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  1. Can you name one policy of his presidency that is “racist” or are you going to use a meme from some basement-tier right wing website
  2. COMING SOON TO A POLITICAL CAMPAIGN NEAR YOU: Black athletic director arrested for using AI audio to frame white principal with racist rant. https://notthebee.com/article/black-athletic-director-uses-ai-to-frame-white-principal-with-racist-remarks-against-jews-blacks https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/education/k-12-schools/eric-eiswert-ai-audio-baltimore-county-YBJNJAS6OZEE5OQVF5LFOFYN6M/ https://jmoreliving.com/2024/04/25/former-pikesville-high-employee-arrested-for-trying-to-frame-principal-as-racist-and-antisemitic/ https://www.wmar2news.com/local/former-athletic-director-allegedly-used-ai-to-fake-racist-rant-blaming-pikesville-high-principal .
  3. 45-year-old - born in 1978 - says life was better for black Americans from 1884 to 1965. God these people are batshit crazy - spouting right-wing f'n racist bull####.
  4. Oh. I wonder what race? Ten years of South/Central America trips watching this industry. Ya. Must be racist.
  5. Never gonna happen. DEI, racial pandering, oppressed vs. oppressor is woke commie bread and butter.
  6. Old tactic. They've been doing this since Trayvon Martin. It's how they continue to perpetuate racism and why they deserve scorn and ridicule.
  7. So he's a racist because he didn't quoit his job at a segregated swimming pool.
  8. Next this brainless bimbo will declare pool racist as its offensive for the white ball to smack the colored balls all around the table.
  9. Apparently the people on the left that have a blood-thirsty love for murdering unborn mostly black children. Some might say that's down-right racist of them.
  10. Karen tries.... so hard. Joe Biden was quoting racist comments when he used the N-word in 1985 Of course, Biden was quoting a state legislator from a RED STATE.
  11. Are these racist comments or what? Predictable crickets from the marxists and useful idiots.
  12. Read MLK and it explains why dei is wrong. It's the racist system the trolls keep asking for proof of.
  13. Yes- every woke corporation and government agency that complies with DEI is a racist institution…👍 Doesn’t matter how righteous they feel the endeavor is, they are still hiring and firing based on race…Not only is it racist, but it’s illegal, according to the Civil Rights Act of 1964…👍
  14. Great quote from a politician. Does the same apply to OJ and Bill Cosby? Both obviously guilty but high priced lawyers got them off. What about all the innocent black people (really any race) that are sitting in jail for crimes they didn't commit? BLM tells us it happens a lot. Are you saying that's not true? Why are these people below the law Teddy? The OJ trial proved the system works. A rich black man can get off just like a rich white man. It's great that President Trump was found guilty. But please don't give us the no man is above or below the law BS when obviously it's not true.
  15. Biden's MOREHOUSE COLLEGE speech was a MASTERCLASS in racist pandering. With fixed stare, beady pinpoint unblinking eyes, and YELLING, he told Black men that America hates them. With one speech he managed to denounce half his constituents as RACIST... ...and then tried to scare educated black men into HATING THEM and voting for him because of that racism. And throughout his fearmongering speech he sprinkled the "D" word: He asked, "What is DEMOCRACY, if black men are being killed in the street?" Mr. Biden, IF black men are being killed in the streets, it's largely by the gangs endorsed and supported by democrat city leadership. He asked, "What is DEMOCRACY, if the trail of broken promises still leave black communities behind?" Mr. Biden: THE ONLY PEOPLE MAKING AND BREAKING PROMISES TO BLACK COMMUNITIES ARE THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. For 3 years the Biden administration has been importing NEW MINORITIES, and immediately giving them for FREE things the black community needs but has never had access to. Biden's version of America LOVES ILLEGAL ALIENS more than it does the blax who he's trying to CON into voting for him. Whenever I think I can't hate this ####### any more, he surpasses himself.
  16. Outrageous ! Notice how the system destroys the life of an innocent black man for exercising his constitutional rights While the system ignores violent criminals and puts them back on the street All by design
  17. ⬆️ Racist who also supports insurrection when it's politically convenient.
  18. Seriously **** this guy.. Race-baiting lying Commander in Chief. I live in Georgia and absolutely none of what he says is true. Absolute trash person.
  19. You're a racist for noticing this. FYI, you'd be a racist if you noticed this story too. You're a racist for asking obvious questions and for questioning regime policy. FYI. You'll be more of a racist in the future if you get angry when bad stuff happens because of all this.
  20. I harbor no hate for anyone, except for Nazis, homophobes, misogynists, and racists. In other words, you. 🔼 🔽 🔼 🔽 🔼 🔽 🔼 🔽
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