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Pirate Angel

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Everything posted by Pirate Angel

  1. Our team plays Sloppy, they don't protect the football and they get exposed against tough defenses.
  2. Start giving Cook more reps, Singletary is bad. B word Slap Josh every time he turns the ball over by being dumb
  3. We turned the ball over 4 times..doesnt matter who you play that makes it hard to win
  4. The jets have a good defense and we turned the ball over 4 times there's not many coaches out there that can gameplan or scheme anything to overcome that. Qbing 101 teaches you not to throw the ball back across the grain yet Josh does it time and time again.
  5. Steve Young, Brett Favre and Josh Allen are cut from the same cloth, super talented gunslinger type that will make unbelievable plays but will also force the ball and make you pull your hair out of your head. He also needs a running game and with the efforts of our front office before the trade deadline they're well aware. Imo McDermott is stubborn with playing rookies. McKenzie and Singletary aren't doing enough where we shouldn't be seeing more of Shakur and Cook.
  6. Most likely they're going to sign/draft rbs, we dont have a established starter so they'll make.it a competition
  7. Hopefully this team learned that it needs to take car of buisness throughout the season, the Jags game and the Pat's game come to mind, had we won one of those games the chiefs would have had to come to Buffalo. With how poor our running game was it's a surprise we ended up being as good as we where.
  8. Gotta love when the "everyone gets a trophy" generation posts.
  9. NFL overtime rules are garbage, come down to a coin flip
  10. Truth be told Belichick has them playing above expectations. However I'll see the Boston Globes " put him under a microscope" and raise them to " fire him now."
  11. Teams with good defensive fronts beat us because our Oline is bad and our rbs are bad, not average, not ok, not mediocre but bad.
  12. It's much simpler, our offensive line is bad and a our rbs are bad. Every loss we have our oline has been handled. The moment we try and commit to a running game our backs turn the ball over. We have very good receivers and a very good qb, but her cant go through his progressions and set his feet.
  13. We have better talent but offensive coaching philosophy we are grossly outmatched. Our offensive line went to shambles and it's taken us 3 games to start to adjust to help josh out. Why are we still not playing "small ball" with beasly and davis underneath? Seems like quick passes underneath would help the oline protect josh and keep the chains moving. Why did it take so long to get Breida involved he is the only back we have with NFL speed to bounce it outside and pick up a few yards turning the corner. Hoping we get this all ironed out and we get a full arsenal of adjustments by playoff time.
  14. Doesnt matter who your QB is Allen, Mahomes, Wilson, or even Brady. Even with weapons if there Oline is trash they all can look mediocre even with the weapons. Whether it's a blown assignment, a penalty, or just getting beat at the line, it all puts more of a load on one guy
  15. We cant run the ball, we cant win in ***** weather. We cant run the ball we cant control the clock and keep high scoring offenses off the field.
  16. Josh is under center and he turns his back to the defense. We are in the gun, have spread formations, and dont utilize play action. So when the defensive line sees this it allows them to swarm. Was the Jacksonville crowd so loud that Dawkins couldnt use it to his advantage? Was the LG suppose to chip him and peel off? The DT accros from him was inside gap and didnt penetrate the gap first he ran straight towards the ball carrier. Not playing it honest tells me he had a pretty good guess where the ball was going or it was a good defensive call.
  17. Hopefully they find the right combination of players upfront. Our offensive line has been uninspiring this year. With Derrick Henry's injury and the Oakland raiders drama it's almost like the AFC is clearing a path for us and our Oline and RBs are very concerning.
  18. RB and Offensive line are our weakest areas by far. Its shown in both the steelers and the titans games this year. I think we are better with William's at RT and Boettenger at left guard and Mongo at Right Guard. Either way our interior OL will be the main focus in the offseason
  19. This page was much more enjoyable prior to the social media era. For the most part people shared news, info, thoughts, and views. It seems like facebook sometimes where people just go to complain and degrade people with different views.
  20. Hoping he plays under center more, playing in the gun so much indicates he may have needed more help seeing the defense. Also handing the ball off that much deeper in the back field is part of the reason our running game wasnt as effective. Hoping he plays under center more, playing in the gun so much indicates he may have needed more help seeing the defense. Also handing the ball off that much deeper in the back field is part of the reason our running game wasnt as effective.
  21. Hasn't most everyone worked at a place they absolutely hated and trash it every chance they get??
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