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Merriman, Ellison to IR


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For people who cannot understand how the real world works, they will invariably think that when a decision goes bad, it proves that it was a bad decision. But that's not always the case. When a team throws a bomb on third and short, or goes for it on fourth and short and misses in a high risk high reward call, most people will say, "See? I told you that was a bad decision." Or, as I said "In retrospect" one could say it was a bad decision. But it still could have been a good decision even if it failed. Even when things turn out to not work out, it doesn't automatically prove to be a bad decision. It just means it didn't work out this time, and the next one may. I'm not at all surprised you cannot seem to grasp the concept.

You make the mistake of being logical in reposne to this and other posts that just want to bash the bills FO for yet another "mistake". There was no downside to claimimg Merriman, unless its your money. There is still upside - this has not played out yet. People that do not see this are just being contrary for no good reason, IMO. I am disappointed we will not get to see him play in a Bills jersey this year, but my bet is this guy's career is far from over, whether he plays for the Bills next year or not.

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This is not a bash the front office at all costs thread, because they've embarrassed themselves quite well already this season. Two out of their 3 UFA's signed in March are already on IR, one of whom, Cornell Green, was cut. And now, a waiver pickup that they went so far as to introduce at a press conference, is out for the season.


When someone looks at this in the context of the team being out money, they're missing the point or conveniently ignoring what matters here: that the front office, despite new people at GM and AGM, continue to poorly evaluate personnel. If you're a fan and are wondering why this team rarely wins against quality opponents, it's because talent evaluation has consistently stunk and appears not to be better than when Marv/DJ/Smithers were at the top.


It's amazing any Bills fan gives the front office the benefit of the doubt anymore after 11 playoff-less seasons. And if by some miracle RW opens up the pocketbook in March, what gives any fan evidence that the team will sign quality free agents that will help this team rebuild in the 3 years the owner thinks it's going to take?

Edited by BillsVet
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Merriman signing was a hoax from the start. I called it and of course was ram rodded on the board. Not only his season but his career his likely over with a torn ACL and his history, Same injury that ended LT's and Arrington's career.


It's not a write-off that doesnt hit the fans as most of you think. This black eye will make the Bills very cautious in free agency at a time when they need to be aggressive.


Merriman signing when from hoax to disaster.

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This is not a bash the front office at all costs thread, because they've embarrassed themselves quite well already this season. Two out of their 3 UFA's signed in March are already on IR, one of whom, Cornell Green, was cut. And now, a waiver pickup that they went so far as to introduce at a press conference, is out for the season.


When someone looks at this in the context of the team being out money, they're missing the point or conveniently ignoring what matters here: that the front office, despite new people at GM and AGM, continue to poorly evaluate personnel. If you're a fan and are wondering why this team rarely wins against quality opponents, it's because talent evaluation has consistently stunk and appears not to be better than when Marv/DJ/Smithers were at the top.


It's amazing any Bills fan gives the front office the benefit of the doubt anymore after 11 playoff-less seasons. And if by some miracle RW opens up the pocketbook in March, what gives any fan evidence that the team will sign quality free agents that will help this team rebuild in the 3 years the owner thinks it's going to take?


Wow. I figured you wouldn't slither out from under your rock until after a loss to continue your tired crusade against everything the front office does.

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This is not a bash the front office at all costs thread, because they've embarrassed themselves quite well already this season. Two out of their 3 UFA's signed in March are already on IR, one of whom, Cornell Green, was cut. And now, a waiver pickup that they went so far as to introduce at a press conference, is out for the season.


When someone looks at this in the context of the team being out money, they're missing the point or conveniently ignoring what matters here: that the front office, despite new people at GM and AGM, continue to poorly evaluate personnel. If you're a fan and are wondering why this team rarely wins against quality opponents, it's because talent evaluation has consistently stunk and appears not to be better than when Marv/DJ/Smithers were at the top.


It's amazing any Bills fan gives the front office the benefit of the doubt anymore after 11 playoff-less seasons. And if by some miracle RW opens up the pocketbook in March, what gives any fan evidence that the team will sign quality free agents that will help this team rebuild in the 3 years the owner thinks it's going to take?


Doesn't this ever get old for you? Jesus, man.

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Merriman signing was a hoax from the start. I called it and of course was ram rodded on the board. Not only his season but his career his likely over with a torn ACL and his history, Same injury that ended LT's and Arrington's career.


It's not a write-off that doesnt hit the fans as most of you think. This black eye will make the Bills very cautious in free agency at a time when they need to be aggressive.


Merriman signing when from hoax to disaster.

I looked for you calling this a hoax and getting "ram-rodded". If you mean you saying this was a bad move AFTER news of Merriman's Achilles injury came out in the news then I would hardly call it a prediction.



Edited by PromoTheRobot
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Thanks. Not sure why that didn't show up in my search. Kudos to Joe.


Wow. Good feelings about Merriman back then, especially from Another Point of View.



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I could care less if Ralph wasted a few dollars. He has tried to cut corners at every turn and it has cost the club dearly. There is no salary cap, so anyone complaining about this move,unless they're a Wilson heir, is just full of hot air. Honestly, who cares? I hope Ralph starts throwing money recklessly after offensive linemen and passrushers. Eventually he'll hit on a few and this team may actually start winning games.

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Of course.





Look, it is clear form above that your "search" prowess is pretty lacking, but you seemed to have found my post--or part of it anyway. Strangely you left out the part that doesn't help your crusade:


b stein had asked:


Why cant you give this guy a chance before you say that he sucks? He is only on this team for the rest of the year so who cares. He cant be worse then the lbs on our team.


To which I responded: "Maybe they're going on what the staff in SD said." Let me translate for you: i.e., that he sucked. I then added the rest, riffing on his roid problems. It's pretty clear when you read the whole post in one sitting, isn't it?



Edited by Mr. WEO
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This is not about money. Again, you don' seem to grasp that this particular "bomb" (as you ironically out it, Kelly) represents poor judgement. There was no "high reward" possible with this guy. He hasn't been productive for 3 years. He's injured. He's out of shape. How is it that Nix had not understood this?


Nix famously declared he was going to sleep though free agency. Fans scream "do something" and he brings in guys like Green and Merriman. We're supposed to pat him on the back for "trying to make the team better" with those lame moves?


It (and the draft) gives me the impression that Nix doesn't really know how to build this team. That's my opinion. You guys are fine with all of this, of course.

He doesn't know how to build this team, but u do? Why are the chargers in the playoffs every year?! Nix did that! He drafted the talent!! If anyone knows SM, Nix does because he drafted him!

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He doesn't know how to build this team, but u do? Why are the chargers in the playoffs every year?! Nix did that! He drafted the talent!! If anyone knows SM, Nix does because he drafted him!

Nix did not do that. He was but a single voice in a larger machine that turned around the Chargers. Some people would have it that he taught Bill Polian how to be a GM. <_<


PS: If you want to give him all the credit, you can credit the Bills 2000 draft class to Mr. Nix. Erik Flowers is looking good now only by proximity to Aaron Maybin.

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didn't really mean it in a financial sense. I realize the scale of finances in the NFL all too well. I just meant it in the sense of looking at the specific signing. In other words, I grade it an F, not a C. Some would endlessly give the benefit of the doubt and that is their right. I have admittedly been beaten down by 11 years of mostly crap performance from the team. Nix has done some good things but there have been some real turkeys thrown in as well (Cornell Green anyone?).


OK.....I would just like to throw this in the piss and moan barrel. First of all I get it...people are snakebit over the bad decisions over the years by this team. For some it is hard not to be upset at everything that is a setback for this team. BUT


- This ends up being a bad decision ONLY if the front office cannot find a way to keep Merriman here and get him healthy for next season....if they dump him at the end of the year or if he walks....then yes I think this was a failed miss at the dartboard. Remember WE ARE IN A REBIULDING YEAR......


- You say that Nix has had "Turkeys" I only count one and that is Cornell Green is is flat out awful.....but at least give them credit for not hanging onto mistakes out of pride like Edwards and Green......


You gotta give these new guys a chance......they should not be judged on previous front office staffs only on their own work....and it is unfair to judge in the first year.......our offense is vastly improved....our defense will get better in the offseason.

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