him a better chance to catch on with someone else.Hence the 'scheme' excuse vs 'we dont think the guy is good enough for us'. They either think he isn't good enough anymore or there is something hidden that will be made public soon.

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Read the transcript I posted above directly from Nix...he's pretty clear


My only question is why now?


I thought picking him up when we did was a no brainer we HAD to take that gamble ... His injury on his first practice worried me some (but stuff happens) ... his injury last year worried me a lot (but injuries happen) ... I was happy when he finally got the surgery to set things straight with his nagging injury instead of trying to rest it back to health.


All that being said my glee when we picked him up was somewhat dimmed, and I had finally come to the realization that he would never come even close to what he once was, but with the way things went this off season he didn't have to be near what he was ... he just needed to contribute as a part time / situational player (and I do still believe he can do that).


I get all the talk of younger players getting more reps if he's gone ... I get young players growth may be stunted if he stays ..... and I KIND OF get giving him a chance to "hook up" with another team (but that last item should be reserved for somebody that produced for the team for a number of years and was getting "pushed out by a young stud or salary cap issues).


Bottom line is we still have two preseason games before the final cut down and those "young guys" we want to give more reps to just may get injured. The Bills lose nothing to keep him on the team for two more weeks. As far as taking the "moral high road" and cutting him now to enable him to get on another team I say B.S. ... the moral high road was paying him for the time he was here rehabbing with no complaints, and the strategic high road would be to keep him around for at least two weeks for insurance.

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You could google it but I'll give you the 10 second school. Unlike trolling, where you cast a baited line from a slow moving boat to catch fish, in noodling you simply ram your fist into the mouth of a fish. This is after you've carefully selected the place to find a fish and sufficiently agitated his space in order to get him to clamp on. Just as you were hoping to do here.


I'm sure that clarifies the reason as to why your style is more suited to noodling vs. trolling.




Interesting analogy, but not relevant to my post. I'm not picking on one guy.

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haha-- James Welker isn't surprised because he doesn't follow the team and probably thought Merriman was still on IR.


This is a total shock to everyone, even those, like me, who though Merriman looked mediocre in the pre-season games.


Is James Welker you speak of really James Walker ESPN hack, and tebow jock washer?

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