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Everything posted by BillsVet

  1. McKenzie has a BBB credit rating? Never knew he was at this level and just assumed something in the C to CCC range.
  2. Why would Buffalo or the NY Jets be in the running for signing this guy?
  3. Because it took them so long to replace Mike Singletary with Brian Urlacher.
  4. The Bears truly are a crap organization.
  5. Signing UFA G's is a start, but what they do at WR tells the story. 2021-22 showed that the bare minimum + Josh won't get it done. EDIT: Like that he's mobile and solid in pass pro. Not the mauling type who's a liability on passing downs.
  6. Have college and pending UFA RB's hired a lobbyist firm that influences Buffalo more than other teams?
  7. I would like to imagine a TBD where all posters grasp that investing too much at RB is inefficient. Particularly with a franchise QB and passing driven offenses. Then I remember it is TBD. And I am sad because you cannot reach them.
  8. He whiffed on a lot of blocks this year, but at 1 year I'm not going to get worked up. Oh wait, forgot about TBD All-Star Star Lotulelei....there's the big UFA whiff.
  9. Beane is great at overpaying average talent to fill holes and using draft picks to add more average talent. No big whiffs, but a lot of singles and doubles in UFA.
  10. It's probably as hard to talk McD into another DB and re-signing Edmunds like it is offering cake and ice cream to a fat kid who just had 3 candy bars. Sure, why not...haven't had sugar in like 5 minutes.
  11. They have extended several players drafted - Tre, Dawkins, Milano, Josh, T. Johnson, and Knox for example. In 2023 that represents $100M in cap space. DL is their most valued group on the field if you base it on the number of players, cap dollars, and draft picks used. Secondary is probably next. Someone once wrote that Buffalo has used the least number of draft picks on Day 1/2 in the entire NFL. McBeane learning from mistakes...and the HC's philosophy that other areas are more important.
  12. Not clear why economy of resources continues to be misunderstood. As in, 27th might not be the best resource to use addressing the interior OL. You likely end up with a highly rated prospect at a position of lesser value and it means you use a lower value resource on a position of greater value . People seem to forget Cincinnati beat McD's defense (which had some injuries, yes) with 3 backup OL. Bungles had top-end skilled talent who provided their QB better options. More rigor in the decision making process is required beyond...let's use the 1st on OL and then presto-blamo we're good there. Nah, use it on a guy who who'll create a matchup disadvantage.
  13. They serious. And if Buffalo goes safety in the first, maybe they can have former NFL safety and Buffalo HC Dick Jauron come back and make the pick to honor his run of 3 straight 7-9 seasons. It'd be magical.
  14. Your word salad is all symbolism over substance. It's that dopamine hit stuff that fuels emotions and represents little reality. Nearly everyone on this board had expectations for 2022 that were not met...and now we wait and see what they do to run with the contenders. And yeah...we will know when it's time...because it's realistically been time since 2020.
  15. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/word-salad (EDIT: not claiming there is something wrong with OP...this is just jumbled words that mean little) The reality of life is you are either progressing or regressing. Yeah...Buffalo regressed in 2022 from 2021 which was a regression from 2020. And now the HC and GM need to improve and they tend to need overwhelming evidence that real improvement is necessary. And even then, their version of improvement tends to underwhelm, as in their 2022 offensive UFA signings. @Coach Tuesdaysaid the administration was a reflection of ownership. And it is, albeit in this situation extenuating circumstances exist that likely distract them. Something's gotta give eventually.
  16. As others have noted, why does it take 6 off-seasons for this to understand? Was the "process" that ensued in 2017-19 incapable of meshing the "trust" preached by the HC and having guys who are bully-types? It seems a little too convenient now, and yes it carries risk...which is what happens when your scheme/personnel choices have not succeeded.
  17. McD and Beane are masters of spin....they know how to give the fanbase what it wants when there's criticism. But it's commonly offering a nugget that ends up being fools gold. And unless Frazier has a personal matter to attend to, soon to be 64 year old men don't take a year off from coaching for no reason. I know people think McD is this great guy who cares (and the Hamlin moment pointed to that) but he didn't get to be a NFL HC being nice. He's seen the downside of the league being fired in Philadelphia so Reid could hang around another couple seasons. Because, when expectations aren't met...someone has to be sacrificed.
  18. Talk is cheap this time of year and McD is adept at saying something that in reality means nothing. I will believe he's evolving when the organization devotes more to the offense than cheap 1 year UFA deals, more over-drafted RBs, and late round flyers on offensive line/skill talent. I've seen reports the Pegula's later regretted somewhat ceding so much control over the Bills to McBeane. And consider why...McD took the job after the Pegula's had witnessed so much dysfunction from the Rex/Whaley years. It's no surprise the HC used that opportunity to have so much authority. Besides, ownership had already been through 2 HC's in less than 3 years of ownership. That said, unless Beane is as big a fan of defense, I don't see how anyone can deduce 5 of 7 RD1 picks used there as anything but the HC shaping the draft board to his preference for that side of the ball.
  19. I have never understood why OBD insists on this rotation, uses high picks to staff it, then uses those picks (Basham, Epenesa, Oliver, Rousseau) no more than on 50% of the snaps. It's disjointed, ineffective, and no better than equal cost to benefit. If your team needs this rotation, spreads snaps out evenly for DT's and DE's to keep them under 65%, but continues prioritizing this as their QB is inked long-term, something's gotta give eventually. It's not the same as what SF, PHI, CIN, or KC is doing.
  20. Tipster's prowess throwing the message board hand grenade is still legendary. That's the only takeaway from this thread.
  21. Easy with the language or I'll report you to a moderator! Will say this for McD...he's established from Day 1 he's in charge and carries himself that way. I imagine it's gotta be hard to connect/command in that environment with Millennials and Zoomers when you're a Gen X'er. Sounds like that's there, at least with the young players.
  22. If we lose Maine, it'll be because the aliens took it. And that means we're in an inter-planetary war that Earth is bound to lose. Not encouraging, but the good news it'll mean there's no chance that any NFL team makes the playoffs. So we got that going for us, which is nice.
  23. You are a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. "One of the problems with being a pessimist is that you can never celebrate when you are proven right." - Thomas Sowell
  24. KC could do that when they unloaded Hill and his cap hit...which went toward additional receivers. https://www.nfl.com/news/chiefs-trading-wr-tyreek-hill-to-dolphins-for-multiple-draft-picks The opening line to this article is hilarious, considering less than 11 months later KC would win another SB without him. And KC parlayed that 1st (29th) from the Hill trade along with a 3rd and 4th into moving up, taking the CB McDuffie. And then took a DE with their own 1st. Not saying all these moves and players were perfect...but it shows a desire to improve even as a perennial contender. That type of continuous improvement and boldness has been there in Buffalo occasionally, but it's more of a risk averse culture there.
  25. KC was ridiculed here trading Hill last off-season, but their plan to feature Kelce and a sum is greater than the parts WR group obviously was enough for Mahomes. No one flashy among that latter group, and their points scored even increased slightly. OBD will have a renewed emphasis on offense this off-season, but it's purely reactive. Another thread opined that it's not poor draft execution, but strategy and that should be expanded to all personnel acquisitions. Buffalo tends to fix issues in one off-season only after an issue has emerged in the previous year which in this case is a less than adequate investment on offense. One of the weaknesses of the structure at OBD is Buffalo is led by a coach who is a more pedestrian mind, particularly on offense. For all the criticism of Dorsey, the OC and QB did not have the WR/TE talent necessary to maximize offensive production. That should have been anticipated after 2021, but alas, here we are.
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