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Pirate Angel

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Everything posted by Pirate Angel

  1. Maybe you should contact the nfl and get an application... The pay millions of dollars for people to analyze potential players, people who routinely get it wrong. I'm sure they would love to have someone so sure of who will be successful in this league
  2. Brady wasn't even a full time starter at Michigan and Tebow had the same awards as Cam ..what's your point?
  3. This off season will be huge for Josh, he needs to be healthy for it...wise decision not to rush him
  4. I'm thinking the Humber release may be to let the younger players play than keep an average at best veteran that isn't in the future plans
  5. No it will be another trainwreck, pre dog fight Micheal Vick or a similar skillset is imo is the only QB that could make this offense look competent.
  6. He played like a backup...as soon as the opposition gets a decent lead and the ball has to be put in his hands, that's all she wrote. Particularly with no recievers and a disastrous o line
  7. Can this poo play quarterback? We can really use something with its ***** together
  8. Yeah signing guys that might make your team average is has worked great over the last 20 years...I'll take my chances with a horrid season in the Hope's we can obtain some elite talent
  9. He can manage a game, unfortunately our offense as a whole is terrible and cant score points. This causes us to fall behind on the scoreboard and put the ball in the QBs hands. Wether it be Derek, Tyrod, Josh Allen, Matt Moore, AJ Macarron none of these guys are players that will win when the game is put into there hands. With a stout defense in place this next offseason will be focused on improving the offense. Lots of cap room to spend, a high draft pick which i think theyll attempt to trade back for multiple picks, and an entire offseason with Josh Allen practicing with the #1s, no way we dont improve
  10. When he fakes the handoff on play action and he turns around to pass and there's not 3 defenders in his face...that must be cool
  11. I think the front office and coaching staff where surprised as anyone with the playoff birth. Obviously the process included getting a qb in a qb rich class but with the playoff record it forced them to use valuable draft picks to trade up, if we where able to use one of those 2nd round picks on an interior lineman our line might of improved. I believe this regime will get at least 2 more years, next year we should be back to an average 7-9, 8-8 record, year after that they will be expected to make a playoff push
  12. Yeah let's go back to.the way we've done things the past 18 years, that worked well.
  13. At least we'll have some touchdown passes, to the other team but touchdown passes none the less
  14. You're not going to get any value for 35 year old players
  15. Mahomes is surrounded by one of the best supporting cast in the league , much more experienced offensive minded coach, and wasn't prematurely thrust into the starting lineup. What would he look like last year on this Bills offense? Ive watched some of Kansas citys games and thought he made some exceptional athletic plays with a nice touch pass here and there but many, of his passes his offensive weapons are wide open (like high school wide open) combined with a decent ground game and a solid oline the play calling is able to be more creative with play action, miss direction, rollouts. IM not completely sold that he's all that Yet. Could he make a talentless offense good or somewhat productive? Is he in time going to be able to have any player plugged in around him and make them better ala Brady and Rodgers ??
  16. Gailey won 6 games 3 years in a row here and has never won anywhere he has been a head coach, not the best analogy
  17. That would be our luck, passed on mahomes, Allen's a bust, won't use a very high draft pick on a QB because of Allen. I sincerely hope not, I really like the kid
  18. Maybe they've contacted the free agents, I mean if your a wr and you get a call saying this is the buffalo bills, the next sound is...click
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