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This week's game even more important than the New England game

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It may sound crazy, but I really believe this. If they come out and fall flat on their faces, then the New England win was basically all for naught. Yes it was symbolic beating NE, but they end up at 3-1 if they lost to NE, then beat Cincinnati. Cincinnati blows and is starting a rookie (albeit he's playing decent) QB. I have seen way too may people on here already talking about the Philly game. I am certain Chan and the players do not have this mentality so I'm not worried about that. If the Bills really want to go up in the proverbial power rankings and establish that nothing has been a fluke thus far, then they make another statement this week and come out and beat the everliving s*** out of Cincinnati. I wanna see 4 sacks. I wanna see endzone antics and players laughing on the sidelines. I wanna see Tyler Thigpen handing off to Johnny White in the 4th quarter. No more of this come from behind stuff. Go Bills!

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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It may sound crazy, but I really believe this. If they come out and fall flat on their faces, then the New England win was basically all for naught. Yes it was symbolic beating NE, but they end up at 3-1 if they lost to NE, then beat Cincinnati. Cincinnati blows and is starting a rookie (albeit he's playing decent) QB. I have seen way too may people on here already talking about the Philly game. I am certain Chan and the players do not have this mentality so I'm not worried about that. If the Bills really want to go up in the proverbial power rankings and establish that nothing has been a fluke thus far, then they make another statement this week and come out and beat the everliving s*** out of Cincinnati. I wanna see 4 sacks. I wanna see endzone antics and players laughing on the sidelines. I wanna see Tyler Thigpen handing off to Johnny White in the 4th quarter. No more of this come from behind stuff. Go Bills!

Agreed, but I would rather see CJ get the carries at the end of the game. He could use the reps.

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It may sound crazy, but I really believe this. If they come out and fall flat on their faces, then the New England win was basically all for naught. Yes it was symbolic beating NE, but they end up at 3-1 if they lost to NE, then beat Cincinnati. Cincinnati blows and is starting a rookie (albeit he's playing decent) QB. I have seen way too may people on here already talking about the Philly game. I am certain Chan and the players do not have this mentality so I'm not worried about that. If the Bills really want to go up in the proverbial power rankings and establish that nothing has been a fluke thus far, then they make another statement this week and come out and beat the everliving s*** out of Cincinnati. I wanna see 4 sacks. I wanna see endzone antics and players laughing on the sidelines. I wanna see Tyler Thigpen handing off to Johnny White in the 4th quarter. No more of this come from behind stuff. Go Bills!

Really? The New England win goes for naught if we lose? I think that's a little melodramatic. Quite frankly I would much rather beat a division rival and lose to a bad team than vise versa especially when you have lost to that team 15 straight games. There's something to be said about finally beating a team you keep losing to (look at Navy, went decades without beating Notre Dame and now that they finally beat them they're on a bit of a roll against them).


But I do agree that we can't keep playing from behind. Especially this week against a team we should be able to handle. It would be nice to see Johnny White get some late game carries.

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Um, all games are important. I don't think one is more important than another. The game your playing that week is all that important. Their will be no trap game thinking by the palyers. It's one game at a time.


Actually, I'll take division wins over conference wins and conference wins over out of conference wins. One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is that all of the Bills wins this year are against the AFC. If they get a win this week vs. Cincy they'll have already piled up 4 AFC wins - which could be a big factor come tie-breakers for the playoffs.

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This is just silliness. A non-division game NEVER holds more weight than a divisional game. You win your division and you get in the playoffs and you do that by beating your divisional opponents. Everything else is just noise.

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It'd be reassuring for the Bills not to come out flat against the Bengals. I don't think Gailey and Company look past any team, but coming after back to back comebacks and a very huge win, there's potential for a letdown and the Bengals defense isn't all that bad.


The Bengals are a nightmare on third downs. They've only converted two all season and can't convert worth a damn in the red zone.

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I appreciate the point the OP is making...


It is a winnable game and while I hope the Raiders take down the Pats*, I'm thinking the Bills need to win what appears to be a rather winnable game at Cincy to stay ahead of our 2nd place rivals.


As for the importance of games, they are all important, but I generally view intra-division games as most important, followed by intra-conference, and lastly inter-conference games. I guess it stems from the tie-breaker hierarchy? I dunno'...

Edited by Campy
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This is just silliness. A non-division game NEVER holds more weight than a divisional game. You win your division and you get in the playoffs and you do that by beating your divisional opponents. Everything else is just noise.


If they win 1 of the 2, they're 3-1 either way. That's my point. We need to get to 10-6 and we're not gonna do it if we don't beat our very few cupcakes on the schedule. Guess what? New England's gonna make the playoffs regardless so it's not like we're gonna tie them and have division record vs. them come into play (although it very well may against the Jets). An average team can catch lightning a bottle (Brady 4 picks?) and do what they did to New England last week. A good football team does not screw around and comes out and demolishes an inferior opponent on Sunday. I stand by my point.

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It may sound crazy, but I really believe this. If they come out and fall flat on their faces, then the New England win was basically all for naught. Yes it was symbolic beating NE, but they end up at 3-1 if they lost to NE, then beat Cincinnati. Cincinnati blows and is starting a rookie (albeit he's playing decent) QB. I have seen way too may people on here already talking about the Philly game. I am certain Chan and the players do not have this mentality so I'm not worried about that. If the Bills really want to go up in the proverbial power rankings and establish that nothing has been a fluke thus far, then they make another statement this week and come out and beat the everliving s*** out of Cincinnati. I wanna see 4 sacks. I wanna see endzone antics and players laughing on the sidelines. I wanna see Tyler Thigpen handing off to Johnny White in the 4th quarter. No more of this come from behind stuff. Go Bills!


answer honestly... go back in time 3 months. if God came to you and said you could hand pick 1 win and 1 loss between the pats and bengals, you'd pick the bengals for the W? doubt it. i agree this is an important game, but they all are. down the road we will all remember the patriots win, it HAD to happen. you are correct...you do sound crazy.

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The Patriots game is done with the Bills all went out had a few drinks and felt up the local girls in celebration. Now Chan need to get them ready for the Bengals. They need to go to CIncy and beat down the Bengals big time. We cant go lay an egg in Cincy then everything they fought for last week is done. and we will be the laughing stock of the NFL Again.

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This is just silliness. A non-division game NEVER holds more weight than a divisional game. You win your division and you get in the playoffs and you do that by beating your divisional opponents. Everything else is just noise.

Tell that to the Raiders of 2010.

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If they win 1 of the 2, they're 3-1 either way. That's my point. We need to get to 10-6 and we're not gonna do it if we don't beat our very few cupcakes on the schedule. Guess what? New England's gonna make the playoffs regardless so it's not like we're gonna tie them and have division record vs. them come into play (although it very well may against the Jets). An average team can catch lightning a bottle (Brady 4 picks?) and do what they did to New England last week. A good football team does not screw around and comes out and demolishes an inferior opponent on Sunday. I stand by my point.


And there are people who stand by their opinion that the earth is flat. It doesn't make their opinion any more logical.

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I hope the Bills dont think like some posters here.

They wont score 34 points if they think they can just show up and do that.

You saw this past Sunday that if you do not execute, you lose games.

I think we would all agree, the Pats have more PROVEN talent on their team.

Not saying they are a better team, just that they have a lot of guys that have been historically better.

If anyone thinks the win against the Pats scares the Bengals you are wrong, just the opposite, it fires them up.

Bengals now want to be the ones to knock the Bills off. The target on the Bills back gets bigger every week.

Remember, just last year, the Bills were the Bengals, and how many good teams did the Bills give all they wanted?

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