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Pirate Angel

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Everything posted by Pirate Angel

  1. Replacing Groy..can play center and guard a very valuable ability for a backup when it comes to the 53 man roster
  2. Doubtful that the d line will be addressed in the off season, thinking Harrison and Phillips rotate replacing kyle. Star mans the other tackle , Hughes, shaq, Murphy man the ends...maybe a depth signing but to many needs for a major move
  3. There may have been Juan reason Dawkins regressed
  4. Better Wrs Improved run game Improved OL A full year in a new system And a full off season with Allen at the helm with the starters The futures looking bright I gotta wear shades?
  5. Yes go find your Langston Walker, mike gandy, tuten Reyes, Melvin Fowler, Derrick dockery, trey Teague, and other experienced professionals and build a dominant oline.
  6. Not sure how Kyle and fred Jackson kept suiting up and playing hard year after year non horrible teams but it was a pleasure to be a a fan of theres
  7. The way Allen likes to run ...we need a dependable backup, it's not out of the question that he will start 2-5 games a year
  8. Allen also had some careless turnovers, you cant say he played good enough to win when he turned the ball over 3 times.
  9. cant wait untill we get some weapons and an oline around Allen
  10. Dawkins struggled at RT last season...he has shown he's a decent LT. A right tackle will usually move to left tackle, the other way doesnt always work at this level as a switch from left to right tackle could cost millions down the road
  11. I don't think bodine has been all that bad, having ducasse and miller as guards was a nightmare. Teller looks like he's going to man the left for awhile, miller desperately needs to be replaced..I'm calling Bodine and Mills a wash, neither are good, both are somewhat serviceable. Considering you can't have allstars across the board I'd rather improve at tackle than center
  12. Id like to see him rework his contract to become a 3rd down back/mentor. I realize this is just a pipe dream but he is still very effective as a receiver coming out of the backfield. However we will have cap room so waiting until after free agency and the draft and seeing if you have a suitable replacement might be wise
  13. So is Baker the only guy who sees his former boss and gives him a go ***** yourself?? Classless? Immature? No couthe?...he's not stealing, not trying to screw someone's old lady, not putting on a false persona. He's a football player, he doesn't need to be PC, doesn't need a filter. It's perfectly ok not to respect and like other people, as long as he has the respect of that locker room.
  14. Between Anderson and Peterman,, Allen should have a firm grasp on what not to do.
  15. who would have thought Wyatt Teller would have made this much of a differance
  16. Making a reference that there is historic proof that your comment is irrelevant is unintelligent??
  17. How many of us bust our ***** to be competent at our jobs and will never see the money that Peterman has over 2 years while being the worst qb the league has ever seen...lifes not fair
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