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Pirate Angel

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Everything posted by Pirate Angel

  1. Hard to be a successful pass rusher when your coach drops you into coverage
  2. Massachusetts is highly taxed also, most every player is willing or wanting to play there...land a franchise QB and they will come
  3. Yeah I didn't say anything about who's better than what...but yeah Benjamin is better than Goodwin and so isn't Zay. Robert woods would have been nice to keep but cap situations and the fact he didn't seem to have much interest resigning, with no QB and a chance to play closer to home. And to add Watkins he is loaded with talent but hasn't exactly lit it up in his career which gives me the impression he has no more heart than Benjamin.
  4. It's funny that we weren't good with these players, made the playoffs without them, but somehow they would save this team.
  5. I guess you long for the 20 years of being average, winning 6 or 7 games and not a measly 4.
  6. He's not a good player by any means but sadly enough he may be our 2nd best starter on the line
  7. Was it Thad Lewis we signed mid season and he ended up having to start a few weeks later? He actually had a halfway decent game...isn't there one of those guys out there? He wasn't good by any means but it wasn't atrocious like peterman
  8. #1 reciever on this team is the equivalent of winning a medal in the special Olympics
  9. The only thing encouraging is we won't have to trade up 2 first round picks to move up to# 4 to draft a wide reciever, heck we'll be able to trade back to 4
  10. Remember all the horrid offensive lines we've had and made fun of on TBD for years...yeah this one's even worse
  11. The games to fast for him as expected this early in his career and he has no help. If the line could hold up a little extra for him to process, get a running game going, but we are lucky if they don't discinigrate immediately. Receivers need to catch the balls that are catchable, it's sickening. Every play a member of this offense is getting beat, Allen needs to be a game manager at this point instead he's seeing 3rd in long, has no confidence staying in The pocket (understandably) and being forced to make plays.
  12. IF Ducasse is still starting next year everyone at one bills drive needs to die
  13. We should just start preparing for the Jets and dolphins, they may be our only winable games left
  14. Can you blame him, behind this line is like playing in the interstate during rush hour. Heck he probly has to change his underwear after every series
  15. wouldnt Matthews be the first player youd identify when going to the line??
  16. Bad situation for Allen. No wrs, horrible offensive line, no running game. In an ideal world he would just.be asked.to manage the game instead if Josh can't make a play than the offense is stagnant.
  17. Well at least we look like an under talented football team instead if a.complete cluster !@#$
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