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Thank You / How is Wall Imprtant To You

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With respect I ask if it be possible that we each take time to pause and ponder , give thanks to those who make this site available to us and are responsible for its workings. For many "The Wall" has become a at least daily visit , if not hourly . We gain information, a great deal of fun and humor, the blessing of gaining special acquaintances and friendships from literally all over the world.

Would it be possible to tell how is the Wall important to you? What do you appreciate most about Wall?


, I came here at the beginnings, a nervous, apprehensive person as internet technology and such a thing as a forum a entirely new and frankly scary venture. Over time I have gained the blessing of having exchange with a great number of most excellent people , folks to me now very much so friends. Life has its bumpy times , its difficulties , this forum for me a respite from that.

So much personally I have gained from this privilege, what I appreciate most is the sense of connection, of community, with a group of people with a dream of a community doing better, of having success, and two teams each having their special season at top of their respective sports of football and hockey.

I do at times close my eyes and remember when, Paul and Kelly were here, both gone but not forgotten. I remember also those not allowed anymore, Spiked, Ice, a few others, with no disrespect intended I count them friends also.

As I ponder , at times it seems to me, much time is taken to say and do many things , we do not take time to simply say Thank You,.


Could type a long post full of my unimportant thoughts, so much I would like to say in appreciation, but my wish more so to read and hear what others have to say, for me I wish to say sincerely


My apologies to any I may have offended, my desire is to do better

Thank you


So how is this place special to you?

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When I grew up in Cheektowaga, I was as much a Browns fan as a Bills fan. The first NFL game I watched maybe 40 years ago was between the Browns and the Cowboys. The Browns were losing by double-digits when I turned on the tube so - being a kid - I naturally rooted for them as the underdogs. And sure enough, they came back to win. In my high school days, I wouldn't care much who won in a Cleveland vs. Buffalo contest.


But when I went out-of-state for college, I noticed that I started following the Bills more closely. It was my way, I think, of staying connected with my Buffalo and the people I left behind. Over the years, I've lived in Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Korea, Saudi Arabia, California and Washington. And, instead of dissipating, my loyalty to the Bills has only grown stronger. Even after all these losing seasons, I've never abandoned the Bills for the local favorite.


And when I first moved away, I was desperate for news about the Bills. When I did get any, it was usually pretty general. Now I'm on TBD virtually every day and can name more players now than when I lived in Buffalo/Cheektowaga. So thanks to everyone here for keeping me informed and connected!

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During football season (and yes, right now is football season) this site is up on my browser all day. If you ever study my posting habits, I'm pretty active from about 6 a.m. through 5 p.m. during the week...not so much in the evenings. Weekends are a crap shoot. I rarely if ever post during games.


This site (or, should I say, the combination of TBD and TSW) are huge for an out-of-towner like me. There are many posters I thoroughly enjoy, although I have never met any of you in person. My feelings about Buffalo and the Bills/Sabres are readily apparent to anyone who has been around a while. It irritates me to no end that some choose to look at everything so negatively, but I respect that places like this exist to allow even those opinions to be expressed.


If TSW went away tomorrow, football season would still go on, and I'd still be just as much of a Bills fan. But make no mistake, there would be a huge void. Thanks to those who make the site what it is.


Go Bills!

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It's part of my now year-round enjoyment of Bills football.


As a Bills fan, and one who resides outside western NY, you won't find a better resource on the Bills anywhere in the world.


Bills fans are probably one of the smaller groups of team fans of the NFL and I'd rather have it no other way. We certainly aren't bandwagon jumpers or fair weather fans, and a part of me appreciates that.

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Good thread, Millbank! :beer:


I first learned about TBD from my old boss who I believe still lurks but rarely ever posts. I lurked for about a year before I finally started posting, now I can't imagine not having TSW around. It's kind of like the DVR in that way -- seriously, how did people watch TV before that or surf the net before TSW?


Great people (even the idiots), good discussions, and a feeling of community are all what keeps bringing me back every day. Especially now that I live on the west coast, this site allows me to feel like I never left western New York. Thanks to Scott, all the mods and everyone else who keeps this place the best site on the net.



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Living in Las Vegas since 1998, I don't have many opportunities to share my joy and frustration about my favorite pastime with others that can truly feel where I'm coming from. TSW is that outlet for me, among many other things. I'd like to thank the mods for making this possible.

Edited by NewEra
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Like many who lived away from Buffalo, I had to endure with little or no information about the Bills during the off-season (or even the in-season). Then lo and behold, the tubes were invented and my search for Bills knowledge lead me to the fabled gobills.com site, where I lurked and drank in the richness of Bills knowledge and passion during the 90s.


After gobills.com ceased operation (with the enduring image of the forward lateral remaining on the homepage for many moons), I found my way to this wonderful island of misfit toys and a dozen years later, here I remain.



What am I most thankful for? That this site has never allowed giant, flashing pictures/avatars (other than that damn hypno-toad) like almost every other site out there.

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So how is this place special to you?



This is my "go to" website for photos of hot teachers arrested for doing it with teenage boys. Not sure where else I could find such important content so readily!


I do notice you guys also talk about football here a bit too. That's cool, I guess.

Edited by WotAGuy
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Like many who lived away from Buffalo, I had to endure with little or no information about the Bills during the off-season (or even the in-season). Then lo and behold, the tubes were invented and my search for Bills knowledge lead me to the fabled gobills.com site, where I lurked and drank in the richness of Bills knowledge and passion during the 90s.


After gobills.com ceased operation (with the enduring image of the forward lateral remaining on the homepage for many moons), I found my way to this wonderful island of misfit toys and a dozen years later, here I remain.



What am I most thankful for? That this site has never allowed giant, flashing pictures/avatars (other than that damn hypno-toad) like almost every other site out there.


The general aesthetic is very nice - uncrowded and easy to read. Most sports message boards are littered with image macros.

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Don't get that excited ... Message boards are a dime a dozen.


This place is OK. I would have a different opinion to offer if I was booted for bring a Grumpy Old Man here many many years ago, and I wasn't even that bad!!


With every "Private Board" you get favorites .... lets just say some people are allowed to be bigger A holes than others.


If you want proof .... Just look for the buttheads that drove Tim Graham away.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Have made a lot of new friends. Look forward to meeting and making more friends. We are all tied together because of our love of football, BILLS football.




Do agree that keeping the large Pictures off the board helps make this the best Bills board around.




A Big thanks to Scott and all that make this a very special place.



Everyone should make an effort to get to the TBD tailgate party for the opener. (don"t forget to bring me wine if you come to the opener)

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With every "Private Board" you get favorites .... lets just say some people are allowed to be bigger A holes than others.


If you want proof .... Just look for the buttheads that drove Tim Graham away.



I get absolutely no !@#$ing respect. None. :censored:

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no wine for Mead!!!!!


How else would I appear to be be busy if not for this Board? Even though I work from home..need my kids to at least think I am working hard LOL


Really do enjoy the discourse here..OTW more in the offseason..TSW more in season. Love hearing the different opinions on how guys playedlay calls etc..and keeps me out of the bars whilst doing so!


Miss some of the older posters..Guys like Stuck, SmokingandJoking, Dean, but suppose that is part of life.

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