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Ladies and Gentlemen, your Super Bowl Halftime Show

Just Jack

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Doubt it. But... monkey see, monkey do.


Really? She's going to see some random back up singer putting up her middle finger for an instant and decide that is something she simply must do? I think you're really reaching for something to be offended by.

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Exactly. Her main drive was to get her name in the papers. And if she couldn't do it through actual talent, it'll be done by offending people.


Look, I swear like a truck driver who used to be a sailor. But I don't don't do it in front of kids or in situations where the proceedings deserve clean language and respect.


The Super Bowl, where there's every expectation that you will be heard because you're wearing/holding a microphone and the camera is right in front of you with a feed that you know is being watched by hundreds of millions, is such a situation.


It's not a secret that profanity and obscene gestures are not allowed on broadcast teevee. No doubt (and I mean NO doubt!) every performer who's onstage has been instructed in this by the NFL. And yet, this one does it anyway because she and her agent think making people see her name in headlines can make her act more marketable.


The point --- hire people with class and who don't need to resort to this to become "known."

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The 4 Bills Super Bowls I went to I got to see New Kids On The Block, Gloria Estefan with people skating on fake ice, Michael Jackson (probably the first of the huge halftime shows) and a country music thing sponsored by a pickup truck.


Some of the "big name" acts recently have just been tired-looking has-beens (The Who, The Stones). U2, Tom Petty, and Springsteen were some of the best ever. Aerosmith & Paul McCartney were OK. Not that I'm a fan of dance music but it seems the dance artists (Madonna & Janet Jackson) just don't translate well to the Super Bowl.

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Watched it didn't see the bird and don't understand why it's getting pub. If it's a terrible act that people shouldn't see why is it publicized? I never would have known it happened if it wasn't on the front page of yahoo news.


They need to do away with the halftime show altogether. It's a football game and teams shouldn't have to practice 31 minute delays to participate.

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I missed all of that. I watched until it was painfully obvious she was lip syncing (about 30 seconds in), then stopped.

I sat through it, but it was like a root canal, I didn't listen to that crap when It first came out why would I like it now?


I hope they give up on the halftime show.

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drives me crazy too. These professional musicians can't sing live?? Why don't they just show music videos at half time...


i believe half the reason the NFL likes the lip syncing is its own control and to avoid people saying whatever they want (you know, like this incident kind of).


Anyone that had to watch that far to know it wouldnt be sung live has missed what the halftime show really is these days. the especially disappointing parts for me were that 1) she couldnt dance anymore. she just wasnt physically capable. 2) even if she could sing and dance live -- it seems like they did the entire concept in about 5 minutes with no real plan or goal for what the performance should be. just "lets include this and that and this other thing and oh dont forget that." Whether the song choices, the guests, or the costuming - it was ALL random. Its the biggest stage in the world. im not saying put together a deep spiritual or political message but atleast have some sort of plan.

Edited by NoSaint
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Would anyone have noticed if they didnt say anything?


It was a great game and some media guy bring this gem out



I'm guessing this was her parents' crackerjack reaction when she started acting all "gansta" as a kid.



BTW, shooting the messenger is kind of silly when she should know that flipping the bird and swearing in front of half a billion people might be caught by a few viewers. Don't ya think?

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Doubt it. But... monkey see, monkey do.


There is violence ALL over TV. Don't tell me you are throwing out the "I learned it from TV" argument. According to that argument, murders in America should have increased proportional to the massive amount of violence seen on TV now as compared to previously. But if you look at the statistics, its just not true. In fact since the 90s crime and murders have been falling. But thats a whole other story.


Public television in general sets such a double standard. Violence, blood, guns, killing people. Thats fine. Anything relating to sex, whoa, thats too much. The whole nipple slip thing is ridiculous. Everyone has them. Get over it.

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i enjoyed the halftime show. I think Madonna did a great job...just watched it on youtube and if MIA was on he was MIA in my eyes...didn't see it...Nicki Manaj did a nice job as well as Cee Lo and LMFAO. I find Madonna thoroughly entertaining at what she does.


I also find it funny that we are upset about someone saying the 'f' word when one of the acts featured is called LMFAO and know one complains about that..I guess we just pick and choose what we can be uptight about these days...

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I wasn’t really paying attention to the halftime show, but I did notice MIA do a gesture that I thought was pretty raunchy at the time. Then this morning when I heard there was some uproar about the performance, I thought this was what they were talking about. She was dancing in her little gladiator skirt and she very purposely moved the front flap to the side, showing her little underpanty thing and she did it in a very “hey, take a look at my vag” kind of way.


I’m surprised no one has mentioned this yet. Did anyone else notice it? Maybe this kind of thing just doesn’t even register anymore.


It’s not like I’m upset about stuff like this—it’s just surprising how trashy & skanky popular culture has become.

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